5UnSkewed Polls Projection: Romney 275 Electoral Votes to Obama 263 Electoral Votes
Erasing the Bias to Show an Accurate Picture of Politics: The QStarNews projection of the 2012 presidential race sees Mitt Romney being elected the next president of the United States with 50.67 percent of the popular vote and 275 electoral votes to President Obama's 48.88 percent and 263 electoral votes.QStarNews predicts the turnout nationally will includes 36.4 percent Democrats, 36.1 Republicans and 27.5 percent independents. QStarNews predicts turnout will rise by about four percent, or a total of about 131,165,384 voters including about 600,000 for third party candidates and the rest going to Romney and Obama.
Methodology: For EACH state, all of the following information was considered: results from the last four elections averaged together, recent political trends in that state (such as Republicans winning control of both houses of the state legislature in 2010 in Maine and New Hampshire), recent trends in demographic makeup that affect the politics of the state (such as the growth of hispanics in Colorado causing the Democratic Party to become more competitive), and the degree to which one or both of the major campaigns are targetting that state, such as both campaigns making Ohio the most important state and campaigning there more than any other state, and any other relevant political factors and data such as public polls from a variety of pollling firms, as well as data from the QStarNews polls of the presidential race. From all of this information a percentage breakdown of each state is calculated between Romney and Obama. This projection is expected to be spot-on accurate for predicting the outcome in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and close to the actual popular vote.
All the projections and prognosticators agree on the other 39 states and the District of Columbia, leaving the disagreements on which candidate is going to win most of the infamous 11 keys swing states, often referred to as “battleground” states by some. QStarNews and UnSkewedPolls.com have conducted three survey of these 11 keys swing states, including the latest one. Those 11 states are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.
Among those states that all seem to agree on in projecting, President Obama leads with 201 electoral votes to Mitt Romney having 191 electoral votes. The Real Clear Politics map with toss-up states, shows those states that are clearly consensus who will win those. Below is the anaylsis of how the 11 keys swing states will fall when all the votes are counted, recounted, litigated, reviewed, recanvassed or whatever else might happen.
Iowa, New Hampshire and Wisconsin are going to be some of the closest states in the entire election. They are all too close to call by the latest polling data. Commentary Kirsten Powers pointed out something interesting about these states on Fox News tonight, that they all allow same-day voter registration and that the Obama campaign has been very good at getting voters registered and voting in states that allow this. That point is well-taken and for that reason these states will very narrowly go for President Obama. That puts the electoral count 221 Obama to 191 Romney.
The next grouping of swing states are Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. These have historically been “red” states and Romney leads in the RCP average in North Carolina and Florida. It's an easy prediction to call those for Romney. Virginia shows a very small Obama lead in the RCP average that is skewed by a few late-reporting skewed polls. Removing those, the RCP average in Virginia would favor Romney as it did just a day or two ago. Mitt Romney will win Virginia close. These states are worth 57 electoral votes, and move the count to Obama 221 to Romney 248.
Like that grouping, the grouping of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada are states that are close but are more likely to go for President Obama. Obama leads in the RCP average in all three, and will win these three. They are worth 42 electoral votes, which brings the count to Obama 263 to Romney 248.
Colorado is in a category by itself. The RCP average shows Obama leading 48.8 percent to Romney at 47.3 percent. Mitt Romney has campaigned extensively in this race recently, has had some great rallies and connected well with the voters. The last Rasmussen survey of the state, based on a very balanced and fair sample, shows Romney winning the state 50 percent to 47 percent. Other than a skewed Public Policy Polling survey, the rest of the polls show Romney tied or leading or trailing by a margin that is within the margin of error. The vote will be within one or two percent with Romney winning Colorado. That puts the count at Obama 263 to Romney 257 with only Ohio left to decide the election.
The race is Ohio is like the national race, it is a story of many believing skewed polls that show President Obama performing stronger than he really is while Romney is likely to surprise them in winning it. Many of the polls for Ohio are skewed and so too is the RCP average because of that. The most recent poll for Ohio is the Ohio Poll/Univ. of Cincinnati survey that shows Obama leading 50 percent to 49 percent with a 3.3 percent margin of error. The latest Rasmussen poll of Ohio has the race in the state tied at 49 percent.
As Karl Rove has pointed out, the Democrats huge advantage in early voting from 2008 has been lessened by a more effective Republican early voting organization this year. This year's early voting includes more than 576,000 Democrats to 492,000 Republicans. That margin is about 265,000 less than the larger margin by which Democrats dominated early voting four years ago in Ohio. That cancels the 262,000 vote margin by which Obama won Ohio four years ago. The election day voting in 2008 was won by McCain by 75,000 votes, who lost the state overall since Obama had won the early voting by more than 337,000 votes. Additionally, it is estimated that more than 350,000 evangelical Christians, who were primary supporters of Mike Huckabee in the 2008 primaries, did not turn out to vote for McCain in the general election.
Mitt Romney is going to easily win the election day voting in Ohio, and the more of those 350,000 evangelicals voting only adds to Romney's margin in Ohio. Romney will win Ohio by two or three percent state-wide and about 200,000 votes. With Ohio's 18 electoral votes, Mitt Romney wins the election with 275 electoral votes to Barack Obama at 263 electoral votes.
Below is the map of the electoral votes and then below that the raw data showing both percentages and actual projected number of votes for the two candidates in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Historical data from the last four elections is included for comparing.
November Surprise: Tabloid "National Enquirer" Finally Reveals Obamas' Sham Marriage on Election Eve
Michelle met with divorce lawyers three times and even had them draw up legal papers — was jealous of "Scandal" beauty Kerry WashingtonTHE NATIONAL ENQUIRER -- Barack and Michelle Obama's 20-year marriage is a loveless sham – a secret they’re keeping from the American people, The ENQUIRER can reveal exclusively.The president’s marriage has been hanging by a thread since Michelle met with divorce lawyers not once but THREE times and even had them draw up legal papers to make the split official, say sources.
“Barack and Michelle put on a good show when they’re out in public, but as soon as the cameras are off they are at each other’s throats,” revealed a Washington insider.
“They make a lot of political capital about how close they are and how important their marriage is to them – but the reality is that it’s been a sham for a long time.”
Their relationship deteriorated so badly while they were living in Chicago that a distraught Michelle prepared divorce papers in 2000 following her husband’s failed attempt to win a House seat.
In his book “The Amateur,” best-selling author Ed Klein wrote that Michelle was furious the future commander-in-chief had entered the race against her wishes and accused him of putting at risk their “stable and secure future.”
One of the first lady’s friends told Klein that Barack, 51, was so depressed his pals feared the worst.
Although she never served the legal papers, The ENQUIRER has learned that Michelle, 48, also consulted divorce lawyers before her husband launched his successful 2008 bid for the presidency.
“Michelle didn’t want all the attention and she didn’t want to raise their children under such magnified scrutiny,” explained the insider. “But she was eventually persuaded to go along with Barack and support the campaign.”
But just last year, Michelle had a secret consultation with a divorce lawyer because she was at her wits’ end over the marriage.
Insiders say that despite what she says in public, Michelle wanted to return to Chicago to give their daughters Malia, 14 and Sasha, 11, a normal life.
“She was also under public attack for wasting taxpayer dollars on her lavish vacation and spending sprees – and she just couldn’t take another minute living in the fishbowl,” a Washington, D.C., source told The ENQUIRER.
“She didn’t want Barack to seek re-election at the time. She’d had it with everything and that’s when the never-before-disclosed second conference with the divorce attorney took place.
“She was told, however, that it would destroy the White House if she took things further, and she was advised that if it helped, she should move into a guest bedroom or seek therapy.”
Another source claims Michelle blew up just days after the couple’s 20th wedding anniversary, which fell the same day as the president’s disastrous performance in the first debate against Mitt Romney on Oct. 3.
When she heard Barack was heading to Hollywood on a fundraising trip, she demanded that he stay away from
TV's "Scandal” beauty Kerry Washington
Can this beauty cure his gayness?– who’s become one of the most familiar faces on Team Obama – or their marriage was definitely over!
“First Mitt Romney cleaned his clock on the debate floor then Michelle kicked him in the head over her fears of him cheating with Kerry,” said an insider.
“The guy just couldn’t get a break!”
The dispute continued as the couple celebrated a tense anniversary dinner in Georgetown on Oct. 6.
“On the ride home their marriage exploded again because Michelle is jealous of Kerry being around Barack,” said a source. “She warned him, ‘If I hear you’re seeing her behind my back, we’re through!’”
In a recent report, sources revealed that the president had a meltdown and blasted Michelle, saying it would be her fault if he loses the election on Nov. 6.
Body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass reviewed recent pictures of the couple together and told The ENQUIRER the tension in the relationship was clear. “In one picture, Michelle really looks on edge and Barack looks like he resents her,” said Dr. Glass.
One of the major causes of their ugly confrontations is the millions in taxpayer dollars Michelle spends holidaying with daughters to escape from Washington.
“Close aides say their screaming fights behind closed doors are so loud they can clearly hear the shouting,” said a source.
Added the insider: “If the election goes badly for Obama, his job might not be all he loses. His marriage may be over as well.”
Real Good Reasons to Oust 0bama!
Gingrich: Senator Told Me Networks May
Have White House Emails Ordering Counterterrorism Group to 'Stand Down and Do Nothing'On Tuesday night’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that major news networks might have secret emails proving that the White House canceled plans to assist the besieged U.S. Embassy in Benghazi.
Gingrich said that the bombshell emails could be revealed within the next two days.“There is a rumor — I want to be clear, it’s a rumor — that at least two networks have emails from the National Security Adviser’s office telling a counterterrorism group to stand down,” Gingrich said. “But they were a group in real-time trying to mobilize marines and C-130s and the fighter aircraft, and they were told explicitly by the White House stand down and do nothing.
This is not a terrorist action. If that is true, and I’ve been told this by a fairly reliable U.S. senator, if that is true and comes out, I think it raises enormous questions about the president’s role, and Tom Donilon, the National Security Adviser’s role, the Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, who has taken it on his own shoulders, that he said don’t go.
And that is, I think, very dubious, given that the president said he had instructions they are supposed to do everything they could to secure American personnel.”
After noting that the rumor, if true, would have a substantial impact on the presidential election, Gingrich pointed to another possible “October surprise” in the coming days.
“The other big story, I think, that is going to break is on corruption and extraordinary waste in the solar power grants and direct involvement by the Obama White House, including the president, in the solar panel grants involving billions of dollars, and I suspect that’s going to break Wednesday and Thursday of this week,” Gingrich added.
of Benghazi-GateLet’s go back to 2004. Cindy Sheehan had been turned into a media star during the 2004 presidential election for no reason other than that her son had died and she was willing to lend her name to the left’s campaign. There was no specific issue that Sheehan raised, but nevertheless the media was willing to cover her every sneeze.
And now 2012. Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods, one of the Navy SEALS killed at the Benghazi consulate, has made serious allegations about his encounter with Hillary Clinton and the refusal of the Obama Administration to save his son. And the media has conducted a complete blackout of the story.
The only mainstream media outlets to report on it are ABC News where Jake Tapper occasionally challenges the administration, but Tapper carefully left out Hillary Clinton’s statement that they were going after the Mohammed filmmaker, which may be the most damning part of the story. And the Christian Science Monitor which leans left but also has a history of being somewhat independent.
And that’s not counting
conservative figures like Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post.
Mainstream media coverage has repeated Panetta’s statement that the rescue could not happen because of a lack of intel, without challenging it in any way. There is hardly any coverage of the controversy because the media refuses to touch it. And yet how can the statements of Senator McCain and Charles Woods not be covered? They can only be sidelined until the election, which is what the media is doing, buying a little more time for Obama to win.
Rahm Emanuel hit the morning shows, mechanically reciting talking points about Obama bringing the killers to justice just like he did Osama bin Laden, while avoiding Bob Schieffer’s questions. When Bob Schieffer asked him about Susan Rice’s false statements about the video, Emanuel began rambling about Obama’s nation building plan at home to provide broadband access.
But at least Bob Schieffer was making an effort. David Gregory
shut down any discussion about Libya.
Meanwhile the New York Times chose to suppress coverage of the Congressional hearings on Libya, instead covering
“six belonged on The Times’s front page. It had significant news value, regardless of the political maneuvering that is inevitable with less than four weeks to go until the election. And more broadly, there is a great deal of substance on this subject that warrants further scrutiny.
"I can’t think of many journalistic subjects that are more important right now, or more deserving of aggressive reporting."
But the only aggressive coverage of Benghazigate is coming from FOX News. By refusing to cover Benghazigate, the media is acting to cover it up, at least long enough to give the man responsible for it another chance at the Oval Office.
CIA Operators Were Denied Request
for Help During Benghazi Attack
Due knot disturb by ordur of POTUS. See Valerie Jarrett if gutsy call kneaded.Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack several hours later was denied by U.S. officials -- who also told the CIA operators twice to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.
Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. Consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When he and others heard the shots fired, they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out. They were told to "stand down," according to sources familiar with the exchange. Soon after, they were again told to "stand down."
Woods and at least two others ignored those orders and made their way to the Consulate which at that point was on fire. Shots were exchanged. The quick reaction force from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the Consulate and Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the ambassador and returned to the CIA annex at about midnight.
At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound. The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Specter gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights. The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours -- enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators.
A Special Operations team, or CIF which stands for Commanders in Extremis Force, operating in Central Europe had been moved to Sigonella, Italy, but they too were told to stand down. A second force that specializes in counterterrorism rescues was on hand at Sigonella, according to senior military and intelligence sources. According to those sources, they could have flown to Benghazi in less than two hours. They were the same distance to Benghazi as those that were sent from Tripoli. Specter gunships are commonly used by the Special Operations community to provide close air support.
According to sources on the ground during the attack, the special operator on the roof of the CIA annex had visual contact and a laser pointing at the Liby
n mortar team that was targeting the CIA annex. The operators were calling in coordinates of where the Libyan forces were firing from.Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters at the Pentagon on Thursday that there was not a clear enough picture of what was occurring on the ground in Benghazi to send help.
"There's a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking going on here," Panetta said Thursday. "But the basic principle here ... is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on."
U.S. officials argue that there was a period of several hours when the fighting stopped before the mortars were fired at the annex, leading officials to believe the attack was over.
Fox News has learned that there were two military surveillance drones redirected to Benghazi shortly after the attack on the Consulate began. They were already in the vicinity. The second surveillance craft was sent to relieve the first drone, perhaps due to fuel issues. Both were capable of sending real time visuals back to U.S. officials in Washington, D.C. Any U.S. official or agency with the proper clearance, including the White House Situation Room, State Department, CIA, Pentagon and others, could call up that video in real time on their computers.
Tyrone Woods was later joined at the scene by fellow former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, who was sent in from Tripoli as part of a Global Response Staff or GRS that provides security to CIA case officers and provides countersurveillance and surveillance protection. They were killed by a mortar shell at 4 a.m. Libyan time, nearly seven hours after the attack on the Consulate began -- a window that represented more than enough time for the U.S. military to send back-up from nearby bases in Europe, according to sources familiar with Special Operations. Four mortars were fired at the annex. The first one struck outside the annex. Three more hit the annex.
A motorcade of dozens of Libyan vehicles, some mounted with 50 caliber machine guns, belonging to the February 17th Brigades, a Libyan militia which is friendly to the U.S., finally showed up at the CIA annex at approximately 3 a.m. An American Quick Reaction Force sent from Tripoli had arrived at the Benghazi airport at 2 a.m. (four hours after the initial attack on the Consulate) and was delayed for 45 minutes at the airport because they could not at first get transportation, allegedly due to confusion among Libyan militias who were supposed to escort them to the annex, according to Benghazi sources.
The American special operators, Woods, Doherty and at least two others were part of the Global Response Staff, a CIA element, based at the CIA annex and were protecting CIA operators who were part of a mission to track and repurchase arms in Benghazi that had proliferated in the wake of Muammar Qaddafi's fall. Part of their mission was to find the more than 20,000 missing MANPADS, or shoulder-held missiles capable of bringing down a commercial aircraft. According to a source on the ground at the time of the attack, the team inside the CIA annex had captured three Libyan attackers and was forced to hand them over to the Libyans. U.S. officials do not know what happened to those three attackers and whether they were released by the Libyan forces.
Fox News has also learned that Stevens was in Benghazi that day to be present at the opening of an English-language school being started by the Libyan farmer who helped save an American pilot who had been shot down by pro-Qaddafi forces during the initial war to overthrow the regime. That farmer saved the life of the American pilot and the Ambassador wanted to be present to launch the Libyan rescuer's new school.
CIA Director Petraeus Throws 0bama Under the BusBreaking news on Benghazi: the CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out
this statement:
CIA SPOX: "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.”So who in the
government did tell “anybody” not to help those in need? Someone decided not to send in military assets to help those Agency operators. Would the secretary of defense make such a decision on his own? No.
It would have been a presidential decision. There was presumably a rationale for such a decision.
What was it? When and why—and based on whose counsel obtained in what meetings or conversations —
did President Obama decide against sending in military assets to help the Americans in need? White House Tries to Throw Military Under BusYesterday, the
CIA insisted that "No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate." The denial is in reference to the report that the CIA held back forces from helping the Americans who were under attack in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11.
And today, the White House is making a similar claim.
"Neither the president nor anyone in the White House denied any requests for assistance in Benghazi," an
Obama administration spokesman tells Yahoo's Olivier Knox.
The White House on Saturday flatly denied that President Barack Obama withheld requests for help from the besieged American compound in Benghazi, Libya, as it came under on attack by suspected terrorists on September 11th....
Fox News Channel reported this week that American officials in the compound repeatedly asked for military help during the assault but
were rebuffed by CIA higher-ups. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, asked about that report during a press briefing on Thursday, complained of "Monday-morning quarterbacking" and said he and top military commanders had judged it too dangerous to send troops to the eastern Libyan city without a clearer picture of events on the ground....
And the CIA has denied that anyone in its chain of command rejected requests for help from the besieged Americans.
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: I'm Told 0bama Was in the Room Watching Benghazi AttackLt. Col. Tony Shaffer said tonight that his sources tell him that Obama was one of the people in the room watching the Benghazi attack go down and both he and Col. David Hunt agree it would have taken an order by the president to intervene. Further, Col. Hunt said that we were only 20 min away by jet and a couple of hours away by AC-130 gunships and special forces, and the decision not to intervene had to be political.
View comments by Lt. Col. Tony ShafferMedia Blackout: Why 0bama Dodged the Libya QuestionPresident Obama ran into a buzzsaw yesterday while doing a round-robin of satellite interviews with local news outlets in crucial swing states -- and by "buzzsaw," I mean that rare form of species known as a "real reporter." Kyle Clark of Colorado's KUSA actually asked Obama about the latest revelations out of Libya. According to Fox News, the three requests for help made during the seven-hour attack on our consulate in Benghazi were met with orders from U.S. officials to "stand down." Wisely, Obama dodged this question entirely.
I say "wisely" because, as of right now, outside of a very few exceptions, the CorruptMedia has coordinated with the White House to create a complete blackout around this story. Not even yesterday's denial from the CIA that indirectly implicates the White House garnered any media attention.
In the closing days of a reelection campaign the CorruptMedia is desperate to see Obama win, it's glaringly obvious that nothing this potentially damaging to the president will be allowed to see the light of day -- at least not until after November 6.
Had Obama answered Clark's question yesterday, he would've violated this unspoken blackout agreement by making news. This would've forced the CorruptMedia to cover a story they're desperate to pretend doesn’t exist. Obama knows his Media Palace Guards are covering for him, and he knew that wouldn't have been possible had he done anything that nudged the story.
This is also why Obama filibustered his way through the rest of the interview with Clark. Reporters are only granted a few minutes with the president, and one way Obama controls uncomfortable interviews is to launch into absurdly long answers that run out the clock.
And "run out the clock" over these next 10 days regarding the Libyan scandal is exactly what Obama and his media allies are up to.
Continued >>Who Let Them Die? Newsboy Post Suspects Culprit Might Be Valerie Jarrett!
Obama Just Watched Them Die and Then He LiedUnion Leader Editorial -- Every time President Obama is asked why the U.S. embassy in Libya was denied its multiple requests for extra security at the Benghazi consulate before Sept. 11, he changes the subject. No wonder, as yesterday it was reported that not only were previous requests for extra security denied, but three additional requests on the night of the attack also were denied.
FOX News reported that the two former SEALS killed in the Benghazi raid had requested military support three times after reporting that the consulate was under attack.
Their requests were denied by someone up the CIA chain of command. Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty rescued several personnel and recovered the body of diplomat Sean Smith from the consulate.
At the CIA annex nearby, they came under mortar fire. Their request for a strike on the mortar site was denied. They were later killed by a mortar attack.
Who denied their request for assistance, and why? The families of those brave men deserve answers, as do the American people.
Valerie Jarrett — 0bama Puppet Master and HandlerBy Edward Klein -- Trying to figure out Valerie Jarrett’s mysterious hold on Barack and Michelle Obama is a favorite guessing game in the parlors and dining rooms of Washington. No other White House official in history has enjoyed such a unique relationship with both a president and a first lady, and yet the mainstream media have ignored Jarrett’s enormous influence over the shape and direction of the Obama administration.
Jarrett’s official title — senior adviser and assistant to the president for intergovernmental affairs and public engagement — doesn’t begin to do justice to her unrivaled status in the White House. She is Ground Zero in the Obama operation — the first couple’s first friend and consigliere, the last person to leave the Oval Office after meetings, and the only White House official who dines with the first family in their private quarters at night.
“Valerie is the quintessential insider,” one of her longtime friends told me during an interview for my book,
The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House. “She functions as the eyes, ears, and nose of the president and first lady. She tells them who’s saying what about who, who’s loyal and who’s not. She advises them about who they should see when they visit a city or a foreign country. She determines who gets invited to the White House and who is left out in the cold.”
In the White House pecking order, Jarrett has more clout than the president’s chief of staff. During the savage internecine warfare between Jarrett and Obama’s first two chiefs of staff — Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley — Obama sided most of the time with Jarrett, a classic limousine liberal who believes that Obama was elected president in order to engineer social change. Ultimately, Jarrett emasculated Emanuel and Daley and forced them from their jobs.
She has also been responsible for much of the incompetence and amateurism that have been the hallmarks of Obama’s time in office. Indeed, Jarrett has been on the wrong side of practically every consequential issue to come across the president’s desk. Some examples of her bonehead advice:
● Though both Emanuel and political strategist David Axelrod warned Obama time and again that he didn’t have the votes to ram a comprehensive healthcare bill through Congress, Jarrett was among those who persuaded the president to ignore their advice and go for broke. The result: the hugely expensive, unworkable, unpopular, and probably unconstitutional program known as Obamacare.
● Emanuel tangled with Jarrett over her effort to put the prestige of the presidency behind Chicago’s bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics. Emanuel believed that Jarrett was working on behalf of her old boss, Mayor Daley, and his political cronies, who stood to benefit from the billions of dollars that would be spent on the Olympics. That idea seemed to be lost on the president, who went to Copenhagen to make an impassioned plea for the Olympics, and came back home with egg on his face.
● Jarrett gave her stamp of approval for the $535 million taxpayer-funded loan guarantee to Solyndra, the California solar company that went belly up. Jarrett had close ties to the George Kaiser Family Foundation, which controlled 35.7 percent of Solyndra. The foundation had made a sizable donation to the University of Chicago Medical Center, where Jarrett once served as chairwoman and where one of Obama’s best friends, Eric Whitaker, is currently executive vice president.
● When Jarrett pushed Obama’s proposal to require church-run hospitals and universities to give their employees free contraception, chief of staff Bill Daley secretly arranged an Oval Office meeting between the president and New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops, who argued that the policy violated the principle of religious freedom. When Jarrett learned about Daley’s end-run, she went to the president and vented her anger. After that, Daley realized his days were numbered and resigned.
● Like Obama, Jarrett has a fundamental lack of respect for businessmen. In a typical blunder that sent shudders through the business community, she dismissed Tom Donohue, the highly regarded CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as irrelevant, saying that she preferred to deal with “real” industry executives.
● Jarrett’s lack of judgment in domestic affairs has been matched by her inexperience in international and military affairs. She urged the president not to send in a Navy SEAL team to get Osama bin Laden — the one time that we know of when Obama failed to take Jarrett’s advice.
If Jarrett is wrong so often, why does President Obama trust her above all others and continue to run every decision by her?
In part, her influence stems from the fact that Jarrett is the president’s trusted watchdog. She protects the vainglorious and thin-skinned Obama from critics and complainers who might deflate his ego. No one gets past Jarrett and sees the president if they have a grievance, or a chip on their shoulder, or even an incompatible point of view. That goes for such high-profile supporters as Oprah Winfrey and Caroline Kennedy, who have been largely frozen out of the White House because Jarrett believes they would use the opportunity of a meeting with Obama to push their own competing agenda.
Despite her impeccable social credentials, Jarrett’s record before she went to Washington was spotty at best. After Mayor Daley made her commissioner of planning, she became embroiled in a massive screw-up in the city’s public housing revitalization plan, which cost Chicago millions of dollars in overruns. Daley fired her without explanation.
After she left city hall, Jarrett became CEO of Habitat Executive Services, where she earned $300,000 in salary and $550,000 in deferred compensation. She managed a federally subsidized housing complex that was seized by the government after inspectors found crime-infested slum conditions and widespread blight.
Throughout her career, Jarrett has failed upward. Today she is at the pinnacle of power as Michelle Obama’s closest confidant and Barack Obama’s political soul mate. Though she is the White House official responsible for “public engagement,” she has conspicuously failed to engage. I heard this complaint about Jarrett from practically everyone I interviewed — Republicans and Democrats, African Americans and Jews. They all blamed Jarrett for keeping the president isolated even from those whose good opinion he needed the most.
O C T O B E R S U R P R I S E S !If Your Life Has Been 'One Big Deception'
We Suppose a 'Nose Job' Is a Given . . .
"See, I'm the Epitome of Eye Candy Now"Yet Nother Secret About Obama's Life — After 4 Years in White House, the Surprises Keep ComingBy Jerome Corsi -- It’s becoming increasingly clear, just days before Barack Obama’s bid for re-election, that America still doesn’t know much about the man who has lived in the White House for the last four years.
In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s challenge to Obama to release his college and passport records in exchange for a $5 million donation to Obama’s charities, here’s another secret from Obama’s life of mystery and make-believe.
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert contends President Obama has altered his facial profile for the national stage of American politics, citing two nationally known cosmetic surgery experts he consulted who concluded Obama had a “nose job.”
“It appears Obama had some aesthetic refinement,” said
plastic surgeon J. David Holcolm.
Gilbert is the producer of
“Dreams from My Real Father,” a documentary distributed by the millions to swing states that argues the late Communist Party USA activist Frank Marshall Davis was Obama’s biological as well as ideological father, not Barack Obama, the Kenyan, who came to Hawaii as a student in 1959.
“Obama has gone to great lengths to obscure his past,” Gilbert said. “Now, in addition to the alleged document forgery and photographic forgery by Obama to hide his true identity, we now have evidence of facial forgery.”
Holcolm described in detail his reasons for concluding Obama has had cosmetic surgery.
“The upper and middle nasal vault are both narrowed. The tip and infra-tip are softer and the tip has been rotated up,” he said. “Alar height appears to have been reduced so the lower part of the nose that makes up the nostrils appears softer.
“These changes are not characteristic of the natural aging process,” Holcolm said, “where the tip tends to settle and rotate downward causing the appearance of a longer nose and where the tip also often widens noticeably.”
Wendy Lewis, a cosmetic surgery consultant and author of 11 consumer health and beauty books, including “America’s Cosmetic Doctors & Dentists” and “Plastic Makes Perfect,” agrees.
“In the three younger photographs, Obama appears to have a bulbous nasal tip with wide alar bases, not uncommon with males and with skin of color,” Lewis said. “The more current photos show a thinner nasal tip which suggests some finessing of his nose over the years, but it is a very natural-looking effect.
CLICK HERE -- See Exhibit 2: Obama Nose Comparison, 1990 and 2010As
WND reported, Gilbert mailed 2.7 million DVD copies of “Dreams from My Real Father” to households in Florida, Colorado and Iowa in early October. He
previously sent 1.4 million DVDs to households in Ohio, Nevada, and New Hampshire.
“Dreams from My Real Father” is currently the No. 1-selling documentary on Amazon.com and is also available on Netflix streaming.
On the film’s website,
Gilbert shows three comparison photographs, seen here as Exhibits 1 through 3, that first led him to suspect Obama had undergone rhinoplasty to change his appearance.CLICK HERE -- SEE Exhibit 3: Obama Nose Comparison, 2002 and 2008Gilbert suspects Obama had the surgery because he was “concerned he was looking too much like Frank Marshall Davis as he got older.”
“I don’t think it was a coincidence that Obama chose to undergo a rhinoplasty before running for U.S. Senate and facing the national spotlight,” Gilbert said. “If Obama was identified as Davis’ son, it would connect the Marxist dots of Obama’s entire life journey.”
Gilbert said Obama “needed the Kenyan father fairy tale to misdirect the public away from the fact that he is a red diaper baby, the child of a Communist Party USA propagandist and Soviet agent.”
Gilbert told WND he’s received hundreds of emails people who have received a copy of his documentary in the mail, and the main message is “good folks don’t like it when they’ve been lied to.”
Alex T. from Ohio echoed another common theme: “Your film frightened me for myself, my family and my country. When will the ignorant people realize this man is a fake and is out to destroy our Constitution and way of life?”
“The nose job may not be a bombshell story in itself,” says Joseph Farah, editor of WND. “But it’s just one more piece of evidence amid what has become a mountain range of evidence that Obama is something other than what he has pretended to be. For too long, the Obama-friendly press has systematically withheld the truth about their man and even deliberately hidden and obscured it.”
Obama Pal Claims That Obama Used and Sold Cocaine In College, Romney Camp Rejected InformationA man claiming to be a close pal to President Obama during college made contact with Republican operatives recently, ready to go public with claims that Obama used and sold cocaine in college, RadarOnline.com is reporting exclusively.
The operatives tried to spread the story through the media and the Romney campaign, a source close to the situation told Radar.
“At first he wanted to do a book,” a source close to the situation told RadarOnline.com about the alleged college pal. “But there just wasn’t enough time before the election.
“The people he is involved with have produced other credible information that is damaging to national Democratic figures in the past few years.”
Operatives close to the Romney campaign were contacted and rejected the information, the source told Radar.
“They didn’t want anything to do with it,” the source said. “They thought it was not anything they wanted to be associated with or anything their candidate would want to be associated with.”
In fact, the man’s charges about Obama never reached Mitt Romney.
A proposal of the man’s story was created and viewed by Radar. The document claims that there are multiple sources who can back up allegations that Obama used and sold cocaine in college.
The alleged pal was willing to go on the record for the story and take a polygraph test, according to the source.
“The operatives close to the Romney campaign believed the man’s story would be the ultimate October Surprise but they got nowhere.
“People who would have taken the information to the highest levels of Romney’s campaign just wouldn’t touch it.
“They don’t want their candidate smeared with this type of activity.”
PHOTOS: President Obama Through The YearsGloria Allred Heads To Court, Attempts to Unseal Mitt Romney Testimony and Lift Gag OrderFamed civil rights attorney
Gloria Allred will be in a Boston area courtroom Wednesday in an attempt to unseal
the sworn testimony given by Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, in a prior court case, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting.
"The Boston Globe is headed to court tomorrow morning for an emergency hearing in an attempt to obtain a court order to unseal
the sworn testimony given by Mitt Romney in a prior court case and to lift a gag order so that the parties can speak about Romney. Gloria Allred will be in court representing one of the parties in the case," a source close to the situation tells RadarOnline.com.
The emergency hearing will take place at the Norfolk Probate & Family Court in Canton, Massachusetts, and
Justice Jennifer Ulwick will oversee the proceedings which will begin at 9 amET.
As previously reported,
Drudge Report founder and respected politico, Matt Drudge, tweeted Thursday: "Here she comes. Hearing Gloria Allred out there again, about to make a move. After all, it's her time of the campaign. Team O at the ready!!"
an outspoken supporter of President Barack Obama refused to confirm, or deny, Drudge's
prediction, telling RadarOnline.com: "I have no comment at this time about Mr. Drudge's Tweet. I don't discuss meetings with potential clients."
President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney are locked in a dead heat according to most polls.
Trump Offers $5 Million for Obama College, Passport RecordsDonald Trump is offering to give $5 million to charity if President Obama releases his college and passport records before the election.
"I have a deal for the president, a deal that I don’t believe he can refuse and I hope he doesn’t," Trump said in a
video posted on YouTube on Wednesday.
The real estate mogul made the announcement after promising an election bombshell all week. He said he’ll write a $5 million check to a charity of Obama’s choosing if he "opens up and gives his college records and applications and if he gives his passport applications and records." Trump says the records must be released by Oct. 31.
"If he releases these records, it will end the question and indeed the anger of many Americans,” Trump said. “They’ll know something about their president. Their president will become transparent like other presidents.”
The offer comes after days of teasing an announcement. On Monday, Trump appeared on Fox News and declared: “I have something very, very big concerning the President of the United States.”
Trump offered few details, however. “Everybody is asking about my announcement this Wednesday concerning Barack Obama—just wait and see!” the eccentric reality show host wrote Monday on
Several rumors began circulating about what the announcement could be. One involved the
allegation that the president sold cocaine while in college.
Another was that Trump planned to reveal
divorce papers that were prepared and then discarded two decades ago between President Obama and his wife Michelle.
Trump, who has questioned whether Obama is truthful about where he was born and how he got into college, has had success in getting Obama to release records before. "I’m very honored to have gotten him to release his long form birth certificate, or whatever it may be," Trump bragged in the Wednesday video.
Jesse Jackson, Wright 'Arranged' Obama Marriage — Chicago Sources Claim President Was Part of Dark Subculture
The Obamas with their moms
By Jerome Corsi --
This is the second of a series of articles WND has developed from months of confidential in-person interviews with members of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago who have known Barack and Michelle Obama on a personal basis over many years. In the first story, members of the church claimed Barack Obama benefited from Wright’s “Down Low Club,” part of a documented underground subculture in which black men who engage in homosexual activity marry to maintain respectability in public. Because of the personal risk the sources perceived they were taking to speak candidly about the president and his family, their identities have been masked.As a young single woman, Michelle Robinson was a fixture in the home of civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who along with Rev. Jeremiah Wright “arranged” her marriage to Barack Obama, according to sources in Chicago who know the couple.
“If you want to understand Michelle Obama, you’ve got to go back to Jesse Jackson,” a woman called “Robyn” for this article told WND.
Robyn, who spent several years working for Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition, explained to a WND investigator in Chicago that Michelle Obama “just about grew up in Jesse Jackson’s home.”
“Jesse should have charged her rent and board for the amount of time she spent in his home instead of her own,” she said. Jackson’s daughter, Santita, is still one of Michelle’s best friends. Santita and Jesse Jr. call her “sis,” short for “sister.”
Santita Jackson said in an interview just before Obama took office in 2008 that she has known Michelle Obama since they car-pooled together as high school classmates. Santita was maid of honor at Michelle and Barack Obama’s wedding, and she is the godmother to the Obama’s older daughter, Malia.
Robyn also pointed out Jesse Jackson Jr., a Democratic Party member of the U.S. House from Illinois, served as the national co-chairman of Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.
“It all relates back to Trinity and to the Jesse Jackson orbit of blacks here in Chicago who gave Obama legitimacy and helped him establish his identity as a black man,” Robyn explained.
“The political left wanted to push a black to the presidency, and the key operatives in the Democratic Party decided long ago it wouldn’t be Jesse Jackson (Sr.). Then Jesse wanted it to be his son, but Jesse Jr. has serious drug and mental problems that the world knows about now. These were also known about in the past, and Jesse Jr. was never going to be the black president. So, the political left then chose Obama.”
In an
interview with the Chicago Sun-Times in August, Sandi Jackson admitted her husband, Jesse Jr., was “completely debilitated by depression,” which has
forced him to put his Washington home for sale to pay his medical bills, including his treatment at the Mayo Clinic. He has been absent from Congress since mid-June,
putting his House seat at risk in the November election.
They Met Where?Obama’s retelling of an event most spouses remember precisely for the rest of their lives has caused confusion. Exactly when and how did he first meet Michelle Robinson?
a speech at the New Economic School graduation in Moscow on July 7, 2009, Obama stated he first met Michelle in school.
“I don’t know if anybody else will meet their future wife or husband in class like I did, but I’m sure you’re all going to have wonderful careers,” he said,
according to Newsweek.
The problem is that Michelle Obama earned her degree from Harvard Law School in 1988, and Obama did not arrive at Harvard Law School until that fall, graduating three years later in 1991.
The commonly accepted story is that they first met in Chicago in 1989, when Barack took a summer job as an intern at the Chicago law firm Sidley Austin, and Michelle, who was employed as a lawyer at the firm, was assigned to be his mentor.
WND has reported Allen Hulton, the U.S. postal carrier who delivered mail to the parents of Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers in a Chicago suburb, met Obama in the summer of 1989, while Obama was an intern at Sidley Austin.
In 1991, during their engagement to be married, top Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, then serving as the deputy chief of staff to Mayor Richard M. Daley, hired Michelle to a job in the mayor’s office.
“Michelle hated working for the city even more than she hated working at Sidley Austin,” Robyn told WND.
“At the law firm, she lasted so short of a time because they expected her to do work,” Robyn said. “At the City of Chicago, where she worked under Mayor Daley, Michelle had one of those ‘Jesse hires’ positions. These are patronage jobs where the recipients did nothing.”
Robyn claimed that while working for Daley, Michelle just collected a check, doing very little work.
“She sat at a desk and read the newspaper all day,” Robyn said. “Sometimes she read romance novel paperbacks. No one could say anything to her because she was a ‘Jesse hire.’ This meant if anyone did complain about her not working that Jesse Jackson would get mad at Daley over that, and there would be trouble.”
Robyn said Michelle was “essentially treated like she was Jesse’s daughter, and Michelle’s connections in Chicago were a key to Obama’s rise to power.”
ConnectionsPolitical connections played throughout Michelle’s young life in Chicago. Her father, Fraser C. Robinson III, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in his 20s and eventually walked with the use of crutches, was a volunteer Democratic precinct captain in addition to his job in the boiler room at Chicago’s water purification plant.
As Democratic precinct captain, Robinson had power and influence, given his access to “street money” the Daley machine freely handed out at that time in Chicago’s South Side to make sure black voters turned out to vote for Democratic Party machine candidates.
The Chicago sources told WND the selection of Michelle Robinson for Obama was made by Jesse Jackson, and Jeremiah Wright agreed it would be a good combination.
“It all relates back to Trinity United and to the Jesse Jackson orbit of blacks here in Chicago who gave Obama legitimacy and helped him establish his identity as a black man ‘from Chicago,’” Robyn explained.
“Michelle came from a political family; she was intelligent even if she didn’t really like to work. Wright knew Obama was gay, but he needed the cover of a wife if he were to succeed in politics.”
A current member of Trinity church who has known the Obamas for 20 years, “Carolyn,” confirmed Trinity “helped a lot of blacks get successful and connected.”
“That’s what Wright did for Obama,” she claimed. “He connected Obama in the community, and he helped Obama hide his homosexuality.”
According to Robyn, Jackson explained to Michelle that she would live a life of luxury once Obama was president, and that she never again would have to worry about money.
“Michelle was nasty, and most straight guys would never be able to put up with her moods and temperament,” Robyn maintained. “But Obama really didn’t care. Michelle had the credentials and she looked the part. Obama wasn’t interested in her for sex.”
A source WND will identify as Hazel, a long-term member of the Trinity congregation, insisted Obama remained sexually involved with men after his marriage to Michelle.
“I remember being at this function at Reverend Wright’s house, one of the many parties Wright had, in 1996,” Hazel recalled.
“I went to the room where all the coats were on the bed, because I wanted to leave. I was surprised to find the light in the room was off and the coats were on the floor,” she said. “Then I realized there were two men hugging and kissing in there. One of those men was Obama. This was long before anybody knew Obama, before he became famous like he is today.” Hazel has been telling this story in Chicago since 1996.
Cushy JobWhen Jarrett left Mayor Daley’s office to head Chicago’s Department of Planning and Development, she took Michelle with her.
Jarrett later became the chairwoman of the Chicago Medical Center, and Michelle again got “a cushy job at the Chicago Medical Center with a salary of $317,000,” as reported by Edward Klein on page 117 of his 2012 book “The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House.”
New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor wrote in 2008 that Jarrett would have to be at the top of a list of people who helped Barack and Michelle Obama.
“Nearly two decades ago, Ms. Jarrett swept the young lawyers under her wing, introduced them to a wealthier and better-connected Chicago than their own, and eventually secured contacts and money essential to Mr. Obama’s long-shot Senate victory,” Kantor wrote.
in an interview with Fox News, described Jarrett as the “de facto” president of the United States, “the best friend of the first lady and soul mate of the president.”
“Bathhouse Barry” and Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club"
Hillary’s Campaign Knew About Obama’s Gay Sexcapades — Jokingly Called Him “Bathhouse Barry”By Kevin DuJan -- Dr. Jerome Corsi has bravely broken the longstanding embargo on talking about Jeremiah Wright’s “Down Low Club” at Trinity United Church of Christ here in Chicago.
You can read his article on this HERE, via WND.(Article Follows!)
Like “Fight Club”, the first rule of the “Down Low Club” is to never talk about the “Down Low Club”. If you do, you will be murdered. That’s not a joke. There were a string of murders from 2005-2007 that involved men who were killed because they had knowledge of Jeremiah Wright’s Down Low Club and the closeted gay black men who partook in the club’s orchestrated cover-up of their homosexuality.
In Corsi’s article, he talks about three of the murders (including Donald Young, whom you may have heard of). I also believe a string of bizarre assassination-style killings in Boystown around that same time are also linked to the Down Low Club…but these were white men on the north side of Chicago who were murdered in their apartments by someone the police here never would admit was a serial killer. I moved to Chicago in the spring of 2005 and back then the strip of gay clubs called Halsted was plastered with flyers warning guys to be careful with whom they were bringing home since a murderer was loose killing guys who frequented the bars in Boystown; for those who can remember back to the 90s, this is the same area where Jeffrey Dahmer picked up some of his victims. Chicago was also where John Wayne Gacy (a delegate for Jimmy Carter!) also hunted.
Back then, Mayor Daley did his best to cover up the murders and the corrupt, vintage media worked as a Ministry of Truth (Minitrue for short) for Democrats, as always. “Nothing to see here! Move along!” was the motto of the day, but it never made sense why the killings just stopped at around three guys or why those guys in particular were chosen by the killer.
In 2007, when Donald Young was murdered in his home around Christmas I was already working on the Hillary Clinton campaign and was told repeatedly by my black friends that Young was killed because he started talking to people about Barack Obama being gay.
Hillary’s campaign knew about Obama’s antics on the Chicago gay scene where he was jokingly known as “Bathhouse Barry”. What conservatives don’t understand is that Hillary couldn’t use anything salacious she had on Obama because she needed the black vote behind her if she won the nomination. Hillary’s hands were always tied when it came to nuking Obama with his homosexuality because if it was tied back to her then blacks would be alienated from the Clintons forever since they “went there” and “ruined” the first viable black presidential candidate. There’s another reason that Hillary Clinton would never out Barack Obama and it’s simply that — despite what the obsessive Hillary-haters have felt for twenty-odd-years — the woman is actually a very nice person who just never wanted to go nuclear on anyone. That right there might mean she wouldn’t have made a good President, if she isn’t willing to dump her biggest weapons on an enemy…but I will leave that up to you to decide for yourself.
To this day, people in Chicago are still scared about being murdered for talking about Barack Obama being gay or about what goes on at Trinity United with the still-active “Down Low Club”. Young, gay, black men are mentored into the club and are eventually paired up with often unattractive and difficult to deal with straight black women who never have boyfriends (since guys don’t want to have anything to do with them). A friend of mine in the “Think Squad” of prominent black professionals I talk to regularly calls these women “heifers” and says it’s very common for “cake boys” to be paired up with “heifers” so that “dummies are fooled” into thinking they are straight. Besides the Obamas, famous examples of this are Steadman Graham and Oprah Winfrey (he’s gay, while she’s just plain nasty and conceited), Star Jones and her gay husband whatever his name was, Terry McMillan and Jonathan Plummer (who eventually came out and left her), and Will Smith and Jada Pinckett (who are actually both gay…which is really rare in these arranged marriages because typically gay guys are not married to lesbians for some reason).
It’s kind of hilarious that straight people can’t see this stuff for what it really is, but then again for many years people believed that Rock Hudson and Elton John were both really married to women for love, too.
In retrospect, that’s laughable and crazy…but so will it be in about 5-10 years when the truth about Barack and Michelle Obama comes out as well. And it will come out, too, as soon as people are no longer afraid of being murdered for talking about it.
Chicago is ruled by fear. Living here, people are terrified of the City coming after them with tickets and fines for all sorts of things. Literally, the City tries to trick you into getting parking tickets by posting sets of signs that restrict parking in ways more Byzantine and tangled than the logic problems on an LSAT exam. Then there’s the very real fear of ever saying and doing something to offend an Alderman…who will often times set out on a course of vengeance against you that results in all manner of fines, your losing your lease, your business license being taken away, etc. These guys operate with impunity like mafia Dons in most cases. If you run afoul of the Democrat Party here in some way, you could lose your job if pressure is applied against your boss to fire you…or you’ll just be beaten by goons hired by precinct captains and ward bosses one day. The police will show interest in ever investigating your beating…or your murder if it was politically ordered by Democrats or friends of Democrats. When you land at O’Hare or Midway and see Al Capone’s face on shot glasses and tee shirts just know that his spirit is very much alive in this city, especially with Rahm Emanuel in the Mayor’s office.
Rahm is gay too. I have friends who have slept with him. And, yes, he’s a total bottom if that’s not too much information for you. For years, Rahm has exclusively hired little gay interns who resemble the Hollywood stars that Rahm years for (if you go to the Mayor’s office and see a lot of guys who look like Zac Ephron hanging around, well now you know why). Rahm’s also been very generous politically with his toy boys…ultimately graduating many of them from his stable into choice positions in law firms and brokerage houses by using his political connections. A lot of these guys are straight, too, by the way…but that’s called “gay for pay” when good looking straight guys and gym bunnies essentially prostitute themselves to older gay men for the chance at gaining access to high-paying careers in a bad economy. You probably don’t want to know what some straight guys are willing to do for a while to land big careers in Chicago. This stuff has been happening for years and is very similar to the way Hollywood studios are run. Very few big name male actors made it to the top without being a bottom for a while on casting couches “paying their dues” to the gay producers, directors, and executives who promised them big things down the line.
Rahm Emanuel is worse than Barney Frank in a lot of ways, but everyone’s always been too terrified of him to speak openly about the things he does. He’s sent people dead fish as warnings…has screamed naked at people in the Congressional gym…and here in Chicago as Mayor he holds the Sword of Damocles over a great many heads with the ability to summon any number of goons to persecute and harass people at will. This is what happens when Democrats are re-elected to office over and over again for generations in a city like Chicago.
All this will end one day, because if enough people ridicule the likes of Rahm and Obama the fear people have will vanish. Ridicule is the antidote to fear. Conservative writers never want to touch these topics because they’re afraid of being blackballed for talking about Rahm or Obama being blueballed and jonesing for the old days when they could just head to the baths any time they want and engage in the activities they liked doing with other guys. Take a look at Erik Erikson at RedState for instance. Do you notice how he’s slowly readjusting what he writes to suit Minitrue’s narratives now that he’s working for CNN and wants to eventually be a full-time personality there? When the big money is pushed in front of conservative writers, they lose interest in writing stories that damage the Left and instead think about all the cool things they’ll get to buy when they sell out completely to Minitrue’s wishes.
I’m surprised Dr. Corsi has put everything on the line and taken on the Trinity United story and the Down Low Club. He’s a brave, brave man. No doubt, he’ll have speaking engagements canceled and will have trouble booking himself on radio and TV shows in the future because when you start telling the secrets about gay politicians there are consequences for you personally and professionally. Minitrue will punish you…but other conservatives will as well since they want to stay in Minitrue’s good graces (in hopes they can become the next Erik Erikson).
A lot of the stuff that people don’t know is because Minitrue doesn’t want you to know any of this…since it hurts Democrats.
But, it’s all there. Like I’ve said a thousand times already, people talk about this stuff NONSTOP in the bars and gay clubs here in Chicago. It’s not a secret to any of us on the ground. Every black person I know has intimate knowledge of the Down Low Club. It’s as well-known as the gospel choir and serves as distinct and important a purpose. Every black church has a “program” like the Down Low Club, though few to none will call it that. Some white Baptist churches have misguided efforts like this too…where clearly gay men are pushed to marry the women in the church that no straight men wants. This prevents the women from becoming spinsters and gives the gay guys the beards they need to be productive (and reproductive, in cases like Obama’s) members of society. What better way to disappear the gay guys in your congregation while simultaneously getting rid of the women that have bad attitudes or are too ugly for straight guys to want anything to do with?
I know it’s bizarre to come to the realization that a closeted gay black man is currently President of the United States…but that is reality, folks. I’ve told you before that I had an aunt who was in LOVE with Liberace all through the 70s and into the 80s…and even ten years after his death she STILL would not admit the man was gay. I heard from my cousin that it was only about five years ago that she FINALLY took down the pictures she had of him in the little shrine she’d created of his memorabilia (and sold it all on eBay). There are older women I know who still walk around brokenhearted over Rock Hudson. In a few years, the teenyboppers of today will be doing the same thing over Taylor Lautner, Zac Ephron, and Leonardo DiCaprio. I don’t know why straight people have such a hard time sometimes picking out gay guys…but then again, I’m oblivious to most closeted lesbians so maybe it’s something that only gay guys can spot in each other.
Trinity United has a lot to lose and will not respond well to Dr. Corsi’s expose. I expect the blowback to be fierce. I hope he’s ready for it. There are a lot of powerful and influential black gay men in Chicago who had their marriages of convenience arranged through Jeremiah Wright who will not want their covers blown. A few Bears players. Doctors. Lawyers. Political figures. Ministers. CEOs. You name it.
And, of course, the current President of the United States too. But you already knew that.
Jeremiah Wright's Trinity Church Members Reveal Obama Shocker!
"I'm the Epitome of Eye Candy"'Matchmaker' Rev. Jeremiah Wright 'Provided Cover for Gays'By Jerome Corsi (NEW YORK) – Ten years ago, the New York Times reported on a growing underground subculture in the black community known as Down Low, comprised largely of men who secretly engage in homosexual activity while living “straight” lives in public.
It’s within that subtext that opposition researchers for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign began investigating rumors that Rev. Jeremiah Wright was running a “matchmaking service” for members of his Trinity United Church of Christ known as the Down Low Club, which included Barack Obama.
Over the past several months, WND investigators have interviewed a number of members of the church who claim the president benefited from Wright’s efforts to help black men who engage in homosexual activity appear respectable in black society by finding them a wife.
The 2003 New York Times story, “Double Lives on the Down Low,” said that though many black men reject “a gay culture they perceive as white and effeminate,” they “have settled on a new identity, with its own vocabulary and customs and its own name: Down Low.”
The Times said that while “there are black men who are openly gay, it seems that the majority of those having sex with men still lead secret lives, products of a black culture that deems masculinity and fatherhood as a black man’s primary responsibility – and homosexuality as a white man’s perversion.”
The Down Low Club at Trinity “doesn’t have meetings, and it isn’t like the Rotary Club,” a source identified for this article as “Carolyn” explained to a WND investigator in Chicago.
“It was more that Wright served as a matchmaker,” said Carolyn, a 20-year member of Trinity who has played a role in church administration and knows the Obamas personally.
“He kept his eye on the young guys coming up in Trinity,” she said, “and if he spotted someone that acted or looked gay, then Wright would give them kind of a guidance counselor-type direction on how to keep down low – how to do the things they wanted to do, but then also getting married and looking ‘respectable’ – being part of black society.”
To Trinity insiders, the Down Low Club was simply known as “the program.”
“That’s the terminology. At Trinity, you’re urged to ‘get with the program,’” explained a male beneficiary of the Down Low Club. “What that means is it’s OK to go ahead and have sex with men, just as long as you ‘get with the program’ and marry a woman, somebody no straight guy would want to marry.”
The wife, the Down Low Club member explained, is “your ‘beard,’ your cover – so you can look like you’re living a straight life, even though you’re not.”
The male source was a “computer consultant” who claims not to know “scratch” about computers. But “getting with the program” at Trinity meant he could keep living a “gay” life and receive lots of computer consulting work thrown his way by Trinity, as long as he was willing to marry an unattractive woman who otherwise might have ended up a lonely spinster with no means to provide for living. Carolyn explained that for many black families, attending Trinity was a way out of poverty.
“Trinity was a chance to network,” she said. “The stuff preached was hateful, but about 70 percent of those who go there ignore the radical rhetoric and just trying to get ahead.”
Carolyn said Trinity “helped a lot of blacks get successful and connected.”
“That’s what Wright did for Obama,” she claimed. “He connected Obama in the community, and he helped Obama hide his homosexuality.”
Openly homosexual author and commentator
Keith Boykin, a former White House adviser to President Bill Clinton, mentions Obama’s former pastor, Wright, on pages 264-265 of his 2005 book “Beyond the Down Low: Sex, Lies, and Denial in Black America.” While Boykin doesn’t refer to the Down Low Club by name, he regards Wright as among a small group of ministers who are “coming to grips with sexuality and opening up a dialogue with heterosexuals, homosexuals, and bisexuals in the pews.”
Chicago-based author, businessman, speaker and HIV/AIDS activist
J.L. King wrote a controversial book in 2005 called “On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of ‘Straight’ Black Men who Sleep with Men.”He was a guest on Oprah Winfrey’s Chicago-based TV show in 2004, which described him this way: “J.L. King had a life most would envy. He married his high school sweetheart, had two healthy children and was on the fast track to success. But, unbeknownst to his family and friends, he had a dark secret—he was living on the down low.”
Remember the Choir DirectorCarolyn and the other members of Trinity who provided statements corroborating her testimony were insistent that WND conceal their identities as a condition of being interviewed. “I’m still scared to discuss any of this,” Carolyn said.
“At Trinity, if you even hint at talking about Obama being gay, you are reminded of our dear departed choir director,” she said. “He was killed, and it wasn’t a robbery. The Christmas presents weren’t touched. The TV was not taken, nothing in the apartment was missing.”
Carolyn’s reference was to
Donald Young, the 47-year-old homosexual choirmaster at Trinity who died of multiple gunshot wounds in his Chicago apartment Dec. 24, 2007.Young’s murder was preceded Nov. 17, 2007, with the execution-style murder of 25-year-old
Larry Bland, another black gay member of Trinity United. He also was murdered in his home, dying of multiple gunshot wounds, according to his death certificate.Just two days after the murder of Young, a third openly “gay” member of Wright’s church, Nate Spencer, reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia and AIDS.
Sensational ChargesAs
WND reported last month, a prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House. In April,
WND reported a federal judge dismissed a libel case against Larry Sinclair, a homosexual who claimed Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign had paid to rig a polygraph test regarding Sinclair’s sensational charge that he had sex and used cocaine twice with Obama while Obama was an Illinois state senator. Sinclair tells his story in
“Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder.”WND also reported former radical activist John Drew has said that when he met Obama when Obama was a student at Occidental College, he thought Obama and his then-Pakistani roommate were “gay” lovers.
In addition, rumors have swirled around Obama’s relationship with his personal aide and former “body man,” Reggie Love,
who resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to support his old boss. Love resigned from the White House in November 2011 after compromising photographs of him as a college student received wide circulation.
WND also has documented in two separate articles,
here and
here, that Obama wore a gold band on his wedding ring finger from the time he attended Occidental College through his student days at Harvard Law School.
Shocking Phone CallSinclair gave an affidavit to the Chicago Police Department regarding contacts he says he had with Young just prior to Young’s murder.
According to Sinclair’s affidavit, published in its entirety beginning on page 56 of his book, he contacted Obama’s presidential campaign in September 2007. Sinclair says he requested that Obama correct claims he made about when he stopped abusing drugs to reflect use of crack cocaine during their sex encounters in November 1999.
During the 2008 presidential campaign,
Obama had stated famously he stopped using marijuana and cocaine in college, implying
his drug abuse ended when he had completed his first two years of college at Occidental in Los Angeles.
Sinclair explained that when he made contact with the Obama campaign in September 2007, he provided callback numbers, in case the campaign wanted to get in touch with him.
Then, in late September or early October 2007, as Sinclair stated in his affidavit, he received a call from a male identifying himself as “Mr. Young,” who stated he was responding to calls Sinclair had made to the Obama campaign.
“This first call shocked me in that this ‘Mr. Young’ asked me why I had not asked Senator Obama to disclose sexual encounters I had with Mr. Obama in 1999,” Sinclair’s affidavit reads. “I was shocked as I had never mentioned to the campaign or anyone working for the campaign any sexual encounters. The call ended with Mr. Young stating I would hear from someone in a few days.”
Sinclair claims it was in a second call from “Mr. Young” that he began to suspect the man had been sexually intimate with Obama. Sinclair said he drew that conclusion “by the tone of the conversation” and by its “sexual nature.”
In late October 2007, Sinclair received a text message from “Mr. Young” stating Young “was intimately involved with Senator Obama and that Obama was discussing with him and his pastor how to publicly acknowledge Senator Obama’s drug use in 1999.”
The text message also indicated Obama wanted to make sure Sinclair had not discussed the sexual encounters or drug use with any media at that time.
In November 2007, Sinclair received a second text message from “Mr. Young,” advising him that Obama would publicly correct his statement as to the last time he used drugs and that Sinclair did not need to concern himself with publicly disclosing it.
Then, in early December 2007, Sinclair received his last contact with “Mr. Young,” with Young making it clear Obama had no intention of acknowledging publicly his use of crack cocaine in 1999.
After Young was murdered, Sinclair had several contacts with Young’s family.
“In several telephone conversations with his sisters, brothers, nieces and others, I was reassured that the family of Donald Young believed he was murdered to protect Barack Obama,” Sinclair wrote. “It also became clear, right from the start that members of the Young family were truly fearful of speaking out publicly, to this day, they fear for their own personal, physical safety.”
On July 17, 2010, the supermarket tabloid The Globe published an interview with Norma Jean Young, the 76-year-old mother of the slain choirmaster, in which she expressed fear that her son was murdered to protect Obama.
“What was the cause of my son’s death?” Norma Jean Young asked in the Globe interview. “I’m very suspicious that it may have been related to Obama. Donald and Obama were very close friends. Whatever went on with this is very private. I am suspicious of a cover-up!”
She insisted there is “more to the story,” calling on Chicago police to ramp up their investigation.
“I do believe they are shielding somebody or protecting somebody,” she told The Globe.
Asked who would benefit from a cover-up, Norma Jean Young said, “It could be anyone, including Obama.”
Shortly after the Globe interview was published, Norma Jean Young left Chicago and lived for a while in Peoria, Ill. Her current residence is unknown.
The murders of Donald Young and Larry Bland remain today open cases of unsolved homicide.
Claim: Obama Hid 'Gay Life' to Become President
"We're all gay — get used to it!""Obama's Not Hetero- or Bi-, He's Homosexual" — Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret"By Jerome R. Corsi -- A prominent member of Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “gay” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.
“It was preposterous to the people I knew then to think Obama was going to keep his gay life secret,” said
Kevin DuJan who was an openly gay gossip columnist in Chicago for various blogs when Obama was living in the city as a community organizer and later a state senator.
“Nobody who knew Obama in the gay bar scene thought he could possibly be president,” said DuJan.
DuJan, founder and editor of the Hillary Clinton-supporting website
HillBuzz.org told WND he has first-hand information from two different sources that “Obama was personally involved in the gay bar scene.”
“If you just hang out at these bars, the older guys who have been frequenting these gay bars for 25 years will tell you these stories,” DuJan said. “Obama used to go to the gay bars during the week, most often on Wednesday, and they said he was very much into older white guys.”
Investigative journalist
Wayne Madsen, who worked with the National Security Agency from 1984 to 1988 as a Navy intelligence analyst, confirmed DuJan’s claims.
“It is common knowledge in the Chicago gay community that Obama actively visited the gay bars and bathhouses in Chicago while he was an Illinois state senator,” Madsen told WND.
WND also spoke with a member of the
East Bank Club in Chicago, who confirmed Obama was a member there and was known to be a homosexual. The upscale fitness club says it has some 10,000 members, but it’s one of a number of places
identified by the Chicago homosexual community as a “gay gym.”In April,
WND reported a federal judge dismissed a libel case against
Larry Sinclair, a homosexual who claimed Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign had paid to rig a polygraph test regarding Sinclair’s sensational charge that he had sex and used cocaine twice with Obama while Obama was an Illinois state senator. Sinclair tells his story in
“Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder.”WND also reported former radical activist
John Drew has said that when he met Obama when Obama was a student at Occidental College, he thought Obama and his then-Pakistani roommate were “gay” lovers.
In addition, rumors have swirled around Obama’s relationship with his personal aide and former “body man,”
Reggie Love,
who resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to support his old boss. Love resigned from the White House in November 2011 after compromising photographs of him as a college student received wide circulation.
WND also has documented in two separate articles,
here and
here, that Obama wore a gold band on his wedding ring finger from the time he attended Occidental College through his student days at Harvard Law School.
DuJan said that during Obama’s first presidential campaign, “there was fear in the gay community” about talking openly about Obama being homosexual, particularly after the murder in December 2007 of
Donald Young, the openly gay choir director at , who was known to be a close friend of Obama. “People did not want to talk openly about Obama being gay,” he said.
“Then, when we saw how Larry Sinclair was demonized, anybody who would expose Obama worried they would be silenced if they dared to speak the truth about Obama’s gay life,” DuJan said.
‘Obama’s Secrets’DuJan said he has been told “Obama’s secrets would have to come out just like John Edwards’ secrets came out.”
He said Obama stopped going to gay bars and bathhouses in Chicago when he began running for the U.S. Senate in 2004. “Back then, Obama could walk around Chicago and people generally wouldn’t recognize him, even though he was a state senator in the Illinois assembly at the time,” DuJan said.
DuJan insisted that while he’s a supporter of Hillary Clinton, he holds no personal animus toward Obama. He said he campaigned for Clinton in 2008 “because I had waited for years for her to be able to run.”
“I opposed Obama not because I’m a racist, or that I hate Obama, I just knew the type of person Obama associated with in Chicago,” he said. He pointed to Obama’s association with convicted Chicago real estate magnate
Tony Rezko, Nation of Islam leader
Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Wright.
“Obama was a dirty politician that the media never wanted to vet – that’s what concerned me about Obama,” Du Jan said.
DuJan spoke further of his claims about Obama in an
interview Monday night on Andrea Shea King’s show on BlogTalkRadio.com, which included questions from WND during the last half of the show.
"Man’s Country"Madsen published an article in his Wayne Madsen Report in May 2010 claiming Obama and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel were members of the same bathhouse in Chicago.
“President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bathhouse in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city,” Madsen wrote.
He said the bathhouse,
"Man’s Country" catered “to older men,” noting “it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s ‘grand old bathhouses.’”
Madsen wrote his 2010 report after traveling to Chicago to interview bartenders and customers at several “gay” bars.
DuJan gave WND a list of “gay” bars in Chicago where older customers hang out and tell stories about how Obama, prior to 2004, frequented visited to pick up men for sex, including several on Halstead Street,
widely known as an “uber-gay Chicago street.
Writing in HillBuzz.com Tuesday, DuJan said rooms at Man’s Country bathhouse are still referred to as the “presidential suite,” or the “Oral Office,” because “the current President used to haunt the place when he was a just another Illinois state senator that no one had ever heard of or cared about.”
DuJan said he believes that, someday, “all of this is going to be as public knowledge as JFK’s affair with Marilyn Monroe and the other women he cavorted with while married to Jackie.”
“Someday,” he said, “in the next 10-20 years, everyone will know all about Man’s Country, and the place will no doubt get a plaque of sometime commemorating that place as a gay hangout for the future leader of the free world.”
Still think Obama isn't queer? Then watching this 'Gaydar Slide Show' might change your mind!
Obama Was Elected in Large Measure to Assuage 'White Guilt' — Now Will Voters Reelect Obama to Assuage Their 'Homophobic Guilt'?
The Return of Obama's 'Body Man' — Reggie Love Resurfaces on Eve of Republican ConventionBy Jerome Corsi -- The former personal aide to Barack Obama known as
the president’s “body man,” Reggie Love, resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to support his old boss.
Hired as Obama’s “deputy political director,” the Duke University basketball and football star was the constant companion of the president for two years before resigning last November.
The White House explained Love had decided to pursue further studies at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, but the Internet, at the time, was abuzz with speculation that Love was dismissed because of the wide circulation of compromising photographs of him when he was a college student. The photos purported to show a heavily inebriated Love surrounded by fellow students assisting him in engaging in a homosexual act at a party on the rival University of North Carolina campus.
In the
interview with CNN Monday, Love portrayed Obama as a cool-headed leader who doesn’t let problems ruffle him.
“I think it looks like he’s really, really calm all the time and nothing gets under his skin, but I think from an efficiency standpoint, you know, you can cry about the call or you can look to the next play,” Love told CNN. “And if you spend your time crying about the call, usually you, you miss the next play. And then … instead of having one bad play, now you have two.”
Today, the Drudge Report – which has toyed with headlines, photos and page placement over the years that give the impression Love was something more than a presidential assistant – linked to the story with the headline: “Reggie Love Speaks: Obama leads like he plays … ”
The headline was positioned above a story about former Florida Republican Gov. Charlie Crist’s key speaking role at the upcoming Democratic National Convention. The link was illustrated with a photo of Obama and Crist in which they appear to be preparing to kiss.
The embarrassing photos of Love as a college student have appeared and disappeared with regularity on various websites over the past year.
Earlier this month,
when Obama asked Love to join the U.S. official delegation to the closing ceremonies of the London Olympics, reunion photos of Obama and Love showed them “fist bumping” in the Oval Office – a practice Love supposedly introduced to Obama.
Who is Reggie Love?Love, a graduate of Duke University with a B.A. in political science and public policy, started working in 2006 in a low-level staff position in then-Sen. Obama’s office after failing NFL tryouts with the Green Bay Packers and Dallas Cowboys in 2004 and 2005.
In 2007, just before Obama’s presidential primary campaign was launched, Love moved up to assume the position of “personal assistant” to the candidate, a role typically dubbed as a “body man,” responsible for up-close and personal contact with Obama on virtually a 24-7 basis.
As the New York Times reported, the job required anything from carrying Obama’s coat or briefcase, to providing him “cool” Jay-Z music for his iPod, to sneaking off to the gym and playing basketball.
In April 2009,
Love won the Huffington Post’s “Who’s the White House’s hottest employee?” contest.In January 2009,
ESPN dubbed Love “Chief of Stuff” in an article that featured the following personal commentary:
Love walks in Obama’s shadow for about 18 hours a day, anticipating all his needs. He wakes up Obama around dawn, works out with him in the morning, answers his cell phone during the day and hangs out with him at night. Much of the time, he carries a black duffle bag stuffed with any drugstore item Obama could possibly need, including mouthwash, Wetnaps, aspirin, Nicorette and ballpoint pens. If the presumptive nominee were to spill something on his tie moments before a nationally televised debate, Love would rescue him with Tide stain remover.Love played on the 2001 Duke University basketball team that won the NCAA national championship. He was suspended the following year, however, for a drunk-driving incident in which he did not receive a citation because his blood alcohol measured just below the level of legal intoxication.
A further indiscretion with alcohol proved more costly.
Was it the photos?The embarrassing photographs first gained wide circulation March 16, 2009, when the blog Booker Rising, a self-described “news site for black moderates and black conservatives,”
linked to them. Three photographs of the incident began appearing and disappearing on various Internet websites.
Investigative reporter Wayne Madsen,
writing in his subscription-only newsletter on Nov. 14, 2011,, suggested that in the wake of the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State, the photos of Love as a Duke student were too much for the White House:
The fallout from Penn State has universities and colleges across the nation checking their records for indications of child abuse and other scandals. … Past gay-oriented sex parties at Duke and the University of North Carolina involving then Duke basketball and football player Reggie Love reportedly cost him his job as President Obama’s ‘body man.’ De facto White House chief of staff Pete Rouse, upon hearing of potential problems regarding Love at Duke and UNC and on the heels of the scandal at Penn State, forced Love to leave the White House staff immediately, even over the objections of Obama.When Love departed,
Obama was quoted in a statement issued by the White House saying, “Over the years, Reggie has been a friend, a teammate and an indispensible member of my staff.” Obama said Love’s “ability to juggle so many responsibilities with so little sleep has been an inspiration to watch.” “He is the master of what he does,” Obama said. “And even though I will miss seeing Reggie every day, I want to thank him for his service and wish him all the best as he begins a new chapter in his career.”
HillBuzz.org, a website founded and edited by former Hillary Clinton campaign volunteer Kevin DuJan,
challenged the White House’s explanation for Love’s departure. DuJan, an openly gay man who is now a tea party activist, has an ongoing
4-part series on his website devoted to the question “Is Barack Obama Gay?”On Nov. 10, 2011, DuJan published the following under the title “BIZARRE: White House releases statement on breakup of Barack Obama and his boyfriend Reggie Love”:
The White House today issued a historic and unprecedented press release – where a male President of the United States has announced his breakup with a male staffer and longtime lover. In the press release, the term ‘body man’ is used instead of ‘boyfriend,’ ‘lover’, ‘paramour’, ‘special friend’, ‘f***buddy’, or all sorts of other appropriate vocabulary. But if you’re someone who hasn’t been in a coma for the last couple of years, you know the real deal.
As WND reported, speculation about Obama’s sexuality has roiled beneath the radar of establishment media, fed, among other things, by Larry Sinclair's sensational claims of cocaine-fueled homosexual acts with Obama in Chicagoand reports of Obama’s “transgender nanny” in Indonesia.These Hands Tell the Story of Obama's Same-Sex Love Affair
Why so many fingers on Chandoo's knee?Eureka! We've had this 1980 photo for 3 years now, and the other day we noticed that Barack and Chandoo are affectionately holding hands. In plain view is compelling evidence they were queer lovers. Fellow Occidental student John Drew thought that Obama and the wealthy Pakistani roommate Mohammed Hasan Chandoo were homosexual lovers. We now know his observation was accurate.
John Drew, a former radical activist from Occidental College who has recounted a 1980 encounter in which Obama affirmed revolutionary Marxist views, told WND in an interview his strong impression at the time was that Obama and the wealthy Pakistani roommate who accompanied him were homosexual lovers.
Drew, who founded the Marxist-socialist club at Occidental to which Obama belonged, said he met the future president in December 1980 when Drew was a 23-year-old second-year graduate student at Cornell University.
Obama, a 19-year-old sophomore at Occidental at the time, was with diminutive Pakistani roommate
Mohammed Hasan Chandoo, . “I really had the feeling that Obama was Chandoo’s ‘boy toy,’” Drew told WND.
Drew, who earned a Ph.D. from Cornell, is an award-winning political scientist who taught political science and economics at Williams College. In previously published accounts of his meeting –dating from the 2008 presidential campaign – Drew made clear his conclusion that Obama and Chandoo were both Marxist revolutionaries. Contrary to Drew, who remarked he was not as radical as Obama, Obama believed a violent, communist revolution was coming to the U.S.
In the interview with WND, Drew focused on his suspicion the two were romantically involved.
“The first time I saw Barack Obama and Hassan Chandoo together, I thought they were a wealthy gay couple,” Drew said. “In fact, they looked so gay that my girlfriend, Caroline Boss, whispered to me, ‘They’re not gay.’ So, that confirmed to me I wasn’t the only one who thought Barack Obama and Hassan Chandoo looked like they were in a very close, intimate relationship.”Drew admitted he was confused about Chandoo’s sexuality, considering it possible the Pakistani was bisexual, especially after he learned Occidental classmate Margo Mifflin was Chandoo’s girlfriend at the time. “I remembered Mifflin from my senior year at Occidental when we had both participated in various protest events on campus,” Drew commented. “I had the impression that Mifflin was living with Chandoo and Obama in Chandoo’s apartment in Pasadena.”
Drew told WND he was not aware at the time of his 1980 meeting that Obama was wearing a gold-band ring on the wedding ring finger of his left hand. He first learned of it in two articles WND published
showing Obama was wearing the ring from his years at Occidental College, from 1979 to 1981, through 1990, when a satirical issue of the Harvard Law Review referred to it.
Obama's 'Down-Low' UnderworldWhy won’t the agenda-driven media report on Barack Obama being gay, sexually harassing male actor Kal Penn, and frequenting Chicago bathhouse Man’s Country
At left is Obama's original 'body man' Nick Colvin who was sent packing when reports came out that he was involved in sexual relations with then Senator and presidential candidate Obama. In middle, American actor Kal Penn who worked in the White House just a few months (in a position that was created solely for him) until President Obama and his down-low boyfriend Kal must have broken up. And let's not forget Donald Young, Trinity Church's gay choir director who was murdered a couple of weeks before Obama announced his presidential run.

Readers have asked if we know of any other former gay lovers, so we've added three more.
(Left) Michael Signator is a 53-year-old Chicago cop who has served as Obama's driver and body man.
(Middle) Alex Okrent was a 29-year-old campaign worker who died July 13th after collapsing at Obama's Chicago campaign headquarters. His death raised suspicions after his autopsy said the cause of death was inconclusive.
(Right) Bobby Titcomb is a close friend and frequent golfing pal who was arrested last yearfor solicitation of prostitution.
By Kevin DuJan (Openly gay writer for Hillbuzz.org) -- This week, let’s all talk about Democrat President Barack Obama being gay, him sexually harassing male actor
Kal Penn, and his frequenting of Chicago gay bathhouse
Man’s Country — using the Left’s established precedent for journalistic integrity when it comes to rumor and gossip.
Fair’s fair, right — in love, politics, and what’s apparently allowable in the 2012 election now that all-out war was declared on the black Republican presidential contender. Why shouldn’t conservatives treat Barack Obama the way the Left treated Herman Cain? If the operating assumption is that anything whispered about by anonymous sources is true about Herman Cain, then I guess everything people in Chicago have talked about for years related to Barack Obama being a closeted gay man into younger Pakistani guys must be true too, right?
During the 2008 election, I campaigned for Hillary Clinton in the Democrat primaries. Repeatedly, I heard over and over here in Chicago that Barack Obama is gay and that his marriage to Michelle is one of mutual convenience. In the black community, this is called “being on the down-low”, where a closeted gay male weds an often-times gruff and demanding woman (typically without other male suitors of her own) to take public scrutiny off them both and afford the pair a successful life they’d never achieve separately.
There are, apparently, a lot of such relationships forged at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago — where Barack Obama’s pastor, the
Reverend Jeremiah Wright, oversaw the coupling of down-low gay black men with sour and caustic black women.
This apparently happens not just in Chicago at Trinity United, but in black communities all over the country. Author Terry McMillen and talking-head Star Jones married down-low gay men to benefit their careers and help their public image too.
Black women who marry gay black men are lavished with all the social perks these marriages of convenience afford them, while the men get to go off together on “camping trips”, to “basketball games out of town”, or to other “social events” where they can engage in gay activity with one another secure in the knowledge that no one in the Reverend Wright’s “down-low club” would rat the other fellas out. You need to understand how much homosexuality is despised in the black community to appreciate both the need for gay black men to stay “down-low” and the willingness of some black women to become “beards” for these men when they think they can benefit from the arrangement in some way themselves (usually because these are difficult-to-deal-with women who were unable to find anyone willing to marry them otherwise).
Oprah Winfrey and her longtime “boyfriend” Stedman Graham were for many years also members of Trinity United Church of Christ, and you can read whatever you may like into that.
In Chicago’s Boystown gay community, older guys who frequented the little dive bars that have been around forever told tales back in the 2008 primaries about Barack Obama slipping out whenever he was in Chicago for romps at the local bathhouse “Man’s Country”. The details given in these accounts of his activities were substantial. Apparently, he went most often to this Andersonville neighborhood bathhouse on Wednesdays, and while there he was rumored to seek oral sex from older white men. According to the gossip, Barack Obama would never reciprocate in these encounters, but enjoyed being pleasured by older white guys. Evidently, he is not a giver and is something of a selfish bathhouse regular when not being the current President of the United States.
This jives with everything
Larry Sinclair said about his own sexual encounter with Barack Obama in the back of a limo many years ago. You remember Larry Sinclair, right? He’s the man the agenda-driven media worked overtime to destroy and did its level best to silence because he posed a direct threat to the narrative the Left needed to push for Barack Obama to elect him president — and needless to say, that narrative didn’t include Barack Obama receiving oral sex from another man in the back of a limo in Chicago.
You need to appreciate that when a Democrat is accused of anything, the Democrat’s accusers are crucified with remarkable zeal in the press; but when someone whispers anything obscene about a Republican, that person is lauded by the “journalists” of the Left as the bravest and most credible person who ever lived…even if that person refuses to give her name, actually state on record what she claimed happened, or provide any sort of corroborating evidence that what she’s alleging is in any way remotely true.
To the media, it’s true just because it was said about a Republican. Meanwhile, Democrats can always get away with murder. Just ask the Kennedy family about that.
Clearly, we saw this Leftist double-standard (or, non-standard, as the case may be) applied to the mystery woman Politico sourced as Herman Cain’s sexual harassment accuser last week.
So, why can’t we all talk about Barack Obama dating Hollywood actor Kal Penn during the 2008 presidential campaign, and Obama then inventing a strange, nebulous position for the actor in the early days of the Obama administration (just so Penn could abruptly leave his hit TV show and move to Washington to be close to Obama?). Apparently, since Penn then left the White House abruptly after just a few months of work (in a position that was created solely for him) the current President and his down-low boyfriend must have broken up.
Did Barack Obama sexually harass his subordinate, Kal Penn, in the brief time he worked in the Obama White House?
You can speculate about what went wrong between these lovebirds while you’re watching the new Harold & Kumar movie or eating at White Castle. Because, let’s face it, if there was an (R) after Barack Obama’s name this whole affair with Penn would have been nonstop “news” since 2009…instead of the pervasive sound of chirping crickets we got because Barack Obama’s a (D) — which stands for “down-low”, don’t you know.
Why shouldn’t this week be all about talking about Barack Obama being gay and having sexual misadventures with men, since if it was a Republican president there’s no doubt the agenda-driven media would have been all over this story, regardless of who, if anyone, would go on record to confirm any of it.
You know full well the “journalists” on sites like Politico would have spent the last three years digging relentlessly into a Republican president’s past, repeatedly asking why not a single former girlfriend has ever stepped forward to identify herself or speak on the record about her past with the man currently in the Oval Office.
Isn’t it strange that the public’s never been introduced to A SINGLE GIRLFRIEND that Barack Obama ever had in high school, college, law school, or the days before he met his "beard wife" Michelle?
Don’t you wonder why the “journalists” of the Left have never done any in-depth profiles of Barack Obama’s male friends from his years at Occidental College in California, talked about his “roommate” while at Columbia, or wondered about any of his social activities through the years?
I know there are endless mysteries centered around a man whose college transcripts, vital records, and other important paperwork were apparently sealed away from the public in an impregnable vault somewhere cloaked in riddles and enigma — never to be seen by human eyes again — but if Barack Obama was a Republican he would have been outed as gay many years ago.
If Barack Obama was a Republican, the agenda-driven media would have hounded him about the nature of his relationship with his “bodyman” Reggie Love.
If Barack Obama was a Republican, the Left would have somehow gotten ahold of his lifetime membership at Chicago gay bathhouse Man’s Country and would have plastered those records across Politico to destroy his political career.
If Barack Obama was a Republican, the press would have quickly interpreted the dearth of girlfriends in his past as evidence of a surfeit of boyfriends and no one at the New York Times would have slept a wink until every Tom, Dick, or Larry in Barack Obama’s little black book was awarded his own reality show to gush about their down-low adventures.
But, Barack Obama is not a Republican, so the agenda-driven media provides him enormous and constant spin to conceal his gay past. It’s really very reminiscent of the old days in the studio system, where PR agents worked aggressively to hide the fact that men like Rock Hudson, Montgomery Clift, Tab Hunter, and even Liberace himself were gay…because the media had a vested interest in these men’s success and it wasn’t on the agenda to expose the truth about them. Instead, the media was complicit in selling the public a mutually beneficial fantasy.
Barack Obama is gayer than Liberace, but you’ll never read about that on Politico — just as you’ll never read about him chain-smoking in the White House, his rampant drug abuse during his twenties and thirties, or the fact he got all Ds and Fs in college (produce his transcripts and prove me wrong on that one).
Because Barack Obama is a Democrat, the agenda-driven media is as committed to promoting a heterosexual, scandal-free image for him, because this is what “journalists” are apparently trained to do for Democrats in school…and it’s expected for them to do if they wish to keep being employed as “journalists” in the Democrat public relations machine we call the media in this country.
Someday, when the Left no longer needs Barack Obama to push the Left’s agenda, this protection will be gone and you’ll spend the last few decades of your life hearing all about Larry Sinclair, Kal Penn, Reggie Love, Man’s Country, Jeremiah Wright’s Down-Low Club, and the many men Barack Obama has been with through the years. I’m sure a great many books will be written on all of this and a great deal of money will be made by the media companies selling the scandal of it all to the public.
But, for now Barack Obama is the Left’s guy, so he’s getting the full-on Rock Hudson/Liberace protection treatment.
While, of course, opponents of the Left such as Herman Cain are relentlessly attacked with unsubstantiated sexual innuendo in the agenda-driven media’s nonstop effort to discredit and destroy anyone who poses a real threat to Obama’s grasp on power.
If you don’t see what’s really happening here and are someone who’s quick to believe the anonymous and sketchy sources the likes of Politico put forward when it comes to a Republican in the hot seat…then maybe you should spend today coming up with a valid reason for why YOU can’t name a single girlfriend Barack Obama had in his entire life before Michelle and why so much of Barack Obama’s past is so aggressively cloaked in perpetual and deliberate mystery.
PS — If you ever wonder why Republicans don’t just out Barack Obama themselves, you need to really think about how the Cocktail Party GOP establishment actually works.
There are currently at least two closeted gay sitting Republican United States Senators. There are several closeted gay sitting Republican Congressmen.
All of these men are forever praised in the media for being “bipartisan”, which means they conveniently sell out conservative voters whenever the Left needs them to.
I am 100% convinced there’s blackmail afoot in this, with the quid pro quo being these men get to remain sitting Senators and Congressmen so long as they keep folding whenever Democrats need “bipartisan” votes across the aisle.
It’s no coincidence the closeted gay Republicans are all Cocktail Party GOP establishment types who are more interested in maintaining their own hold on power than ever bucking the system and doing what’s best for this country and their own constituents.
It’s an open secret in the political world that Barack Obama is gay, and that there are plenty of closeted gay Republicans too. But you won’t hear about any of this because members of the permanent political class on both sides of the aisle don’t want you to hear about it.
AND they all think you are too stupid to ever figure this stuff out on your own.
Even though all the clues are really obvious and sitting RIGHT THERE if you really wanted to piece it together without the media’s help.
Was Communist Mentor Intimate with Obama's Mother?

This frisky 17-year old teeny bopper lent her
punani to a 54-year old pervert resulting in the conception and later download of 0bama for all the world to behold.
Filmmaker Reveals New Evidence Frank Marshall Davis Was President's Real FatherBy Jerome R. Corsi – Did Barack Obama’s mother pose nude for communist poet and journalist
Frank Marshall Davis?
Did Obama build his political career on a fairy tale that his father was a Kenyan who grew up herding goats?
Was Obama’s goal in writing his autobiography, “Dreams from My Father,” to misdirect Americans away from a deeply disturbing family background and a Marxist political foundation?
These are questions filmmaker
Joel Gilbert poses in the full-length documentary
“Dreams from My Real Father,” which argues Frank Marshall Davis is the president’s biological father, not the Kenyan Barack Obama.
Gilbert reports he has recently discovered racy photos in vintage fetish and bondage magazines of Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, that he believes were taken by Davis. The photos, he says, bolster his belief that Dunham had an intimate relationship with Davis.
Gilbert has given WND a preview of a new “Breaking News” page on his documentary’s website titled “The Intimate Ann Dunham-Frank Marshall Davis Relationship.” On the page, he presents a video that shows some of the 30-plus pin-up photographs he believes Davis took of Obama’s young mother and other models in his home at 2994 Kalihi Street in Honolulu, Hawaii.
In 1968, Greenleaf Classics in San Diego published a pornographic novel titled
“Sex Rebel Black: Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet,” authored by “Bob Greene,” a pen name Davis later admitted was his own.
In the sex novel that Davis claimed was autobiographical, he describes a swinging lifestyle in which he and his wife Helen had sex numerous times with an underage girl named “Anne,” a figure very suggestive of Obama’s mother.
As Gilbert documents, Davis was a semi-professional photographer for more than 30 years, beginning when he lived in Chicago. His specialty was taking nude photographs of female models that he called “horizontal cameos.”
In a collection of Davis poems published in a book titled “Black Moods,” compiled by his biographer, University of Kansas English Professor John Edgar Tidwell, are 37 written “portraits” grouped in a section subtitled “Horizontal Cameos.” Each poem is dedicated to a different woman identified only by her first name. The second poem is dedicated to “Anne” and reads as follows:
AnneIn the gangling hours
Thin, adolescent hours
Before night runs softly
Away into the west
Anne rises wearily
From her tired bed
And sleeps
Sitting in a chair.
In the three nude photographs initially discovered on the Internet in 2008, the young naked model is shown in a living room setting. She is posing in or around a chair, with a Christmas tree and a 1950s Hi-Fi with various jazz vinyl record albums in the background.See Joel Gilbert’s video of his latest finds (Warning: Viewer discretion advised. The video contains explicit images, with portions blacked out):
Gilbert also is the writer and director of the 2010 documentary film
“Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad’s Coming War and Obama’s Politics of Defeat.”2994 Kalihi StreetBefore releasing a small sample of the pin-up photographs he claims shows a nude Ann Dunham posing for Davis, Gilbert undertook extensive research.
He traveled to Hawaii to inspect and photograph the Honolulu address that the FBI file documents as Davis’ residence beginning in 1956. The file shows he moved out in the late 1960s as he was beginning his divorce from his wife, Helen Canfield Davis. The divorce was not finalized until Sept. 30, 1969.
“The Davis house is an English Tudor architectural style dwelling, very uncommon for the Hawaii islands,” Gilbert told WND. “There are no similar houses in the neighborhood or anywhere else that I visited in Hawaii.”
The current owner of the house gave Gilbert permission to enter, photograph and document the house. “The flooring in the photos of Ann stands out, as at first glance it appears to be expensive wood flooring,” he said. “However, once inside the house and peeling away a corner covered with layers of linoleum, I realized that it was a simple piece of plywood that had been varnished.”
Gilbert found one complete original piece of plywood in a shed behind the house that was an exact match to the flooring in the setting where the “Ann Dunham and friends” pin-up photographs were taken.
Noteworthy also were the windows appearing in the pin-up photos. “The windows in the living room of Frank’s house were tall and narrow – a design unique to English Tudor style houses,” he noted.
“The windows at 2994 Kalihi Street appear to match the tall, narrow windows with their bottom sill low to the floorboards seen in the pin-up photos.”
Gilbert took measurements of the windows and the floor at various angles, as well as video footage and still photographs of the living room.
As illustrated in his documentary, Gilbert found a newspaper photograph of Davis sitting on a couch in his living room that appears to be an exact match for the couch seen in the pin-up photographs.
Pin-Up InvestigationsGilbert also tracked down various living experts specializing in 1950s pin-up photography. In the approximately 30 photographs Gilbert has found of various models, including the model he has identified as Dunham, some of the women were photographed alone and others with another female model.
In some of the photos the models are nude, while others show them in various costumes. Some scenes reflect bondage or other sadomasochistic behavior.
Gilbert showed the photographs to Ira Klaw, a nephew of pin-up photographer Irving Klaw. Ira was able to determine that Irving Klaw was not the photographer – Irving Klaw did not take nude photographs of his pin-up models.
Expert J.B. Rund agreed the models were not Klaw quality, but the photos were not purely “amateur.” He explained that the photographer had the sophistication to know how to use the same photo session to take two types of photos that could be sold to two different types of publications – fetish and full nude.
Gilbert explained to WND that neither Rund nor Ira Klaw recognized the models or the location of the photo shoots. Rund concluded Gilbert’s photographs had been taken by a semi-professional photographer who was not purely amateur, a description that would fit Davis.
Gilbert found that several of the photos in the collection appeared in a magazine called Exotique, published by pin-up photographer Leonard Burtman, who worked in New York City.
Gilbert said he was able to establish that while Burtman took most of the photographs appearing in Exotique, he also bought photographs for Exotique from other photographers.
He has determined that the model he has identified as Ann Dunham appears in Exotique, but he was unable to find any pin-up expert who could identify the photographer, the models or the settings of the photographs taken at what he assumes was the 2994 Kalihi Street location. “An amateur pin-up photographer like Frank Marshall Davis would have been paid about $4 per negative, while professional photographers were paid by the hour,” Gilbert said.
“Later in his life, Frank Marshall Davis spoke about a publishing venture he started that failed. My assumption is that Davis may have tried to create his own fetish or nude magazine in Hawaii and that he sold his photographs to others when the venture failed.”
Gilbert found the photographs he had collected appeared in a wide variety of period fetish or nude magazines, including “Bizarre Life,” “Battling Babes” and “Secret Pleasures.” They were all taken in the same living room setting, with the narrow, low-to-the floor windows, the same sitting chair and couch, and the same Hi-Fi with jazz records.
Several of the photographs also display a hand-written numbering system that show up in white numbers and letters in the corner margins of the pin-up photos, such as “YA-438.” “I was able to determine that Irving Klaw used this numbering system, but it was not unique to Klaw, and it was not created by Klaw,” Gilbert said. “Various pin-up photographers used this numbering system to distinguish between photo shoots, portions of shoots, models and to keep track of which photos were sold to which publications. The numbers rarely stood for anything in particular.”
Regular visits to the Davis homeIn his film, Gilbert documents that Ann Dunham gave her father, the “Gramps” of Obama’s autobiography, instructions to make sure young Barry would be taken regularly to visit Davis.
“Obama chronicles his childhood interaction with Frank Marshall Davis in his autobiography by mentioning ‘Frank’ 25 times, the only person Obama refers to by using his real first name instead of a completely fabricated pseudonym,” Gilbert stressed.
Neighbors of Davis have said Obama began visiting Davis every week at his home from the time Obama was 10 years old. Gilbert wonders why.
“As Ann Dunham engaged in nefarious activities with Frank Marshall Davis, who was likely involved in pornography and prostitution, why would she bring 10 year-old Barry back from Indonesia and tell her father something to the effect of, ‘I’m going back to Indonesia, but please take young Barry to Frank’s house a few times a week,’” he said.
The only scenario in which Obama’s regular visits as a child to Davis’ house would make sense, Gilbert said, is if Davis was the real biological father. Gilbert explained that much of what Obama has told the American public of his childhood has been proven false.
“We now know that the family did not stay together in Hawaii until 1962, when the Kenyan Barack Obama went to Harvard to begin his graduate studies as Obama claimed,” Gilbert explained. “Ann Dunham took her infant son with her to Seattle a few weeks after his birth and began studies at the University of Washington, while the Kenyan Obama remained in Hawaii for another year before leaving for Harvard.”
The evidence, Gilbert said, “points to the conclusion that Ann Dunham’s relationship with the Kenyan Obama was a ‘sham’ marriage designed to cover up an illicit affair with Frank Marshall Davis, in which the infant had been conceived.”
Obama’s election was not a sudden political phenomenon, Gilbert maintains.
“It was the culmination of an American socialist movement that Frank Marshall Davis nurtured in Chicago and Hawaii and has been quietly infiltrating the U.S. economy, universities and media for decades,” he said. “To understand Obama’s plans for America, look no further than communist Frank Marshall Davis.”
Joel Gilbert’s 97-minute film “Dreams from My Real Father” is on sale HERESee Joel Gilbert’s video of his latest finds - 2:49 (Warning: Viewer discretion advised. The video contains explicit images, with portions blacked out)
BACKGROUND INFO:● In the sex novel that Davis claimed was autobiographical, he describes a swinging lifestyle in which he and his wife had sex numerous times with an underage girl named “Anne,” a figure very suggestive of Obama’s mother.
● In his film, Gilbert documents that Ann Dunham gave her father, the “Gramps” of Obama’s autobiography, instructions to make sure young Barry would be taken regularly to visit Davis.
● “Obama chronicles his childhood interaction with Frank Marshall Davis in his autobiography by mentioning ‘Frank’ 25 times, the only person Obama refers to by using his real first name instead of a completely fabricated pseudonym,” Gilbert stressed.
● Neighbors of Davis have said Obama began visiting Davis every week at his home from the time Obama was 10 years old.
Obama’s Communist Mentor (AIM Column By Cliff Kincaid February 18, 2008)
EXCERPT: ..."through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his 'poetry' and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just 'Frank.'
The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What's more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several communist-front organizations."
Frank Chapman, a CPUSA supporter, has written a letter to the party newspaper hailing the Illinois senator's victory in the Iowa caucuses:
"Obama’s victory was more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle. Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary 'mole,' not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through."
People's Weekly World (PWW), official newspaper of the Communist Party, USA (Note: article has since been pulled from the Communist Party USA/Peoples Weekly World/PWW website)
Barack Obama, Frank Marshall Davis, Vernon Jarrett - One Degree of Separation - New Zeal blog - Oct 17, 2008 by Trevor Loudon — "Why did Barack Obama move to Chicago? Why did he choose a city famous for its corruption and distrust of outsiders as a launching pad for his political career? Did Obama's boyhood mentor, life long communist Frank Marshall Davis influence that choice?"
From the Traditional Values Coalition, March 13, 2008 -
Presidential Candidate Barack Obama’s Mother Profiled by 'Chicago Tribune' In 2007EXCERPT: "At some point in the 1970s when Barack was attending school in Hawaii, he became acquainted with Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Party, USA. Davis had moved to Hawaii in 1948 from Chicago where he had been involved in Marxist-related activities.
In Hawaii, he became a mentor to Barack Obama, the man who seeks the Presidency of the United States.
Kathryn Waddell Takara, Ph.D., a Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Hawaii, has written at least two lengthy analysis of Frank M. Davis’s political activities both in Hawaii and while he was living in Chicago. Takara created the first Black Studies department at the U of H in 1971 and is an associate of such notable leftists as Angela Davis and Stokely Carmichael.
Takara’s paper, 'Frank Marshall Davis: Black Labor Activist and Outsider Journalist: Social Movements In Hawaii,' describes Davis’ radical activities in Hawaii as both a writer and labor organizer.
How this committed Communist became a mentor to Barack Obama remains a mystery, but it is likely that his mother was somehow involved in far left activities in Hawaii and met Davis through her left-wing network on the University of Hawaii campus. Perhaps an enterprising reporter could ask Senator Obama how he met Davis and what sort of influence he may have had on him. Likewise, one can only speculate on the influence his rebellious, left-wing mother had on his political beliefs and aspirations.
Frank Marshall Davis FBI Files:Pages from the FBI File (This 40-page report includes selected pages from the FBI file which document Davis's Communist history and pro-Soviet and anti-white views - PDF) —
FBI File #1 —
FBI File #2 —
FBI File #3 —
FBI File #4 —
FBI File #5 —
FBI File #6Lots more on Obama's "Uncle Frank" (Frank Marshall Davis) HERENEWSBOY POST INVESTIGATES OBAMA'S BIOLOGICAL FATHERIn his memoir Barack Obama writes, "Frank Marshall Davis would read us poetry when we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with Gramps out of an empied jelly jar. As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty limericks."
In his book
"Sex Rebel: Black" (Homosexuality, Pediphilia and S & M Rape), Davis brags of having sex with an underage girl in Hawaii named Ann! (Obama's mother was named Ann - Hmm?). Obama would have obviously been comfortable around perverts like Davis because from 6 to 10 years old in Indonesia Barack was cared for by an openly gay
tranvestite ("waria" in Indonesian) by the name of Evie. Evie has contracted aids, is broke and living in a slum.
Congratulations, America, we now have a President who was raised by a "tranny nanny" and mentored by a communist in Hawaii from age 10 to 18 who wrote a bisexual pornographic autobiography! What other President can say this, right??? Heck, with that upbringing no wonder he's the
most-admired man for the third straight year. ~~
Reference 1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
Obama's Momma Was a Free Spirit!
SKANK + COMMIE PERVERT = Вäяáçk Ħūššéiŋ ǾbämáThese photos
[Enlargement] of Barack's then 18-year-old mother (birth date: 11-29-42), the adventurous Stanley Ann Dunham, are thought to have been taken by a family friend, the then 54-year-old self-avowed Communist and sexual predator,
Frank Marshall Davis, at his Honolulu home in December of 1960, some 9 months before Obama's birth. 2 + 2 = BHO
NEWSBOY POST CONNECTS MORE DOTS:After investigating the Obama 'Birth Certificate Controversy' for 3 years, WE have concluded:
[This information conflicts with the data contained on the birth document submitted by Obama — WE stand by our conclusions]
We believe the greatest possibility as to who might be Obama's biological father is the commie pervert
Frank Marshall Davis who impregnated the 17-year-old female,
Stanley Ann Dunham; resulting in the birth of Barack Hussein Obama II supposedly on August 4, 1961. We have determined that Obama has no birth certificate on record, and the one he submitted last year was a forged document.
College Years: When he was 18 years-old Obama formally espoused Islam when he traveled to Pakistan.
The New York Times reported that Obama visited Pakistan in 1981, on the way back from Indonesia, where his mother and half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, were living. During his years at Occidental College, Obama befriended
Wahid Hamid, a fellow student who was an immigrant from Pakistan; and traveled with Obama spending “about three weeks” there, staying in Karachi with the family of a very special college friend shown here,
Mohammed Hasan Chandoo.
One thing that became apparent in NEWSBOY POST'S investigation of Obama's mysterious past became very obvious. Obama has bad taste when it comes to both women and men.

On the
Day of Ashura, a ritual called
Tatbir (
also here), was performed where a dagger was used to cut Obama's scalp from ear to ear — leaving that telltale, damning keloidal scar which runs from ear to his crown to his other ear
(View more pics of these scars at bottom of this page).
Tatbir is performed every year on the 10th day of Islamic month of
Moharram (roughly month of November), known as the Day of Ashura.
Newsboy Post has been expecting Obama to describe his
'Tatbir' experience; but until he does, we have pictured a Shi'ite Muslim child as he bleeds after he was cut on the head with a dagger during a ceremony marking Ashura. Ashura is the most important day in the Shi'ite calendar, and commemorates the death of
"Imam Hussein", grandson of the
Prophet Muhammad, in the 7th century
Battle of Kerbala.
Afterwards, Obama dropped the useage of his Indonesian surnames, his adopted one,
Barry Soetoro and
Soebarakh (our favorite); and for the first time began going by his latest alias — Barack Hussein Obama II.
After examining numerous photographs taken by official White House photojournalist
Pete Souza, it appears extensive efforts are made to prevent any scar-revealing photos from being released. Of interest to our investigators, is the appointment of
Arun S. Chaudhary; a trusted Pakistani Muslim slugged the "YouTube Guru," who produces all White House in-house propaganda videos and who we feel is instrumental in the video scrubbing of the head scar. We're also looking into Obama's longtime barber,
Zariff (uses one name), a Muslim who believes 9/11 was an inside job. And despite Obama's declared deep Christian devotion, he's shown his dedication to diversity by surrounding himself with Zariff and countless other Muslims in the White House. In summary, we are not sorry to report — the current American president is a fraud.
First, Aid the Living — Many Have Been Hung for Lesser Inaction!
By Former Assistant Secretary of Defense Bing West --
A U.S. ambassador is missing and his diplomatic team is desperately fighting off terrorist attacks. Our commander-in-chief and his national-security team in Washington are listening to the phone calls from the Americans under attack and watching real-time video from a drone circling overhead. YET THE U.S. MILITARY SENDS NO AID!?! WHY!?!On September 11, at about 10 p.m. Libyan time (4 p.m. in Washington), Ambassador Chris Stevens and a small staff were inside our consulate in Benghazi when terrorists attacked. The consulate staff immediately contacted Washington and our embassy in Tripoli. The White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and numerous military headquarters monitored the entire battle in real time via the phone calls from Benghazi and video from a drone overhead.
Our diplomats fought for seven hours without any aid from outside the country. Four Americans died while the Obama national-security team and our military passively watched and listened. The administration is being criticized for ignoring security needs before the attack and for falsely attributing the assault to a mob. But the most severe failure has gone unnoticed: namely, a failure to aid the living.
By 4:30 p.m. Washington time, the main consulate building was on fire and Ambassador Stevens was missing. In response, the embassy in Tripoli launched an aircraft carrying 22 men. Benghazi was 400 miles away.
At 5 p.m., President Obama met with Vice President Biden and Secretary of Defense Panetta in the Oval Office. The U.S. military base in Sigonella, Sicily, was 480 miles away from Benghazi. Stationed at Sigonella were Special Operations Forces, transport aircraft, and attack aircraft — a much more formidable force than 22 men from the embassy.
In the past, presidents had taken immediate actions to protect Americans. In 1984, President Reagan had ordered U.S. pilots to force an airliner carrying terrorists to land at Sigonella. Reagan had acted inside a 90-minute window while the aircraft with the terrorists was in the air. The Obama national-security team had several hours in which to move forces from Sigonella to Benghazi.
Fighter jets could have been at Benghazi in an hour; the commandos inside three hours. If the attackers were a mob, as intelligence reported, then an F18 in afterburner, roaring like a lion, would unnerve them. This procedure was applied often in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Conversely, if the attackers were terrorists, then the U.S. commandos would eliminate them. But no forces were dispatched from Sigonella.
In the meantime, while untrained and poorly led by American standards, the terrorists at Benghazi were proving to be lethal. They forced the Americans to abandon the consulate, with the ambassador still missing, and fall back to an annex a mile away. When the terrorist gang followed the Americans, looters took the opportunity to ransack the empty consulate. But when they found Ambassador Stevens unconscious on the floor, they stopped looting and rushed him to a hospital. Unfortunately, the doctors could not save his life. Not knowing who he was, they took the cell phone from his pocket and called numbers. By about two in the morning, the American embassy received word that the ambassador was dead.
At about the same time, the 22 men from the embassy in Tripoli had arrived at the Benghazi airport. They drove to the annex to assist in its defense against persistent terrorist attacks. Around 4 a.m. Libyan time — six hours into the fight — enemy mortar rounds killed two of the defenders on the roof of the annex.
The fight began at 10 p.m. and petered out at dawn when the Libyan militia came to the aid of the Americans.
It is bewildering that no U.S. aircraft ever came to the aid of the defenders. If even one F18 had been on station, it would have detected the location of hostiles firing at night and deterred and attacked the mortar sites. For our top leadership, with all the technological and military tools at their disposal, to have done nothing for seven hours was a joint civilian and military failure of initiative and nerve.
Secretary of State Clinton has said the responsibility was hers. But there has been no assertion that the State Department overruled the Pentagon out of concern about the sovereignty of Libyan air space. Instead, it appears passive groupthink prevailed, with the assumption being that a spontaneous mob would quickly run out of steam.
Firefights, however, wax and wane from dusk to dawn. You cannot predict ahead of time when they will stop. Therefore a combat commander will take immediate action, presuming reinforcements will be needed.
The administration wrongly blamed a mob for the attack. Yet ironically, Mr. Obama’s chances of reelection would have plummeted were it not for the human decency of a mob that took the ambassador to the hospital before the terrorists returned.
If the terrorists had taken his body and, with no Special Operations Forces hot on their trail, taunted America the next day — claiming the ambassador was still alive — the Benghazi tragedy would have escalated into an international disaster.
The U.S. military sent no aid. Why?— A former assistant secretary of defense, Bing West is co-author of "Into the Fire: a Firsthand Account of the Most Extraordinary Battle of the Afghanistan War"CIA Commander: “They stood, and they watched, and our people died”
VIEW TO A KILL: As terrorists attacked the consulate in Benghazi, a U.S. Predator drone was reportedly observing from aboveThe United States had an unmanned Predator drone over its consulate in Benghazi during the attack that slaughtered four Americans — which should have led to a quicker military response, it was revealed yesterday.
“They stood, and they watched, and our people died,” former CIA commander Gary Berntsen told CBS News.
The network reported that the drone and other reconnaissance aircraft observed the final hours of the hours-long siege on Sept. 11 — obtaining information that should have spurred swift action.
But as Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three colleagues were killed by terrorists armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, Defense Department officials were too slow to send in the troops, Berntsen said.
“They made zero adjustments in this. You find a way to make this happen,” he fumed.
“There isn’t a plan for every single engagement. Sometimes you have to be able to make adjustments.”
The Pentagon said it moved a team of special operators from Central Europe to Sigonella, Italy — about an hour flight from Libya — but gave no other details.
Fighter jets and Specter AC-130 gunships — which could have been used to help disperse the bloodthirsty mob — were also stationed at three nearby bases, sources told the network.
When the attack began, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta “looked at available options, and the ones we exercised had our military forces arrive in less than 24 hours, well ahead of timelines laid out in established policies,” a White House official told the network.
Even as the administration continues to vow that the perpetrators will be brought to justice, the man identified by witnesses as a ringleader in the attack continues to walk the streets of Libya without fear of arrest.
Ahmad Abu Khattala has admitted being at the consulate during the horrific attack but has yet to be questioned by any Libyan authorities.
Abu Khattala spoke to a New York Times reporter Thursday from a hotel patio as he sipped a strawberry frappe and mocked the US and Libyan governments.
“These reports say that no one knows where I am and that I am hiding,” he boasted. “But here I am in the open, sitting in a hotel with you. I’m even going to pick up my sister’s kids from school soon.”
Lax security at the consulate was an open secret.
Stevens wrote a cable in June that there wasn’t enough security at the consulate, and he noted there had been a recent spike in attacks against “international organizations and foreign interests,” ABC News said.
The ambassador wrote another cable in August that read, “A series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape during the Ramadan holiday.”
Stevens said that the incidents were “organized” and that the Libyan security force had “not coalesced into a stabilizing force and [provided] little deterrence.”
Several requests for additional security in Benghazi were made to the State Department prior to the attack. They were all rejected.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to deflect blame from President Obama last week, saying the decision not to beef up guards was her responsibility.
“I’m in charge of the State Department’s 60,000-plus people all over the world [at] 275 posts,” she told CNN.
“The president and the vice president wouldn’t be knowledgeable about specific decisions that are made by security professionals. They’re the ones who weigh all of the threats and the risks and the needs and make a considered decision.”
The attack has become a major issue in the presidential campaign, with Mitt Romney saying Obama’s failure to safeguard the consulate highlights his failure in foreign policy.
Romney has also hammered Obama for failing to immediately label it a terror attack and the administration for changing its story about whether the attack was a protest over an anti-Islamic movie or a coordinated strike.
The tragedy — and alleged security lapses leading up to the attack — will likely be brought up at tomorrow’s final presidential debate.
The 90-minute debate will be moderated by Bob Schieffer of CBS News. Schieffer has listed five subject areas, with more time devoted to the Middle East and terrorism than any other topic.
Benghazi-Gate: Obama and His Ilk Hung Chris Stevens and Others Out to Dry (i.e. tortured and dagger sodomized)
Romney had better use these talking points in Monday night’s debate on “National Security”By Doug Giles -- This past Friday the State Department released internal docs showing that Chris Stevens, U.S. Ambassador to hell’s corridor in Libya, begged Obama’s boys in D.C. to ramp up security in Benghazi. And, as we all know now, he got nothing from the State Department but was allowed to be tortured and murdered by “democracy seekers” from the “Religion of Peace” in the “liberated” nation of Libya.
As far as I am concerned, blood is dripping from Obama’s golf-gloved campaign hands. Whatever do I mean, you ask? Well, according to James Rosen’s findings in the
newly released damning papers, it’s crap like …
● On September 11 — the day Stevens and three other Americans were killed — the ambassador signed a three-page cable, labeled “sensitive,” in which he noted “growing problems with security” in Benghazi and “growing frustration” on the part of local residents with Libyan police and security forces. These forces the ambassador characterized as “too weak to keep the country secure.”
● Roughly a month earlier, Stevens had signed a two-page cable, also labeled “sensitive,” that he entitled “The Guns of August: Security in Eastern Libya.” Writing on August 8, the ambassador noted that in just a few months’ time, “Benghazi has moved from trepidation to euphoria and back as a series of violent incidents has dominated the political landscape … The individual incidents have been organized,” he added, a function of “the security vacuum that a diverse group of independent actors are exploiting for their own purposes.”
“Islamist extremists are able to attack the Red Cross with relative impunity,” Stevens cabled. “What we have seen are not random crimes of opportunity, but rather targeted and discriminate attacks.” His final comment on the two-page document was: “Attackers are unlikely to be deterred until authorities are at least as capable.”
● By September 4, Stevens’s aides were reporting back to Washington on the “strong revolutionary and Islamist sentiment” in the city.
Scarcely more than two months had passed since Stevens had notified the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice and other agencies about a “recent increase in violent incidents,” including “attacks against western [sic] interests.” “Until the GOL [Government of Libya] is able to effectively deal with these key issues,” Stevens wrote on June 25, “the violence is likely to continue and worsen.”
● After the U.S. consulate in Benghazi had been damaged by an improvised explosive device, earlier that month, Stevens had reported to his superiors that an Islamist group had claimed credit for the attack, and in so doing had “described the attack as ‘targeting the Christians supervising the management of the consulate.’”
“Islamic extremism appears to be on the rise in eastern Libya,” the ambassador wrote, adding “the Al-Qaeda flag has been spotted several times flying over government buildings and training facilities …”
● In the days leading up to 9/11, warnings came even from people outside the State Department. A Libyan women’s rights activist, Wafa Bugaighis, confided to the Americans in Benghazi in mid-August: “For the first time since the revolution, I am scared.”
From the 166 hellish pages we see a stack of warnings, via multiple cables sent to D.C. from Chris’s own laptop about which diddly was done — and that being after prior bombings of the Red Cross and our own compound and an assassination attempt on the British ambassador. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. This is gross and inexcusable.
If what happened in Benghazi on 9/11 was not an act of terror, or an act of war, I don’t know what is. What’s the “Religion of Peace” got to do to wake this administration the heck up? Destroy one of Obama’s favorite golf courses?
Oh, BTW: Missing from the extensive documents is any mention of a YouTube video ticking these “peaceful protestors” off. Someone please forward this over to Romney’s campaign for talking points for Monday night’s debate on “National Security.”
0BAMA PICKED THESE LOSERS -- The Complete List of Faltering or Bankrupt Green-Energy Companies:(1) Evergreen Solar ($24 million)*
(2) SpectraWatt ($500,000)*
(3) Solyndra ($535 million)*
(4) Beacon Power ($69 million)*
(5) AES’s subsidiary Eastern Energy ($17.1 million)
(6) Nevada Geothermal ($98.5 million)
(7) SunPower ($1.5 billion)
(8) First Solar ($1.46 billion)
(9) Babcock and Brown ($178 million)
(10) EnerDel’s subsidiary Ener1 ($118.5 million)*
(11) Amonix ($5.9 million)
(12) National Renewable Energy Lab ($200 million)
(13) Fisker Automotive ($528 million)
(14) Abound Solar ($374 million)*
(15) A123 Systems ($279 million)*
(16) Willard and Kelsey Solar Group ($6 million)
(17) Johnson Controls ($299 million)
(18) Schneider Electric ($86 million)
(19) Brightsource ($1.6 billion)
(20) ECOtality ($126.2 million)
(21) Raser Technologies ($33 million)*
(22) Energy Conversion Devices ($13.3 million)*
(23) Mountain Plaza, Inc. ($2 million)*
(24) Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsen’s Mills Acquisition Company ($10 million)*
(25) Range Fuels ($80 million)*
(26) Thompson River Power ($6.4 million)*
(27) Stirling Energy Systems ($7 million)*
(28) LSP Energy ($2.1 billion)*
(29) UniSolar ($100 million)*
(30) Azure Dynamics ($120 million)*
(32) GreenVolts ($500,000)
(33) Vestas ($50 million)
(34) LG Chem’s subsidiary Compact Power ($150 million)
(35) Nordic Windpower ($16 million)*
(36) Navistar ($10 million)
(37) Satcon ($3 million)*
*Denotes companies that have filed for bankruptcy.TOTAL DAMAGE: $80,000,000,000 . . . that's 80,000 Million and climbing!!The problem begins with the issue of government picking winners and losers in the first place. Venture capitalist firms exist for this very reason, and they choose what to invest in by looking at companies’ business models and deciding if they are worthy. When the government plays venture capitalist, it tends to reward companies that are connected to the policymakers themselves or because it sounds nice to “invest” in green energy.
The 2009 stimulus set aside $80 billion to subsidize politically preferred energy projects. Since that time,
1,900 investigations have been opened to look into stimulus waste, fraud, and abuse (although not all are linked to the green-energy funds), and nearly 600 convictions have been made.
Of that $80 billion in clean energy loans, grants, and tax credits, at least 10 percent has gone to companies that have since either gone bankrupt or are circling the drain. Posted in
Energy and Environment,
Featured 4Once Again, 0bama’s Record Wins It — for Romney!
0bama's Tag Team Partner Crowley Cuts Off Romney 28 Times, 0bama Only 9By David Harsanyi -- Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney couldn’t match his soaring first debate
performance in a rematch with Barack Obama … but considering it was often a two-on-one, he didn’t do that poorly either.
And after taking a drubbing in the first presidential debate, a re-energized President Barack Obama vowed to bring passion to Hofstra University. He did. Feeling better in the more tranquil altitude of Long Island, the president
deployed all his populist hits.
On style points it was close, but it’s unlikely anyone won by a wide enough margin to alter the fundamentals of the race. And as a CBS News snap poll found, 65 percent thought Romney would do a better job on the economy and only 34 percent believed Obama would – though the president scored a 37 to 30 overall win over Romney, with 33 percent believing it was a tie.
A big storyline for conservatives was moderator Candy Crowley,
who injected herself into the mix to aid Obama. But a bigger story should be how she used a contrived Townhall setting to pick predominately slanted and loaded questions about the “evils” of guns, unfair pay practices and a mass imagined “outsourcing” of American jobs from our cast of allegedly undecided voters. Almost all questions played to Obama’s advantage, though few were especially relevant to this election.
Not that it was an excuse. Candidates should be prepared to answer any and all comers. And in the end, though Romney might have missed a chance to
hit Obama on his Libya distortions, on the economy, even an invigorated Obama couldn’t overcome one nagging problem: His record. When it was time to defend four years of stagnation, Obama bent time and space and blamed Mitt Romney.
In turn, Romney’s most effective moment came when he laid out the administration’s unmet promises. “What you’re seeing in this country is 23 million people struggling to find a job. The president’s policies have been exercised over the last four years and they haven’t put Americans back to work.” Romney pointed out that growth had slowed year to year and the unemployment numbers looked better than reality as workers have fled the labor market – factors that voters might not understand when reading headlines.
Though most of the debate rehashed ongoing campaign arguments, there were some new nuggets of interest.
In a night of protectionist rhetoric from both candidates, the president accused Romney of supported tax breaks to companies that offshore jobs, explaining that “If you invest overseas, you don’t have to pay U.S. taxes.” Obama is apparently referring to a “territorial tax system” supported by the Simpson-Bowles Commission (and Romney) that allows companies to bring foreign-earned profits back to the country without taxation. This idea has pretty broad bipartisan support.
Obama — reminding everyone, early and often, how shockingly rich the GOP candidate is — claimed that Romney, in a 60 Minutes interview, was asked, “Is it fair for somebody like you, making $20 million a year, to pay a lower tax rate than a nurse or a bus driver, somebody making $50,000 year? And he said, “Yes, I think that’s fair.” Not only that, he said, “I think that’s what grows the economy.”
Crazy, right? Except, of course, Romney went on to argue that the income in question was double taxed (at 30 percent, or higher, the first time around) and keeping rates low on investment income encourages more investment and growth. If the debate would have focused on the tax code, rather then another round of vacuous class “fairness” talk, we might have learned something.
Romney also finally pointed out that, despite all the president’s talk,
Obama was the one that took General Motors and Chrysler through bankruptcy.
Then there were two moments that (inadvertently) told us a lot Obama’s economic vision.
The first occurred when a college student named Jeremy asked for reassurances about his job prospects after graduating. Obama answered: “Number one, I want to build manufacturing jobs in this country again.” Jeremy was probably somewhat stunned to find out that his $100,000 in student loans could only land him a job working the line at a factory making government subsidized electric cars. Hey, in these unselfish, planned economies, Jeremy, you take what you’re given.
And when the candidates were asked by one of those committed undecideds to dispel any myths about themselves, Obama used it to lay out one of the least convincing arguments of the night. “I believe,” he explained, “that the free enterprise system is the greatest engine of prosperity the world’s ever known.
Yet, if a person had listened to the preceding hour (the preceding four years, actually), they would have learned that the free enterprise system wasn’t “great” enough for the health care insurance industry, retirement funds, auto and banking industries, housing markets, education, green energy, or basically any other area that his administration’s policies have touched on in four years. It would be interesting if someone – perhaps at the next Townhall debate –would ask Obama to define what the free enterprise means to him.
0bama Is the Quintessential "Post Turtle"

While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old rancher, whose hand was caught in the squeeze gate while working cattle,
the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to 0bama and his role as our president.
The old rancher said, “Well, ya know, 0bama is a 'Post Turtle'.”
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him, what a 'Post Turtle' was.
The old rancher said, “When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top,
that's a 'Post Turtle'.”
The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain . . ."You know He didn't get up there by Himself — He doesn't belong up there — He doesn't know what to do while He's up there — He's elevated beyond His ability to function, and you just wonder what kind of dumbass put Him up there to begin with."SHOCK GALLUP POLL: Dems Panic! — Romney Leads by 5 Points in Swing States
Mitt Romney is leading President Obama by 5 percentage points in critical battleground states, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll out Monday - a gain the survey suggests is linked to a spike in support among women.
The poll shows Romney ahead,
51 percent to 46 percent, among likely voters in 12 swing states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Women typically trend Democratic: In 2008, female voters chose Mr. Obama over Republican Sen. John McCain by a 13 point margin.
Now, according to USA Today/Gallup,
Romney is tied with the president among women who are likely voters, 48 percent to 48 percent. He is leading by 12 points among men."In every poll, we've seen a major surge among women in favorability for Romney" since since the first presidential debate, veteran Democratic pollster Celinda Lake tld USA Today. "Women went into the debate actively disliking Romney, and they came out thinking he might understand their lives and might be able to get something done for them."
But the Romney camp shouldn't celebrate yet, argued Obama pollster Joel Benenson: "In the last election, Gallup's 'registered voter' model -- not its 'likely voter' model -- was a much more accurate predictor, with their likely model missing the mark in 2010 by 9 points right before the election," he argued in a memo to reporters. "That explains why Gallup's results are way out of line with a dozen recent swing state polls that show the president with a double-digit lead among women."
Among registered voters (not just likely voters) in the swing states, the president leads by nine points among women and two points overall, 49 percent to 47 percent.
Debate Will Be Remembered for Biden's
'Clown Faces'
While Paul Ryan showed his nerves in Thursday’s debate by drinking “enough water to be a camel,” vice president Joe Biden’s performance was marked by “clown faces, grimaces, and smiles,” debate expert and pollster Matt Towery tells Newsmax.
“His facial reactions were like that of a novice debater, who was in his first debate round — perhaps in junior varsity,” observed Towery in an exclusive interview. “I mean continuing to make clown faces, and grimaces and smiles. That’s going to be what people are talking about tomorrow.”
“No one probably imagined that he would interpret a smile as being just an out and out uncontrollable sort of toothy smile that overwhelmed the camera — and the shaking of the head that seemed to be just plain disrespectful,” said Towery, who was former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s first debate coach. “And if anyone had any idea, that they intended to go split camera, he should have been much better prepared as to how he was going to respond to that.”
“Ryan really comes away with more from that debate,” said Towery, who noted that the Obama campaign had attempted to portray Ryan as “somehow not only to the right of Romney, but somehow dangerously to the right — sort of a wildman."
Ryan came into the debate very controlled, said Towery. "If anything he was a little bit more subdued.”
“For a guy who’s 42 years old to be subdued is about the only way to keep from appearing to appear almost immature,” said Towery. “Had he been bouncing around all over the place in that debate it would not have come across as him being the aggressor. It would have come across as him being a neophyte and wet behind the ears.”
Small Sample of Corrupt Incestual Press Corps Clowns
"WE ALL WORSHIP OBAMA!"(1) Neil King is a political reporter for the Wall Street Journal. He is married to Shailagh Murray who left a reporting job at the Washington Post to take the job of Joe Biden’s communications director. She replaced Jay Carney who moved to the White House and who himself left Time to take the communications director role for Biden.
(2) John Harris of the Politico is married to an abortion rights activist who used to run NARAL Virginia.
(3) The Politico’s Chief Washington Correspondent,
Jonathan Allen, left the Politico to work for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, then returned to the Politico.
(4) Andy Barr of the Politico left the Politico to work for the Democratic National Committee and now works for Richard Carmona, the Democrats’ candidate for Senate in Arizona against Jeff Flake.
(5) George Stephanopolous of ABC News used to be a strategist for Bill Clinton and
even after becoming Chief Washington Correspondent still engaged in regular conversations with Rahm Emanuel, James Carville, and Paul Begala from the Clinton days. (Ironic, isn’t it, that John Harris wrote that story)
(6) Michael Scherer of Time, where Jay Carney left to go to Joe Biden’s office, got his start in left wing publications, as did Ezra Klein of the Washington Post who famously created the left wing Journolist
filled with Washington journalists and pundits to bounce around themes in the left wing echo chamber.
(7) Linda Douglass of ABC News left ABC to serve as Chief Propaganda Officer for the Obama White House in charge of getting Obamacare through.
(8) Andrew Rosenthal of the New York Times made up the story about President George H. W. Bush being surprised and taken aback by a common supermarket check out scanner. The story was made up by Rosenthal who was not even present. Andrew Rosenthal is now the Editor of the New York Times Editorial Page.
(9) The
BuzzFeed crew are mostly left of center, hang out with left of center reporters and pundits, and the media considers them and their cat GIFs the second coming of a supposedly objective Huffington Post.
(10) Chuck Todd of NBC is married to a former DNC staffer and he worked as a Democratic staffer to Senator Tom Harkin. He works with Chris Matthews who worked for a Democrat in Congress and Jimmy Carter. They both work with Andrea Mitchell who is married to Alan Greenspan, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve. And they’re all just a degree or two removed from Tawana Brawley thanks to their relationship with MSNBC host Al Sharpton. h/t redstate.com
IOW . . . Question everything you hear, read or see from ABCBSNBCNNYTWPLAT.Obama's Ring Inscription: 'There is No God but Allah' Says It All About the Muslim Usurper-In-Chief

RING INSCRIPTION READS: “There is no God except Allah.”By Jerome Corsi -- As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues. Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992.
Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of
the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no God except Allah.”The Shahada is the first of the Five Pillars of Islam, expressing the two fundamental beliefs that make a person a Muslim: There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s prophet.
Sincere recitation of the Shahada is the sole requirement for becoming a Muslim, as it expresses a person’s rejection of all other gods.
Egyptian-born Islamic scholar Mark A. Gabriel, Ph.D., examined photographs of Obama’s ring at WND’s request and concluded that the first half of the Shahada is inscribed on it.
“There can be no doubt that someone wearing the inscription ‘There is no god except Allah’ has a very close connection to Islamic beliefs, the Islamic religion and Islamic society to which this statement is so strongly attached,” Gabriel told WND.
“Dreams from My Real Father” producer Joel Gilbert, an Arabic speaker and an expert on the Middle East, was the first to conclude that Obama’s ring, reportedly from Indonesia, bore an Islamic inscription.
Photographs published last week by the New Yorker from Obama’s time at Occidental College, taken by fellows students, indicate that the ring Obama wore three decades ago is the one he is wearing in the White House.
WND reported in July, previously published photos have shown Obama wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger continuously from 1981 at Occidental, through graduation at Columbia in 1983, in a visit to Africa in 1988 and during his time at Harvard from 1988 to 1991. But none, until now, have displayed the ring with enough detail to identify it as the one he currently is wearing.
WND reported a satirical edition of the Harvard Law Review published by students in 1990 contains a mock Dewers Scotch profile advertisement poking fun at Obama. Among a list of Obama’s “Latest Accomplishments” is: “Deflecting Persistent Questioning About Ring On Left Hand.”
The comment suggests the ring was a subject of student curiosity at the time and that Obama was not forthcoming with an explanation.
He still has not explained why he wore the band on his wedding-ring finger before he married Michelle.
DeclarationGabriel, born to Muslim parents in Upper Egypt, grew up immersed in Islamic culture. He memorized the Quran at age of 12 and graduated in 1990 with a Masters degree from the prestigious Al-Azhar University in Cairo, the preeminent Sunni Muslim institution of learning.
He explained that on Obama’s ring, the declaration “There is no god except Allah” (La Ilaha Illallah) is inscribed in two sections, one above the other.
On the upper section, “There is no god” is written in Arabic letters, from right to left: Lam, Alif, Alif, Lam, Ha.
On the lower section is “except god,” written in Arabic letters from right to left: Alif, Lam, Alif, Alif, Lam, Lam, Ha.
In the lower section, the word “Allah” is written partially on top of the word “except,” noted Gabriel, the author of “Islam and Terrorism” and “Journey Inside the Mind of an Islamic Terrorist.”
It is common in Islamic art and Arabic calligraphy, especially when expressing Quranic messages on jewelry, to artfully place letters on top of each other to fit them into the allotted space.
The exhibit below shows how the Arabic inscription fits over the two parts of the Obama ring.
First-Rate Accent’In an interview during the 2008 presidential campaign, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof questioned Obama about his Islamic education in Indonesia, where he lived from 1967 to 1971.
After acknowledging that he once got in trouble for making faces during Quran study classes in his elementary school, Obama recited for Kristoff the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, the Adhan.
The prayer incorporates the Shahada, the expression of Islamic faith, with each line repeated twice:
Allah is supreme! Allah is supreme!
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that Muhammad is his prophetKristof noted Obama recited the prayer in Arabic “with a first-rate accent.”
“In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it’ll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as ‘one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset,’” Kristoff wrote.
Gabriel told WND that a person wearing a ring with “There is no God except Allah” demonstrates the significance of Islam in his life.
“Christians never use the statement,” he pointed out. “By wearing the Shahada on jewelry, a person communicates that Allah is in control of all circumstances. Allah controls you; Allah is the one and only one.”
Obama, who attended Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for two decades, has repeatedly insisted he is a Christian.
‘Blessed Statement in Islam’Gabriel emphasized the importance of the Shahada in the profession of faith in Islam.
“Muslims recite the Shahada when they wake up in the morning and before they go to sleep at night,” he said. “It is repeated five times every day in the call to prayer in every mosque. A single honest recitation of the Shahada in Arabic is all that is required for a person to convert to Islam.”
Gabriel believes it would be impossible for Obama not to be aware of what is written on the ring, calling it a “blessed statement in Islam.”
“By wearing this religious statement on one’s hand, it connects the person to Islam,” he said. “It is worn in hopes that Allah’s protections would be with the person, in hopes of gaining favor with Allah.”
He affirmed that Muslim men do wear gold rings, despite prohibitions in Islamic law.
“Though Islamic law prohibits the wearing of gold jewelry by men, it is a widely accepted custom, even in strictly Muslim countries,” he said. “The wearing of gold rings is even more acceptable when it contains a religious message, such as ‘There is no god except Allah.’”
He noted there is also widespread acceptance of men wearing gold jewelry in non-Arab Islamic societies such as Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Pakistan, where Muslims generally understand that Muslims are subject to strong influences of local non-Arab cultures.
“Therefore, even though technically prohibited, a Muslim man wearing a gold ring is not looked down upon, especially if the jewelry reflects a love of Islam and a connection to Islamic society,” he said. “An even greater level of acceptance is for businessmen who deal with infidels, because such a person would be regarded as a person of influence.”
‘I Have Known Islam on Three Continents’Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, an expert on Islamic history, noted Obama wore the ring during his
high-profile speech in Cairo on June 4, 2009, in the first months of his presidency.
“Now we have a new context for what Obama meant when he told the Islamic audience in Cairo that he has ‘known Islam on three continents,” Gilbert said. “He also told the Cairo audience that he considered it part of his responsibility as president of the United States ‘to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.’ All religious Muslims are by definition required to defend Islam.”
Gilbert’s most recent documentary films on the Middle East are “Farewell Israel: Bush, Iran and The Revolt of Islam” and “Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad’s Coming War and Obama’s Politics of Defeat”
PBS' Frontline: Obama Claimed He Was 'Kenyan Royalty,' Recalls Classmate
Teenage Meglomanic: Obama called himself “King Obama” while a student in the late 1970s.
So pathetic, he carved his name in the pavement outside the cafeteria of Punahou School.PBS's 'FRONTLINE' interviewed former Barack Obama classmate, Kristen Caldwell. She grew up and attended Punahou School with "Barry" Obama. She recalls how as a young child, Obama alternatively
told classmates he was an Indonesian prince or Kenyan royalty.So what do we know about Obama and his background? He wasn't rich. Would he have needed help? How did he fit into this . . .Kristen Caldwell - My understanding is that Barry -- and that's what we called him, so I'm not meaning to be disrespectful, but I'm going likely to refer to him as Barry for the most part. My understanding is that Barry was on a scholarship. And a lot of times if you're on scholarship you had to do some work at the school. You worked in the snack bar.
My father told me -- and I didn't know it at the time -- that Barry did some work at the tennis courts. We all did work at the tennis courts, those of us who hung out there. So it wasn't unusual when the tennis pro would ask me, "Go and walk courts 1 and 2," and that sort of thing, because he would ask any of us to do that. So I wasn't aware of that.
When I first met Barry, when he showed up I think it was the summer before fifth grade, he was hanging out at the tennis courts. And at the time that was the very Wimbledon-like, where everyone had to wear white clothes and white tennis shoes. Very careful about the soles of the shoes because you didn't want to scuff up the courts, mark them up.
So yeah, I can picture him as this slightly -- "chubby" is too strong, but rounded, short little guy, Barry Obama. And he told us that his father was an Indonesian king and that he was a prince, and after he finished school he was going to go back, and
he would be a ruler in Indonesia. And I absolutely believed him.I understand that he told his fifth-grade class that he was Kenyan royalty, but I never heard that story until years later. My sister and I remember very clearly that he was an Indonesian prince and that he would be going back there. So there was some reference to where he had come from, and the understanding was his family was there.I didn't know who he lived with at the time. I since know that it was his grandparents. I knew where he lived, because a lot of times if it rained, my dad would give him a ride home from the tennis courts, because we would hang out after school. In the summers we'd hang out at the tennis courts; after school we would hang out at the tennis courts. That's what we did. And that's what Barry did pretty much from fifth through eighth grade. And I think after he leaned up and grew and got into basketball, he shifted away from tennis.
B-o-m-b-s-h-e-l-l: Obama.com Owned by Bundler in Shanghai with Business Ties to Chinese Government
In an explosive report set to send shockwaves through official Washington, the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) released a 108-page GAI investigation into the threat of foreign and fraudulent Internet campaign donations in U.S. federal electionsSee Government Accountability Institute (GAI) —
See campaignfundingrisks.com to download the full report).
By Wynton Hall -- Breitbart News obtained an advance copy of the bombshell
report which reveals that the Obama.com website is not owned by the president’s campaign but rather by Obama
bundler Robert Roche, a U.S. citizen living in Shanghai, China. Roche is the chairman of a
Chinese infomercial company, Acorn International, with ties to state-controlled banks that allow it to “gain revenue through credit card transactions with Chinese banks.”
There’s more.
The unusual Obama.com website redirects traffic directly to a donation page on the Obama campaign’s official website, my.barackobama.com, which does not require donors tob enter their credit card security code (known as the CVV code), thereby increasing the likelihood of foreign or fraudulent donations. The website is managed by a small web development firm, Wicked Global, in Maine. One of Wicked Global’s employees, Greg Dorr, lists on his
LinkedIn page his additional employment with Peace Action Maine and Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights. According to the GAI report, 68 percent of all Internet traffic to Obama.com comes from foreign visitors.
And still more.
In 2011, Mr. Roche obtained one of the most sought-after pieces of real estate in Washington, DC: a seat at the
head table for President Obama’s State Dinner for Chinese President Hu Jintao. How Roche — a man whose infomercial company hawks fitness equipment, cell phones, and breast enhancement products—landed a seat alongside Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton, Sen. John Kerry, former President Jimmy Carter, and Chinese President Hu Jintao remains unclear.
Since 2009, White House Visitor Logs list the name Robert Roche at least
19 times, despite the fact Mr. Roche’s primary residence is in China.
Mr. Roche, who is originally from Chicago, is a
co-chair of the Technology Initiative for the Obama campaign.
According to
Acorn International’s prospectus, the success of Mr. Roche’s company hinges on maintaining access to state-run media and “preferential tax treatments and subsidies” doled out by the People’s Republic of China (PRC):
Our business depends on our access to TV media time to market our products and services in China….PRC law is vague and is subject to discretionary interpretation and enforcement by PRC authorities…Loss of these preferential tax treatments and subsidies could have material and adverse effects on our results of operations and financial conditions.In addition to the Obama.com redirect revelation, the Government Accountability Institute report —
America the Vulnerable: Are Foreign And Fraudulent Online Contributions Influencing U.S. Elections? — exposes myriad gaping online security holes that stand to threaten the integrity of House, Senate, and presidential elections.
Stay tuned to Breitbart News for continuing coverage…
UPDATE: Obama Campaign Scrambles to Kill Illegal Online Fundraising StoryBy Wynton Hall -- Minutes after Newsweek published a
story on the threat of illegal foreign and fraudulent online campaign donations late Monday afternoon, the Obama campaign struck back hard with a
response smearing one of the article’s authors and offered an anemic defense of its online fundraising operations.
Earlier today,
Breitbart News and myriad news agencies reported on a new
108-page investigation conducted by the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) which examines the online donation systems of the entire U.S. Congress and the two presidential candidates.
The report found that 47.3% of all House and Senate donation websites do not require online donors to enter their credit card security code (officially known as a CVV, or Card Verification Value), which leaves them vulnerable to foreign and fraudulent contributions.
Governor Mitt Romney’s website requires donors to enter a credit card security code, while President Barack Obama’s does not. The GAI report also revealed that Obama.com is not owned by the president’s campaign but rather by Robert Roche, an American businessman and top Obama fundraiser living in Shanghai, China, whose company has ties to the Chinese government.
Within hours of a Newsweek article on the report’s release, the Obama campaign issued a dismissive response. The Obama campaign’s rapid-fire attack against the report did not mention Robert Roche, Obama.com, the Obama campaign’s failure to require donors to enter their CVV code, or the report’s finding that 68% of the traffic going to Obama.com originates from foreign locations.
Instead, the Obama campaign sought to dismiss report’s findings by calling the group’s president,
Peter Schweizer, a “right-wing activist” who previously worked for
Governor Sarah Palin.The Obama campaign’s attempt to deflect attention away from GAI’s findings, however, is undercut by the fact that Mr. Schweizer has been a consistent
critic of Gov. Romney’s
refusal to release the names of his fundraising bundlers. What’s more, President Obama championed and signed into law the STOCK Act banning insider trading—an effort sparked by Peter Schweizer’s insider trading expose featured on
CBS’s 60 Minutes that placed GOP Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) under intense scrutiny for possible insider trading.
“Protecting U.S. elections from illegal foreign donations is an effort behind which all Americans can unite,” said Mr. Schweizer in an interview with Breitbart News. “As the GAI report demonstrates, lax and antiquated Federal Election Commission (FEC) laws are woefully out of step with the technological realities of today’s digital campaigns.”
Obama Campaign Illegally Solicited Foreign Donors Via Social Media Website, Obama.comPresident Barack Obama’s re-election campaign has been soliciting foreigners for donations, an explosive report from the conservative
Government Accountability Institute (GAI) shows. Those foreign donors are allegedly visiting the Obama campaign’s donation solicitation Web pages through a social media website the campaign controls, and through an outside website that serves mostly Internet users from outside the United States.
About 20 percent of visitors to the
“my.barackobama.com” social media website “originated from foreign locations,” the report found. That Web address is owned and controlled by the Obama re-election campaign.
“At no point during the [website's] subscription process is a visitor asked whether he or she can legally donate to a U.S. election,” GAI notes.
“Once a visitor signs up, he or she immediately begins receiving solicitations for donations. In fact, numerous foreign nationals report receiving solicitation letters and thank you emails from the campaign for their support.
Some of these emails have been reposted on blog sites to encourage friends to click on the donate link or get their names on the email list.”
The “primary purpose of
my.barackobama.com is to create a highly personalized vehicle for individuals to ‘get involved’ and to invite others to do the same,” GAI explains. But Obama’s campaign “employs various techniques to gather email and other data on the friends and associations of [the site's] members to further the campaign’s fundraising efforts.”
Washington Examiner writer Paul Bedard reported last week that a fundraising scandal would soon hit the Obama campaign, and may have been one reason why the president bumbled his way to failure during Wednesday’s debate against Mitt Romney.Federal law
prohibits ”a foreign national, directly or indirectly,” from making “a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value … in connection with a Federal, State, or local election. The same section of law makes it a federal crime to “solicit, accept, or receive” such campaign contributions.
GAI’s report explores fundraising practices that directly contradict the president’s 2010 insistence that American elections shouldn’t be funded by foreign powers.
“I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities,” Obama
said then.
GAI cites examples comprising what it calls “but a sample” of a large trend of Obama’s campaign soliciting foreign nationals for campaign donations. Those examples focus on foreign bloggers posting fundraising-request emails from the Obama campaign.
The group identified such Obama fundraising solicitations sent to Chinese, Azerbaijani, Vietnamese, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian and Egyptian bloggers.
In a report accompanying the GAI report’s release, former U.S. Attorney Ken Sukhia concluded that the Obama campaign is clearly soliciting donations from foreign nationals. Sukhia served as counsel to President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney on military and overseas ballot cases during the 2000 election.
“The GAI Report has shown that the Obama Campaign actively solicits campaign contributions from non-U.S. residents throughout the world,” Sukhia wrote. “[S]uch solicitations could be explainable if they were received solely by U.S. citizens abroad. They clearly are not.”
In addition to soliciting foreigners for donations, the Obama campaign has chosen not to employ industry-standard safeguards against collecting unlawful foreign donations via its social media and online process, the GAI report says.
Continued >> --
Obama campaign doesn't require credit card CVV numbers, but merchandise shop does"Messiah Miracle" or "Massaging Farce" — Unemployment Rate Tumbles to 7.8%
Suspicion Falls on Labor Secretary Solis as She Misleads on Jobs NumbersSuspicion about the federal government's September jobs report has fallen on Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, who appeared on CNBC this morning and defended the numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), claiming--falsely--that upward revisions of 86,000 jobs were from the private sector. In fact, the new number is entirely accounted for by upwards revisions to state and federal government payrolls. The BLS reported that while only 114,000 jobs were created in September--which would have translated into a rise in unemployment from 8.1% to 8.2%--the unemployment rate fell dramatically to 7.8%.
Why BLS 7.8% Jobs Number Makes No Sense — Pay No Attention to the 14.7% U6 Broader Measure of Unemployment!By Daniel Horowitz --
Every month, we try to break down the monthly employment report from the BLS and analyze it in plain English. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Report of September employment is so bizarre that it’s hard to comprehend, much less give over.The BLS puts out two surveys: (1) the establishment survey, which shows the growth in non-farm payroll jobs (as well as a breakdown by specific industry), surveys businesses and (2) the household survey, which measures broad census data, such as total number of employment-age population, size of the labor force, the U3 unemployment rate, and total number of employed and unemployed, surveys individual households. It’s always hard to get a precise picture of the employment situation because you need to conflate data from both surveys; however, the surveys usually complement one another in a coherent fashion.
That is not the case with today’s report.
To begin with, we must recognize that we are coasting along near the bottom of the employment nadir – a steep trench that was created by the 2008-2009 recession. Unlike every other recession, including the one in the early 80s, this one was not followed by a steep climb out of the trench. We’re not even creating enough jobs per month to keep up with the population growth, much less recover the millions of jobs lost in the recession.
Yet, despite the fact that we’ve added less than 150k jobs during most months of the recovery, and less than 100k during many of them, the U3 rate has steadily declined. This all made sense because there was an unprecedented shrinkage of the labor force – a symptom of a permanently lethargic economy. Paradoxically, this led to a steady decline in the unemployment rate as the universe of the job market shrunk. It’s not that the BLS was purposely making Obama look better. You just needed to look beyond the U3 number to understand how the unemployment rate dropped.
This brings us to the September jobs report. According to the establishment survey, only 114k non-farm payroll jobs were added last month. That’s well below the 206k increase in the working-age population, according to the household survey. But once again, the U3 rate dropped, this time down to 7.8%. As always, I expected this to be the result of a dramatic shrinkage in labor force participation. Yet, shockingly enough, the labor force actually grew by 418K in September, even more than it shrunk the previous month.
So the labor force shrinks during a month of tepid job growth, and the U3 declines. Now the labor force grows during a month of tepid job growth, yet the U3 rate….still declines!
The culprit?
Under the “employed” data point of the household survey, you will find that there was an increase of 873k among the ranks of the employed population! That’s the largest gain since the Reagan years when the economy was growing by 9.3%. We know that the household survey is a different measure of employment with a different methodology than the establishment survey (it’s a smaller survey), but when did we ever have such a divergence between the two surveys?
In September 1984, at this time through the Reagan recover, non-farm payroll increased by 311k, well above the 180k increase in working-age population. The household survey showed an increase of 327k in the employment population, pretty close to the non-farm payroll numbers. It made sense that the U3 rate dropped to 7.3% from 7.5%. Today’s report is just screwy.
Now BLS solves this enigma for us by explaining that the lion’s share of the employment growth comes from part-time jobs:
The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) rose from 8.0 million in August to 8.6 million in September. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job.Now, I have no problem concluding from this report that a surge in people giving up full-time employment in favor of part-time work is endemic of Obama’s sickly economy and the new normal of permanent stagnation. That could still jive with the slow growth in non-farm payroll and 1.3% GDP growth.
However, in order for this to make sense, we would need to see a relatively long-term trend in growth of part-time jobs. How in the world are we experiencing such wild swings from month to month? We had 360k people dropping out of the labor force in August; now we have 418k reentering, despite the steady trend towards a smaller workforce.
Most of all, how do you have a 600k jump in part-time employment in just one month before the beginning of retail season with nobody realizing it until the BLS published today’s report? There are times when you see methodological adjustments or population adjustments in the January report, but it is usually accompanied with a footnote. In order to fully understand the employment situation, we would need to know about any adjustments or at least an explanation of how there was such a precipitous swing towards part-time work in a matter of a few weeks. Most likely, this month’s household survey is just one of those surveys that is a casualty of the margin of error in any sample.
There is no good news in this report from any of the numbers that actually make sense, except for the revisions of the July and August numbers. There is clearly a statistical anomaly here – one that is skewing the numbers counter to the current trend of the economy. But somehow, despite the internal numbers of the household survey and the payroll numbers of the establishment survey, the topline U3 number always seems to decline…..
Pay no attention to that 14.7% U6 broader measure of unemployment!
K-N-O-C-K-O-U-T: Mitt Romney Crushes the 'Real Obama' in First Presidential Debate
Gov. Romney overmatched President Obama from start to finish.
The first presidential debate opened with a stark contrast: A blue tie on President Barack Obama and a red tie on Gov. Mitt Romney.
In his opening statement President Obama offered a new phrase for shopworn tax and spend policies, calling that “economic patriotism.” Gov. Romney opened with his five-point plan to get the American economy on the path to recovery. The president’s plan is a call for more government spending, at a time when the nation is racking up massive, record deficits under his watch. Romney’s call is to unleash the private sector through domestic energy production and tax policy.
In an early moment of incoherence, President Obama called for cutting the deficit while also increasing government “investment” in his green energy initiatives. How does one cut government spending while increasing government spending?
Gov. Romney also caught the president telling a story about energy production. The president entered office having made a promise to “bankrupt” the coal industry to force America onto a greener path. Energy prices have risen sharply. President Obama tried to take credit for the oil boom that has been occurring over the past couple of years, but Gov. Romney reminded him that all of that increase in production is happening on privately owned land. The Obama administration has pushed against and closed down production on federal lands.
By about the 15 minute mark, President Obama appeared to be annoyed. That came after an exchange in which Gov. Romney interrupted moderator Jim Lehrer to deconstruct a misleading Obama charge that Romney plans to raise taxes on the middle class and cut taxes on the rich.
Gov. Romney consistently delivered piles of facts, combined with stories about American workers and businesses that put flesh on those facts. It was an extremely effective strategy, showing Romney as the detail wonk who cares and who understands the connection between Washington policy and Main Street reality. Obama’s response was to drag Donald Trump into a discussion of small businesses. It flopped.
At the 25 minute mark, Romney stated that it’s not moral for the current generation to continue spending money we do not have, which will have to be paid back by future generations. That argument counters the moral argument that Obama and the left consistently make, that it is moral to force wealthier Americans to pay more in taxes than they already do. Wealthy Americans already pay far more than their share; the moral weight has to go to Romney on this argument.
At the 30 minute mark, moderator Jim Lehrer abandoned his designated role and coached President Obama to explain his belief that in order to close the deficit, you have to cut spending and raise revenue. This happened after Romney used Obama’s own 2010 vintage argument for maintaining current tax rates instead of letting Bush era tax cuts expire. Lehrer offered Obama what amounted to a lifeline. A pattern soon developed: The president would pick out an unpopular figure and bash them to argue for more taxes. The first time, he used Donald Trump. The second, he bashed Exxon-Mobil.
If it’s possible to be too informed, then Romney suffered from that ailment. At times the governor overwhelmed his opponent with facts, statistics, past and present, while the split screen captured Obama looking down, smirking, occasionally nodding and jotting something down. After Obama bashed the oil industry and its alleged tax breaks, Romney pointed out that Obama’s own tax breaks to green industry in just three years amounted to about 90 years’ worth of the breaks for oil companies. A second pattern emerged during this exchange: Romney discussed business like a business man who understands policy, Obama discussed business like an enemy whose existence he tolerates because he has to.
Obama’s strongest moments came during the discussion of Medicare. He charged that Gov. Romney supports a future voucher program (so does Obama, or he did at one point, but that didn’t come up). Romney fired back that the president has already taken $716 billion out of Medicare to fund ObamaCare, which is true. Romney promoted competition to bring costs down; Obama stuck to touting government as the most cost-effective solution to senior citizens health care. Romney ultimately won the segment on the facts, but Obama came across as more confident in his arguments here than he had at any point previously in the debate. A tweet rolled across around this point, showing Romney outperforming Obama in Topsy, a measure of social response, by about 70 or 80 points, or about ten percent of the measure.
The candidates sparred over the massive Dodd-Frank banking regulation, which Obama signed into law. Romney charged that it walls off five banks as “too big to fail” and is hurting local and regional banks. Obama charged that Romney supports no regulation, which is absurd.
At the 55 minute mark, Romney landed a serious body blow when he noted that as a candidate, Obama had promised that through health care reform he would bring insurance premiums down by about $2500 per family. The reality has been that since ObamaCare’s passage in 2010, premiums have increased by an average of about $2500 per family. Romney also argued that ObamaCare has killed jobs (a majority of small business owners agree with him) and that it should be repealed to allow the states to come up with their own solutions. Obama responded with anecdotes: Pre-existing conditions, evil insurance companies imposing “arbitrary” limits, and the like. Just before the hour mark, Lehrer attempted to stop a long Obama answer, and Obama snapped that he still had five seconds on the clock before taking about a minute to finish his answer. Romney capped the health care debate by noting that in Massachusetts, he, a Republican, worked with the Democrats to craft a reform.
Obama, said Romney, worked solely with Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. That plan raised taxes and cut Medicare and never earned a single Republican vote. During this exchange, Dennis Miller tweeted: “The night janitor at Big Ben doesn’t clean a clock as well as Romney does.” Obama got off to a decent reply about Congressional Republicans not cooperating with him, but then wandered off into the land of uncertain “uhs.”
“Free people and free enterprise are more effective at reducing costs than government will ever be.” Gov. Romney said this, in regard to health care and the unelected Independent Payment Advisory Board that ObamaCare creates to oversee the plan’s implementation, at about six minutes past the hour mark. That thought is one that President Obama could never honestly utter. A tweet rolled by: “Romney is opening up Obama on IPAB like a boiled peanut.” Another noted that Obama’s open derision was unbecoming for him.
The president struck me as frustrated with Romney and with the structure of the debate. When Romney violated the debate’s time limits, which he did routinely, he seemed eager to answer and get to the next fact. Obama seemed touchy and constrained. Romney had struck him for wasting two years while the American economy foundered, on ObamaCare, which hurt job creation. That took some of the wind out of the president. In football terms, it had the effect of the trailing team driving across the 50 yard line, only to throw an interception that turned into a pick six.
With 15 minutes left on the clock, Mitt Romney outlined his principles: Based on the Constitution, with a strong military and a strong economy, empowering individuals and caring for the hurting. Romney projected optimism, caring, openness and a connection to the factual real world in that moment, a moment that may have changed the race and put him on a trajectory to become President of the United States. He closed that segment with another strike on Obama’s “trickle-down government” philosophy: “We know that the path we are on is not working, it’s time for a new path.” On the president’s green energy “investments,” Romney charged that “You don’t just pick winners and losers, you pick the losers.” Obama never appeared to realize that for every single problem, he proposes government as the answer. A majority of American voters consistently view government as less a solution than the problem itself.
By this point, Obama had spoken for about 10% more than Romney had, yet had stayed in the world of anecdotes and away from hard facts and statistics. Romney had pummeled the president with a barrage of facts. His energy gone, the president struggled even to explain his education policies. Obama accused Romney of plotting to cut education funding, but Romney retorted: “Mr. President, you’re entitled to your airplane and your house, but not to your own facts.” He struck the president again for wasting money on greendoggles, and noted that many of the recipients had been the president’s political supporters. It was probably too subtle a way to introduce the president’s cronyism, but time will tell whether that passage introduced that angle into the presidential conversation.
Gov. Mitt Romney destroyed President Barack Obama in this first debate. Had it been a boxing match, it would have been called after the first round, supposing that Obama was still on his feet. Tonight’s contest was as brutal a thumping as Americans have seen in a presidential debate to date. The president should have skipped the trip to Hoover Dam and buckled down to his debate prep. Obama was overmatched, badly, all night. And while his energy and demeanor flagged, Romney’s seemed to gather up and gain strength.
But watch George Stephanopolous, Chris Matthews, Matt Lauer and the majority of the mainstream media turn Obama’s embarrassing performance into a triumph of some sort. No matter what really happens, they have their story tell and they have their president to protect and re-elect.
Bombshell Obama 'Race Tape'
In Heated ’07 Speech, Obama Lavishes Praise on Wright, Says Feds ‘Don’t Care’ About New OrleansIn a 2007 speech at Virginia's historically black Hampton University, Obama makes repeated and all-but-explicit appeals to racial solidarity, referring to “our” people and “our neighborhoods,” as distinct from the white majority.
At one point, he suggests that black people were excluded from rebuilding contracts after the storm:
“We should have had our young people trained to rebuild the homes down in the Gulf. We don’t need Halliburton doing it. We can have the people who were displaced doing that work. Our God is big enough to do that.”
This theme — that black Americans suffer while others profit — is a national problem, Obama continues: “We need additional federal public transportation dollars flowing to the highest need communities. We don’t need to build more highways out in the suburbs,” where, the implication is, the rich white people live. Instead, Obama says, federal money should flow to “our neighborhoods”: “We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods, so people don’t have to travel from miles away.”
The solution, Obama says, is a series of new federal programs, including one to teach punctuality to the poor: “We can’t expect them to have all the skills they need to work. They may need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office. We have to help them get there.”
As the speech continues, Obama makes repeated and all-but-explicit appeals to racial solidarity, referring to “our” people and “our neighborhoods,” as distinct from the white majority. At one point, he suggests that black people were excluded from rebuilding contracts after the storm: “We should have had our young people trained to rebuild the homes down in the Gulf. We don’t need Halliburton doing it. We can have the people who were displaced doing that work. Our God is big enough to do that.”
This theme — that black Americans suffer while others profit — is a national problem, Obama continues: “We need additional federal public transportation dollars flowing to the highest need communities. We don’t need to build more highways out in the suburbs,” where, the implication is, the rich white people live. Instead, Obama says, federal money should flow to “our neighborhoods”: “We should be investing in minority-owned businesses, in our neighborhoods, so people don’t have to travel from miles away.”
The solution, Obama says, is a series of new federal programs, including one to teach punctuality to the poor: “We can’t expect them to have all the skills they need to work. They may need help with basic skills, how to shop, how to show up for work on time, how to wear the right clothes, how to act appropriately in an office. We have to help them get there.”In the prepared version distributed to reporters, Obama’s speech ends this way:
“America is going to survive. We won’t forget where we came from. We won’t forget what happened 19 months ago, 15 years ago, thousands of years ago.”
That’s not what he actually said. Before the audience at Hampton, Obama ends his speech this way:
“America will survive. Just like black folks will survive. We won’t forget where we came from. We won’t forget what happened 19 months ago, or 15 years ago, or 300 years ago.”
Three hundred years ago. It’s a reference the audience understood.
PREACTION: DNC scrambles to deflate Obama video before Daily Caller story publishedFLASHBACK: JournoList plotted to kill Wright story in 2008WATCH: FULL 36 MIN. VIDEO OF OBAMA'S RACIST REMARKS HERERomney Pulls Ahead of the 'Serial Liar'
By DICK MORRIS (Commentator, pollster, campaign consultant, former advisor to Bill Clinton) -- The published polling in this year’s presidential race is unusually inaccurate because this is the first election in which who votes determines how they vote. Obama’s massive leads among blacks, Latinos, young people, and single women vie with Romney’s margin among the elderly, married white women, and white men. Tell me your demographic and I’ll tell you who you’re voting for and I’ll be right at least two times out of three!
Most pollsters are weighting their data on the assumption that the 2012 electorate will turn out in the same proportion as the 2008 voters did. But polling indicates a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the president among his core constituency. He’ll still carry them by heavy margins, but the turnout will likely lag behind the 2008 stats. (The 2008 turnout was totally unlike that in other years with all-time historic high turnouts among Obama’s main demographic groups).
Specifically, most pollsters are using 2008 party preferences to weight their 2012 survey samples, reflecting a much larger Democratic preference than is now really the case.
In my own polling, I found a lurch to the Democrats right after their convention, but subsequent research indicates that it has since petered out. Indeed, when one compares party identification in the August and September polls of this year in swing states, the Democratic Party identification is flat while the ranks of Republicans rose by an average of two points per state.
Pollster Scott Rasmussen has the best solution to the party id problem. He weights his polls to reflect the unweighted party identification of the previous three weeks, so he has a dynamic model which adjusts for sampling error but still takes account of gradual changes in the electorate’s partisan preferences.
Finally, with Obama below 50% of the vote in most swing states, he is hitting up against a glass ceiling in the high 40s. He can’t get past it except in heavily Democratic states like New York or California. The first time Obama breaks 50 will not be on Election Day. Either he consistently polls above 50% of the vote or he won’t ever get there in the actual vote.
So here’s where the race really stands today based on Rasmussen’s polling:
• Romney leads decisively in all states McCain carried (173 electoral votes).
• Romney is more than ten points ahead in Indiana – which Obama carried. (11 electoral votes)
• Romney leads Obama in the following states the president carried in 2008: Iowa (44-47) North Carolina (45-51), Colorado (45-47), and New Hampshire (45-48). He’ll probably win them all. (34 electoral votes).
This comes to 218 of the 270 Romney needs. But…
• Obama is below 50% of the vote in a handful of key swing states and leads Romney by razor thin margins in each one. All these states will go for Romney unless and until Obama can show polling support of 50% of the vote:
• Obama leads in Ohio (47-46) and Virginia (49-48) by only 1 point (31 electoral votes)
• Obama leads in Florida (48-46) and Nevada (47-45) by only 2 points (35 electoral votes)
If Romney carries Ohio, Virginia, and Florida, he wins. And other states are in play.
• Obama leads in Wisconsin (49-46) by only 3 points (10 electoral votes)
• Obama’s lead in Michigan is down to four points according to a recent statewide poll
• Obama is only getting 51% of the vote in Pennsylvania and 53% in New Jersey. And don’t count out New Mexico.It would be accurate to describe the race now as tied. But Romney has the edge because:
• The incumbent is under 50% in key states and nationally. He will probably lose any state where he is below 50% of the vote.
• The Republican enthusiasm and likelihood of voting is higher
• The GOP field organization is better.That’s the real state of play today.
KARL ROVE: State of the Presidential Race -- Seven states changed status since last week's Electoral College map, with four moving in Mitt Romney's direction and only three moving toward Barack Obama. Mr. Romney saw Georgia move from "lean" to "safe" Romney, New Hampshire change from "lean" Obama to "toss up," and New Mexico and Pennsylvania both shift from "safe" to "lean" Obama. Mr. Obama saw Oregon shift from "lean" to "safe" Obama, Wisconsin change from "toss up" to "lean" Obama, and Arizona move from "safe" Romney to "lean" Romney.
Mr. Obama is down to 196 "safe" Electoral College votes with four states (51 EC votes) "leaning" in his favor. Mr. Romney's "safe" EC votes increased to 159, with three "lean" states (32 EC votes) that are more than likely to be in his column on Election Day. It should be noted this is the first time since August 1st that Mr. Obama's "safe" EC vote total decreased while Mr. Romney's grew.
There are also eight "toss up" states and a coveted 100 EC votes are up for grabs. These states remain too close to call and show little movement, even after a week of rigorous polling (52 surveys conducted in eighteen states).
Polling Resources: FiveThirtyEight.com —
PollingReport.com —
Pollster blogs —
RealClearPolitics.comPolitical Odds Maker Predicts Resounding Romney Victory — Biased Pollsters Lack 'Common Sense'By Paul A. Ebeling -- Most political predictions are made by biased pollsters, pundits, or prognosticators who are either rooting for Republicans or Democrats.
I am neither. I am a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, and a well-known Vegas odds maker with one of the most accurate records of predicting political races.
But as an odds maker with a pretty remarkable track record of picking political races, I play no favorites. I simply use common sense to call them as I see them. Back in late December I released my New Year’s Predictions.
I predicted back then- before a single GOP primary had been held, with Romney trailing for months to almost every GOP competitor from Rick Perry to Herman Cain to Newt - that Romney would easily rout his competition to win the GOP nomination by a landslide. I also predicted that the Presidential race between Obama and Romney would be very close until election day. But that on election day Romney would win by a landslide similar to Reagan-Carter in 1980.
Understanding history, today I am even more convinced of a resounding Romney victory. 32 years ago at this moment in time, Reagan was losing by 9 points to Carter. Romney is right now running even in polls. So why do most pollsters give Obama the edge?
First, most pollsters are missing one ingredient - common sense. Here is my gut instinct. Not one American who voted for McCain 4 years ago will switch to Obama. Not one in all the land. But many millions of people who voted for an unknown Obama 4 years ago are angry, disillusioned, turned off, or scared about the future. Voters know Obama now - and that is a bad harbinger.
NOW TO AN ANALYSIS OF THE VOTING BLOCKS THAT MATTER IN U.S. POLITICS:**Black voters: Obama has nowhere to go but down among this group. His endorsement of gay marriage has alienated many black church going Christians. He may get 88% of their vote instead of the 96% he got in 2008. This is not good news for Obama.
**Jewish voters: Obama has been weak in his support of Israel. Many Jewish voters and big donors are angry and disappointed. I predict Obama’s Jewish support drops from 78% in 2008 to the low 60′s. This is not good news for Obama.
**Youth voters: Obama’s biggest and most enthusiastic believers from 4 years ago have graduated into a job market from hell. Young people are disillusioned, frightened, and broke - a bad combination. The enthusiasm is long gone. Turnout will be much lower among young voters, as will actual voting percentages. This not good news for Obama.
**Catholic voters: Obama won a majority of Catholics in 2008. That won’t happen again. Out of desperation to please women, Obama went to war with the Catholic Church over contraception. Now he is being sued by the Catholic Church. Majority lost. This is not good news for Obama.
**Small Business owners: Because I ran for Vice President last time around, and I’m a small businessman myself, I know literally thousands of small business owners. At least 40% of them in my circle of friends, fans and supporters voted for Obama 4 years ago to give someone different a chance. As I warned them that he would pursue a war on capitalism and demonize anyone who owned a business…that he’d support unions over the private sector in a big way…that he’d overwhelm the economy with spending and debt. My friends didn’t listen. Four years later, I can’t find one person in my circle of small business owner friends voting for Obama. Not one. This is not good news for Obama.
**Blue collar working class whites: Do I need to say a thing? White working class voters are about as happy with Obama as Boston Red Sox fans feel about the New York Yankees. This is not good news for Obama. Suburban moms. The issue isn’t contraception, it’s having a job to pay for contraception. Obama’s economy frightens these moms. They are worried about putting food on the table. They fear for their children’s future. This is not good news for Obama.
**Military Veterans: McCain won this group by 10 points. Romney is winning by 24 points. The more our military vets got to see of Obama, the more they disliked him. This is not good news for Obama.
Add it up. Is there one major group where Obama has gained since 2008? Will anyone in America wake up on election day saying, I didn’t vote for Obama 4 years ago, but he’s done such a fantastic job, I can’t wait to vote for him today. Does anyone feel that a vote for Obama makes their job more secure?
Forget the polls. My gut instincts as a Vegas odds maker and common sense small businessman tell me this will be a historic landslide and a world-class repudiation of Obama’s radical and risky socialist agenda. It’s Reagan-Carter all over again.
But I’ll give Obama credit for one thing - he is living proof that familiarity breeds contempt.Bombshell Obama Vetting: 1979 Newspaper Article by Valerie Jarrett's Father-in-Law Reveals Beginning of Arab Purchase of U.S. PresidencyBy Pat Dollard -- Why would Muslim oil billionaires finance and develop controlling relationships with black college students? Well, like anyone else, they would do it for self-interest. And what would their self-interest be? We all know the top two answers to that question: (1) a Palestinian state and (2) the advancement of Islam in America. The idea then was to advance blacks who would facilitate these two goals to positions of power in the Federal government, preferably, of course, the Presidency.
And why would the Arabs target blacks in particular for this job? Well, for the same reason the early communists chose them as their vanguard for revolution (which literally means “change”) in America. Allow me to quote Trotsky, in 1939: “The American Negroes, for centuries the most oppressed section of American society and the most discriminated against, are potentially the most revolutionary element of the population.
They are designated by their historical past to be, under adequate leadership, the very vanguard of the proletarian revolution.” Substitute the word “Islam” for the words “the proletarian revolution,” and you most clearly get the picture, as Islam is a revolutionary movement just like communism is. (Trivia: it is from this very quote that Van Jones takes his name. Van is short for vanguard. He was born “Anthony”). In addition, long before 1979, blacks had become the vanguard of the spread of Islam in America, especially in prisons.
Interestingly, in context with the fact that this article was written by her father-in-law, Valerie Jarrett has an unusual amount of influence over Obama (along with personal security that may be even better than his, another unusual and intriguing bit of business here). And equally interesting is that Obama, who may have been a beneficiary of this Muslim money, and may now be in this Muslim debt, has aggressively pursued both of the Muslim agendas I cited above. And, also equally interesting, is that Obama has paid a king’s ransom for court ordered seals of any such records of this potential financing of his college education, and perhaps, of other of his expenses.
Lastly, it’s very important to note that the main source for the article is Khalid Mansour, “the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.” (Valerie Jarrett, by the way,
was born in Iran. The one country protected by Obama from the sweep of the Arab Spring.) Now all of this may seem sensational, but let’s face facts. What makes it most disturbing is that not only is it all logical, but it suddenly makes a lot of previously confusing things make perfect sense.
Barack 0bama — The Radical Mansourian Candidate and How a Saudi Billionaire Helped the Nitwit Get into Harvard LawIBD EDITORIAL: The Obama Record: A 1979 column confirms our 2008 editorial positing that the 44th president might owe his meteoric rise to an education funded by Israeli-hating adviser to a Saudi billionaire.
On Sept. 9, 2008, we published an editorial as part of our attempt to properly vet the then junior senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, whose past was somewhat foggy. We pointed out the connection between one
Dr. Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour, born Donald Warden, an Israeli-hating Islamist supporter and top adviser to radical
Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, and a college student.
That college student, a young Obama, found al-Mansour's favor and would one day be president as Israel was abandoned by America and the Middle East burst into flames amid a sea of presidential apologies, including one for our freedom of speech.
In a televised interview in 2008 on New York's all news cable channel, NY1, 88-year-old
Percy Sutton, a former borough president of Manhattan and a credible mayoral candidate in 1977, made some interesting revelations about his links to the young Obama.
Sutton told NY1 reporter Dominic Carter on the show "Inside City Hall": "I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him." He asked Sutton to write a letter in support of Obama's application to Harvard Law School.
"The friend's name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas," Sutton said. "He is the principal adviser to one of the world's richest men. He told me about Obama."
Sutton recalled that al-Mansour said that "there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?" Sutton did.
According to Newsmax columnist Kenneth Timmerman, "At the time, Percy Sutton, a former lawyer for Malcolm X and a former business partner of al-Mansour, says he (al-Mansour) was raising money for Obama's graduate school education, al-Mansour was representing top members of the Saudi Royal family seeking to do business and exert influence in the United States."
These revelations by Timmerman were dismissed as the ramblings of an old man with fading faculties and memories. Now more dots have been unearthed and connected by blogger Frank Miele at Daily InterLake.com. He cites a November 1979 column by TV commentator and respected Chicago Tribune columnist Vernon Jarrett with the title "Will Arabs Back Ties To Blacks With Cash?"
Also See -
Jack Cashill: Saudi billionaire Helped Obama Get into HarvardDoes a 1979 Newspaper Column Shed Light on 2008 Campaign Story and How 0bama's Harvard Tuition Was Funded?
By Researcher Frank Miele -- Searching old newspapers is one of my favorite pastimes, and I have tried to use them many times to shed light on current events - or to inform readers about how the past is prologue to our very interesting present-day quandaries.
Recently, I came across a syndicated
column from November 1979 that seemed to point 30 years into the future toward an obscure campaign issue that arose briefly in the
2008 presidential campaign.
Though by no means definitive, it provides an interesting insight, at least, into
how Chicago politics intersected with the black power movement and Middle Eastern money at a certain point in time. Whether it has any greater relevance to the 2012 presidential campaign, I will allow the reader to decide. In order to accomplish that, I will also take the unusual step of providing
footnotes and the end of this column so that each of you can do the investigative work for yourself.
The column itself had appeared in the
St. Petersburg (Fla.) Evening Independent of Nov. 6, but it was the work of a veteran newspaperman who at the time was working for the prestigious
Chicago Tribune and whose work was syndicated nationally. (1)
So far as I know, this 1979 column has not previously been brought to light, but it certainly should be because it broke some very interesting news about the
"rumored billions of dollars the oil-rich Arab nations are supposed to unload on American black leaders and minority institutions." The columnist quoted a black San Francisco lawyer who said,
"It's not just a rumor. Aid will come from some of the Arab states."Well, if anyone would know, it would have been this lawyer -
Donald Warden, who had helped defend OPEC in an antitrust suit that year and had developed significant
ties with the Saudi royal family since becoming a Muslim and taking the name Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour.Al-Mansour told
Jarrett that he had presented the "proposed special aid program to OPEC Secretary-General Rene Ortiz" in September 1979, and that "the first indications of Arab help to American blacks may be announced in December." Maybe so, but I looked high and wide in newspapers in 1979 and 1980 for any other stories about this aid package funded by OPEC and never found it verified.
You would think that a program to spend "$20 million per year for 10 years to aid 10,000 minority students each year, including blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians and native Americans" would be referred to somewhere other than one obscure 1979 column, but I haven't found any other word of it.
Maybe the funding materialized, maybe it didn't, but what's particularly noteworthy is that this
black Islamic lawyer who "for several years [had] urged the rich Arab kingdoms to cultivate stronger ties to America's blacks by supporting black businesses and black colleges and giving financial help to disadvantaged students" was also the same lawyer who allegedly helped arrange for the entrance of Barack Obama into Harvard Law School in 1988.That tale had surfaced
in 2008 when Barack Obama was a candidate for president and
one of the leading black politicians in the country - Percy Sutton of New York - told an interviewer on a Manhattan TV news show that he had been introduced to Obama "by a friend who was raising money for him. The friend's name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas. He is the principal adviser to one of the world's richest men. He told me about Obama." (2)
This peculiar revelation engendered a small hubbub in 2008, but was quickly dismissed by the Obama campaign as the ditherings of a senile old man. I don't believe President Obama himself ever denied the story personally, and
no one has explained how Sutton came up with this elaborate story about Khalid al-Mansour if it had no basis in fact, and in any case al-Mansour no longer denies it. (3)
Back in 2008, while actually supporting Hillary Clinton in the New York primary,
Percy Sutton was interviewed on TV and said that he thought Barack Obama was nonetheless quite impressive. He also
revealed that he had first heard about Obama 20 years previously in a letter where al-Mansour wrote, "there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?"
Sutton concluded in the interview, "I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them
I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly."
Until now, there really has been no context within which to understand the Sutton story or to buttress it as a reliable account other than the reputation of Sutton himself as one of the top leaders of the black community in Manhattan - himself a noted attorney, businessman and politician. But the new discovery of the 1979 column that established Khalid al-Mansour's interest in creating a fund to give "financial help to disadvantaged students" does provide
a clue that he might indeed - along with his patron, Arab Prince Alwaleed bin Talal - have taken an interest in the "genius" Barack Obama.It also might be considered
more than coincidence that the author of that 1979 newspaper column was from Chicago, where Barack Obama settled in 1986 a few years after his stint at Columbia University. It is certainly surprising that the author of that column was none other than Vernon Jarrett, the future (and later former) father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett, who ultimately became the consigliatore of the Obama White House.
It is also noteworthy that
Vernon Jarrett was one of the best friends and a colleague of Frank Marshall Davis, the former Chicago journalist and lifelong communist who moved to Hawaii in the late 1940s and years later befriended Stanley and Madelyn Dunham and their daughter Stanley Ann, the mother of Barack Obama. (4)
And to anyone who has the modicum of a spark of curiosity, it is surely intriguing that Frank Davis took an active role in the rearing of young Barack from the age of 10 until he turned 18 and left Hawaii for his first year of college at Occidental College in Los Angeles. (5)
It is also at least suggestive that Obama began that college education as a member of the highly international student body of Occidental College in 1979, the same year when Vernon Jarrett was touting the college aid program being funded by OPEC and possibly Prince Alwaleed. The fact that President Obama has studiously avoided releasing records of his college years is suggestive also, but has no evidentiary value in the present discussion. (6)
The nature of Vernon Jarrett's relationship to Khalid al-Mansour is likewise uncertain, but it is very likely they had known each other as leaders of the black civil-rights movement for many years.
Under his previous name of Donald Warden, al-Mansour had founded the African American Association in the Bay Area in the early 1960s. He had also helped inspire the Black Panther Party through his association with black-power leaders such as Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. Seale, of course, had a famous association with Chicago later, when he was part of the Chicago Eight charged with conspiracy and inciting to riot at the Democratic National Convention in 1968. (7)
In any case, it doesn't matter if Vernon Jarrett and Khalid al-Mansour had a personal relationship or not. For some reason,
al-Mansour had used Jarrett as the messenger to get out the word about his efforts to funnel Arab oil money to black students and minority colleges at about the same time that Barack Obama began his college career. That doesn't mean either Jarrett or al-Mansour knew Obama at that time, but eight years later when Obama was a rising star in Chicago, a friend of Bill Ayers and Valerie Jarrett, it is much more likely that he did indeed have the assistance of very important people in his meteoric rise. The words of Percy Sutton about what al-Mansour told him regarding Obama certainly have the ring of truth:
"His introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends back there... Would you please write a letter in support of him? (That's before Obama decided to run.) ... and he interjected the advice that Obama had passed the requirements, had taken and passed the requirements necessary to get into Harvard and become president of the Law Review. That's before he ever ran for anything. And I wrote a letter in support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them that I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly..." (2)
What possible significance could all this have? We may never know, but Vernon Jarrett, back in 1979, thought that OPEC's intention to fund black and minority education would have huge political ramifications. As Jarrett wrote:
"The question of financial aid from the Arabs could raise a few extremely interesting questions both inside and outside the black community. If such contributions are large and sustained, the money angle may become secondary to the sociology and politics of such an occurrence." (1)
He was, of course, right.
As Jarrett suggests, any black institutions and presumably individuals who became beholden to Arab money might be expected to continue the trend of American "new black advocacy for a homeland for the Palestinians" and presumably for other Islamic and Arabic interests in the Middle East. For that reason, if for no other, the question of how President Obama's college education was funded is of considerably more than academic interest.Valerie Jarrett — 0bama Puppet Master and Handler
By Edward Klein -- Trying to figure out Valerie Jarrett’s mysterious hold on Barack and Michelle Obama is a favorite guessing game in the parlors and dining rooms of Washington. No other White House official in history has enjoyed such a unique relationship with both a president and a first lady, and yet the mainstream media have ignored Jarrett’s enormous influence over the shape and direction of the Obama administration.
Jarrett’s official title — senior adviser and assistant to the president for intergovernmental affairs and public engagement — doesn’t begin to do justice to her unrivaled status in the White House. She is Ground Zero in the Obama operation — the first couple’s first friend and consigliere, the last person to leave the Oval Office after meetings, and the only White House official who dines with the first family in their private quarters at night.
“Valerie is the quintessential insider,” one of her longtime friends told me during an interview for my book,
The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House. “She functions as the eyes, ears, and nose of the president and first lady. She tells them who’s saying what about who, who’s loyal and who’s not. She advises them about who they should see when they visit a city or a foreign country. She determines who gets invited to the White House and who is left out in the cold.”
In the White House pecking order, Jarrett has more clout than the president’s chief of staff. During the savage internecine warfare between Jarrett and Obama’s first two chiefs of staff — Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley — Obama sided most of the time with Jarrett, a classic limousine liberal who believes that Obama was elected president in order to engineer social change. Ultimately, Jarrett emasculated Emanuel and Daley and forced them from their jobs.
She has also been responsible for much of the incompetence and amateurism that have been the hallmarks of Obama’s time in office. Indeed, Jarrett has been on the wrong side of practically every consequential issue to come across the president’s desk. Some examples of her bonehead advice:
● Though both Emanuel and political strategist David Axelrod warned Obama time and again that he didn’t have the votes to ram a comprehensive healthcare bill through Congress, Jarrett was among those who persuaded the president to ignore their advice and go for broke. The result: the hugely expensive, unworkable, unpopular, and probably unconstitutional program known as Obamacare.
● Emanuel tangled with Jarrett over her effort to put the prestige of the presidency behind Chicago’s bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics. Emanuel believed that Jarrett was working on behalf of her old boss, Mayor Daley, and his political cronies, who stood to benefit from the billions of dollars that would be spent on the Olympics. That idea seemed to be lost on the president, who went to Copenhagen to make an impassioned plea for the Olympics, and came back home with egg on his face.
● Jarrett gave her stamp of approval for the $535 million taxpayer-funded loan guarantee to Solyndra, the California solar company that went belly up. Jarrett had close ties to the George Kaiser Family Foundation, which controlled 35.7 percent of Solyndra. The foundation had made a sizable donation to the University of Chicago Medical Center, where Jarrett once served as chairwoman and where one of Obama’s best friends, Eric Whitaker, is currently executive vice president.
● When Jarrett pushed Obama’s proposal to require church-run hospitals and universities to give their employees free contraception, chief of staff Bill Daley secretly arranged an Oval Office meeting between the president and New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops, who argued that the policy violated the principle of religious freedom. When Jarrett learned about Daley’s end-run, she went to the president and vented her anger. After that, Daley realized his days were numbered and resigned.
● Like Obama, Jarrett has a fundamental lack of respect for businessmen. In a typical blunder that sent shudders through the business community, she dismissed Tom Donohue, the highly regarded CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, as irrelevant, saying that she preferred to deal with “real” industry executives.
● Jarrett’s lack of judgment in domestic affairs has been matched by her inexperience in international and military affairs. She urged the president not to send in a Navy SEAL team to get Osama bin Laden — the one time that we know of when Obama failed to take Jarrett’s advice.
If Jarrett is wrong so often, why does President Obama trust her above all others and continue to run every decision by her?
In part, her influence stems from the fact that Jarrett is the president’s trusted watchdog. She protects the vainglorious and thin-skinned Obama from critics and complainers who might deflate his ego. No one gets past Jarrett and sees the president if they have a grievance, or a chip on their shoulder, or even an incompatible point of view. That goes for such high-profile supporters as Oprah Winfrey and Caroline Kennedy, who have been largely frozen out of the White House because Jarrett believes they would use the opportunity of a meeting with Obama to push their own competing agenda.
Despite her impeccable social credentials, Jarrett’s record before she went to Washington was spotty at best. After Mayor Daley made her commissioner of planning, she became embroiled in a massive screw-up in the city’s public housing revitalization plan, which cost Chicago millions of dollars in overruns. Daley fired her without explanation.
After she left city hall, Jarrett became CEO of Habitat Executive Services, where she earned $300,000 in salary and $550,000 in deferred compensation. She managed a federally subsidized housing complex that was seized by the government after inspectors found crime-infested slum conditions and widespread blight.
Throughout her career, Jarrett has failed upward. Today she is at the pinnacle of power as Michelle Obama’s closest confidant and Barack Obama’s political soul mate. Though she is the White House official responsible for “public engagement,” she has conspicuously failed to engage. I heard this complaint about Jarrett from practically everyone I interviewed — Republicans and Democrats, African Americans and Jews. They all blamed Jarrett for keeping the president isolated even from those whose good opinion he needed the most.
President 0bama's Horrible September — But Dinosaur Media Uses Dem Overweighted Phony Polls to Clobber Romney
Sweating like a lyin' rabid dog!By Mike Flynn -- What color is the sky in the political media's world? Each week this month has begun with some variation of "Romney is doomed." We've had rabid amplification of Romney "gaffes" interspersed with the traditional "campaign infighting" stories. There has also been a dash of trolling for anonymous quotes from "GOP strategists" wringing their hands and predicting defeat in the Fall. Meanwhile, Obama floats from one disaster to another with barely a mention in the press.
Let's take a moment to recount a few items plaguing the Obama Administration this month alone.
ECONOMYThe month began with another dismal jobs report. The economy only created a very anemic 96k jobs in August, far below what's needed to keep pace with population growth. Almost 400k gave up looking for work and left the labor force, which sunk to its lowest level in 30 years.
A host of companies lowered earnings guidance for the next quarter. Most concerning were dramatically lower expectations for economic bellwethers FedEx and Norfolk Southern. These are consistent with the sharp turndowns in manufacturing. The economy is simply going to get worse over the next month.
All of this puts a lie to Obama's claims that the economy is recovering. It was about a year ago, as every economy coming out of recession does, but it isn't now. On current trends, we are likely heading into another recession.
FED ACTIONBen Bernanke essentially threw up his hands this month, saying "what the hell" and announcing their intention to just keep printing money until the economy comes around. This 3rd round of Quantitative Easing isn't likely to be any more effective than the first two rounds. Eventually there will be a tidal wave of inflation. The Fed's hubris is that precisely right before inflation fully kicks in, they will be able to stave it off with interest rate hikes. Of course, that will create its own pain unless growth has become very robust. Regardless, the Fed move is explicit confirmation that the economy is faltering.
FOREIGN POLICYThe spiking of the football over the death of bin Laden is soooo last year. The muslim world has erupted in protests against the West in response to the actions of the Obama Administration. Our ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were assassinated in a terrorist attack. An attack we were warned about but did nothing to prevent. In response, Obama has embarked on a massive apology campaign over an amateurish video that had next to nothing to do with any of the protests other than serving as a convenient pretext.
Almost worse, the Obama Administration has been caught blatantly lying about the events surrounding the assassinations in Libya. Our UN Ambassador went on the Sunday shows and said there was absolutely no advance warning of the attack. She also claimed it wasn't really an attack, but a spontaneous protest that unfortunately turned violent. The Administration now admits that everything she said was wrong.
This, though, is perhaps the most damning indictment: Obama learned of the attacks in Libya soon after they began. He then proceeded to decisively...go to bed.
AFGHANISTANObama campaigned in 2008 on a promise to implement a new "surge" strategy in Afghanistan that would see the U.S. to a clear victory. The last of those "surge" troops left Afghanistan this month, with the U.S. position worse than it was 4 years ago. Last week, in a modern day Tet Offensive, Taliban fighters attacked the main allied base, killing several Americans and destroying 6 (!) fighter jets.
The Obama Administration's chief strategy in Afghanistan has been to build up an Afghan security force. The U.S. worked with these forces tactically to try to defeat the Taliban. Those efforts are over, however, after several incidents when these security forces, our supposed Allies, murdered several Americans. We will now simply limp out of the country. Not since the 70s has American liked this powerless.
FAST AND FURIOUSLast week, the DOJ's Inspector General released its "investigation" of the Fast and Furious scandal. The reports improbable conclusion was that virtually everyone at DOJ knew about the disastrous program except Eric Holder. An appropriate fall guy has been found within DOJ, but the stench lingers. The IG report also reveals that the White House actively declined to cooperate with the investigation.
CAMPAIGNWhile the media trained every gun in their arsenal against Mitt Romney, Obama lost his convention bounce. A week after the Democrat convention, Obama had enjoyed a 5-6 bounce in his support. Despite the covering fire from the media, that bounce is gone. Obama and Romney are tied in polls from AP and Rasmussen. Obama clings to a 2 point lead among registered voters in the latest Gallup tracking poll. Setting aside some ridiculously skewed national and swing state media polls, the race is tied.
At this point in the campaign in 2008, the McCain campaign was essentially broke and off the air in several key swing states. This year, however, Romney has a big cash advantage over Obama and is set to unload an ad barrage in all the swing states. The very fact that Democrat strongholds like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Colorado and Michigan are even considered at least somewhat competitive this year underscores Obama's vulnerabilities.
Up to this point, Obama has spent $200 million to disqualify Romney from the Presidency. He has benefited from an enormous in-kind contribution from the media seeking to do the same. Yet, the race is where it was before Obama's ad barrage. And now, Romney's ad barrage will begin. September will probably be remembered as the Obama campaign's high-water mark.
Keep in mind, the items above are just the highlights of the problems plaguing the Obama Administration this month. I haven't mentioned our deteriorating relations with Israel, Iran, Syria or record-high gas prices. The media have probably kept 30 career-making Pulitzer Prizes' on the table in ignoring them. But, don't sigh for them my friends. Their zeal for investigations and journalism will return when Romney takes the oath of office in January.
Website That Filters 'Party Bias' Out of Presidential Polls Has Romney Up 7.8% Nationally
UnSkewedPolls.com Avg. of 12 Recent Polls: Romney 51.8% — Obama 44.0% for a Spread of +7.8%Rasmussen Reports has long been the most credible of polling agencies-
the record speaks for itself.
Part of this famed accuracy springs from the fact that as they are not a part of the liberal media establishment in this country, and also because Rasmussen extrapolates polling data from ONLY those intending to vote in November... not merely 'registered voters' or 'adults' as so many others do, a technique that consistently distorts results to the political left.
Obviously, this means talking to only people likely to affect the upcoming election, producing accurate predictions that skewing MSM spinmeisters can never hope to match... because they're not even trying to do so.
But yet another common distortion to political polling data has to do with
warped party-bias: i.e., where GW Bush won on heavy GOP turnout in an election with a 50/50 party split among voters, the motivation Obama brought to the Left in '08 meant a far-from-usual +7% Democratic advantage at the polls.
a recent CBS poll result that showed the president up by three points was accomplished by utilizing a highly-improbable-in-reality +13% Democrat advantage in turnout... no agenda there, eh.
It gets worse, Gallup was
bullied by Axelrod for disclosing unkind realities, and the polling organization is directly
employed by the White House as a 'consultant'... paid for with your tax dollars.
In a microcosm of the larger state-run MSM media as a whole, Rasmussen's generally-more-favorable to Republicans data has them often labeled by disingenuous 'progressives' as biased and 'a tool of the RNC'... when in reality, they - like Fox - are the only ones not licking Dear Leader's rear-end, and thus appear downright reactionary when awash in a sea of Leftist hacks.
So, now a new website
UnskewedPolls.com has popped up that re-injects survey data from the major (biased) polls into the more-reality-bound Rasmussen model, and lo-and-behold Mitt Romney comes out as much as 11 points up in major nationwide polls... how bout that. h/tReaganite Republican
Sleazy Dems, Corrupt Media Get Punk'd: Romney Releases Pristine Tax Returns
Ann and Mitt Romney Generously Donate 29% of Income to CharityIt's official: The Romney campaign possesses a wicked sense of humor and an enviable degree of patience. After months of caterwauling, breathless innuendo and
baseless slander, the Democrats and their media allies are being treated to a Friday feast of piping hot crow. The Romney campaign has released a
detailed report of the the candidate's 2011 tax returns, as well as an extensive summary of the Romneys' taxes over the last two decades, prepared by analysts at PricewaterhouseCoopers. What do these documents contain? Brad Malt, the Romney family's trustee,
summarizes the 2011 data:
- In 2011, the Romneys paid $1,935,708 in taxes on $13,696,951 in mostly investment income.
- The Romneys’ effective tax rate for 2011 was 14.1%.
The Romneys donated $4,020,772 to charity in 2011, amounting to nearly 30% of their income — 29.4% to be precise.-The Romneys claimed a deduction for $2.25 million of those charitable contributions. The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year. The Romneys thus limited their deduction of charitable contributions to conform to the Governor's statement in August, based upon the January estimate of income, that he paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years.
In short, and as
Kevin noted, Romney forked over nearly $2 million to Uncle Sam last year and donated more than $4 million to charity. He overpaid his taxes by limiting the charitable deductions he chose to claim, which could have driven his obligations to government even lower. Liberals are now actually complaining that Romney intentionally paid *too much* in taxes to boost his own effective rate, due to his prodigious philanthropic giving. This line of criticism is downright hilarious. It's okay to point and laugh. And what about the
last 20 years?
- In each year during the entire 20-year period, the Romneys owed both state and federal income taxes.
-Over the entire 20-year period, the average annual effective federal tax rate was 20.20%.
-Over the entire 20-year period, the lowest annual effective federal personal tax rate was 13.66%.
-Over the entire 20-year period, the Romneys gave to charity an average of 13.45% of their adjusted gross income.
-Over the entire 20-year period, the total federal and state taxes owed plus the total charitable donations deducted represented 38.49% of total AGI.
-During the 20-year period covered by the PWC letter, Gov. and Mrs. Romney paid 100 percent of the taxes that they owed.
Let's unpack these numbers. The Romneys owed and paid state and federal income taxes every single year stretching back to at least 1990.
Harry Reid's
imaginary friend is unavailable for comment.
Their effective tax rate, on average, was over 20 pecent (nearly
double the average effective rate in America, according to the non-partisan Tax Foundation). Does this qualify as a "fair share"? In the last two decades, the Romney's donated 13.45 percent of their adjusted gross income to charity. This
totally dwarfs the long-term giving of the Obamas and the Bidens, in case anyone in the class warfare camp is keeping score.
But remember, Mitt Romney is callously dismissive and uncaring toward poor people and the '47 percent.' Overall, the Romney family paid every cent they owed -- and more -- forking over nearly 40 percent of their income to either the government or charitable organizations, including their church.
I've got to hand it to the Romney campaign: They played a long game here, and did so masterfully.
One of the most obnoxious and relentless arrows in Democrats' attack quiver has been the tax returns issue. See how greedy and secretive Romney is? Even his own father released 12 years of returns! He's probably a tax cheat!
That's all gone now, and the whiners look petty, small, and stupid.
And Mitt Romney looks like the remarkably generous, law-abiding, productive member of society that he is. Bravo.White House Finally Admits: Libya Was a ‘Terrorist Attack’
White House 9-Days of Lies Are Dead: ‘Self-evident’ Libya murders a terrorist attack; Obama admin. lied, scapegoated free speech; Update: U.S. Islamabad embassy didn’t get the memo, apologizes for movie accusationMILITARY TIMES -- A White House spokesman today said it is apparent that last week’s attack in Libya that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans was an act of terrorism.
“It is self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney.” Our embassy was attacked violently and the result was four deaths of American officials.”
Carney also noted that the killings are still under investigation, and, “we have no information at this point to suggest that this is a significantly pre-planned attack.”
Asked about the Libyan attack during a forum in Miami, President Obama said: “We’re still doing an investigation ... I don’t want to speak to something until we know all the information.”
Carney spoke as CNN and others, citing unnamed sources, reported that slain U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens had “worried about what he called the never-ending security threats in Benghazi and mentioned his name was on an al-Qaeda hit list.”
The White House spokesman also cited testimony from National Counterterrorism Center director Matthew Olsen, who told a Senate hearing yesterday: “I would say, yes, they were killed in course of terrorist attack on our embassy.”
U.S. officials initially attributed the death to protests over an anti-Islam that got out of control..
The attack “was the result of opportunism, taking advantage of and exploiting what was happening as a result of the video which was found to be offensive.” Carney said.
The investigation also concerns security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, officials said.
At a White House briefing Wednesday, Carney said that President Obama “is absolutely concerned that we take the necessary measures to make sure that those who killed Americans are brought to justice.
“And he has been focused from the beginning on ensuring that adequate security reinforcements be brought to bear at embassies and consulates and diplomatic facilities where that’s deemed necessary,” Carney added.
The Obama You Don't Know — And Had Voters Known He Never Would Have Been Elected in 2008
10-Part Report Examines His Shaping Influences, His Core Beliefs, His Political Ambitions and His AccomplishmentsINTRODUCTION: By Mark Tapscott (Executive Editor-Washington Examiner) -- Few if any of his predecessors took the oath of office with higher public hopes for his success than President Obama on Jan. 20, 2009.
Millions of Americans hailed his election as an end to partisanship, a renewal of the spirit of compromise and a reinvigoration of the nation's highest ideals at home and abroad.
Above all, as America's first black chief executive, Obama symbolized the healing of long-festering wounds that were the terrible national legacy of slavery, the Reconstruction Era and Jim Crow. We would be, finally, one nation.
But after nearly four years in office, Obama has become a sharply polarizing figure.
His admirers believe he deserves a special place alongside Wilson, the Roosevelts and LBJ as one of the architects of benevolent government.
His critics believe he is trying to remake America in the image of Europe's social democracies, replacing America's ethos of independence and individual enterprise with a welfare state inflamed by class divisions.
In an effort to get a clearer picture of Obama -- his shaping influences, his core beliefs, his political ambitions and his accomplishments -- The Washington Examiner conducted a four-month inquiry, interviewing dozens of his supporters and detractors in Chicago and elsewhere, and studying countless court transcripts, government reports and other official documents.
Over the years and in two autobiographies, Obama has presented himself to the world as many things, including radical community organizer, idealistic civil rights lawyer, dynamic reformer in the Illinois and U.S. senates, and, finally, the cool presidential voice of postpartisan hope and change.
With his air of reasonableness and moderation, he has projected a remarkably likable persona. Even in the midst of a historically dirty campaign for re-election, his likability numbers remain impressive, as seen in a recent AP-GFK Poll that found 53 percent of adults have a favorable view of him.
But beyond the spin and the polls, a starkly different picture emerges. It is a portrait of a man quite unlike his image, not a visionary reformer but rather a classic Chicago machine pol who thrives on rewarding himself and his friends with the spoils of public office, and who uses his position to punish his enemies.
Peter Schweizer captures this other Obama with a bracing statistic in his book "Throw Them All Out," published last year. In the Obama economic stimulus program's Department of Energy loans, companies owned and run by Obama contributors and friends, like Solyndra's George Kaiser, received $16.4 billion. Those not linked to the president got only $4.1 billion. The Energy Department is far from the only federal program in which favoritism has heavily influenced federal grants.
To paraphrase Tammany Hall's George Washington Plunkitt, Obama has seen his opportunities and taken them, over and over.
Chapter I: A childhood of privelege, not hardshipChapter II: The myth of the rock-star professorChapter III: The 1997 speech that launched ObamaChapter IV: For the slumlord's defense, Barack Obama, Esq.Chapter V: Obama's toughest critics on the leftChapter VI: The poor people Obama left behindChapter VII: The myth of Obama as Illinois state Senate reformerChapter VIII: Obama's state pension schemeChapter IX: The Arab-American network behind ObamaChapter X: Obama brings Chicago politics to WashingtonSmartass Obama Spiking the Football at the "Democratic
Obama Got Osama bin Laden Convention" Cost Fellow Homosexual, Ambassador Stevens, His Life!
"The Religion of Perpetual Outrage Did This"Two sources in Chicago diplomatic circles identify Ambassador Chris Stevens as gay (meaning State Department foolishly sent gay man to be ambassador to Libya)By Kevin DuJan (Openly gay writer) -- Today I went out into the field here in Chicago looking to talk to some of the striking teachers but no one in a red-shirt was anywhere to be found (or, if they were wearing one, they had nothing to do with the teachers’ union strike). A journalist friend of mine asked me to nose around and see if I could uncover anything about slain Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was rumored to be gay. A former “roommate” of Stevens by the name of Austin Tichenor lives and works in Chicago and while making calls to friends of mine in the theater world who know him I also thought to check some sources with the city who deal with the State Department and foreign dignitaries when they are in town.
Of course,
they’ve all been talking about Ambassador Stevens’ murder by Muslims in Libya: and all of them are incredulous that the State Department sent a gay man to be ambassador to a Muslim country.
News reports continue to indicate that the Muslims who murdered Stevens also raped him repeatedly, before and after his death.I was told by friends in the City’s protocol office to go over to the Second Story Bar in downtown Chicago, just off Michigan Avenue, because it’s where a lot of gay guys who work for both the city and the consulates go after work. Chicago is home to a great number of consulates, including the Polish, Chinese, and Serbian consulates amongst others. I happened to luck out when the bartender working, who is a friend, tipped me off that a man in a suit talking to some other foreign-looking types worked at the Serbian consulate a few doors up the street towards the lake.
Second Story Bar is literally on the second floor of a nondescript building whose ground level houses some sort of Thai restaurant. A psychic’s office is prominently advertised on the door leading to a steep flight of stairs and a blank green steel door that hides the tucked-away bar. The place has the feel of a speakeasy, with exposed bricks and battered plaster on the walls and an oddball collection of black and white photographs and pig-themed folk art scattered over drinkers’ heads in any exposed space.
I’m forever perplexed that actual reporters don’t camp out in these sorts of places because great scoops are very easy to find if you just go in there and ask questions. The Serbian consulate employee identified himself to me as “Dino” and wouldn’t give me any more of a name than that, but told me it was no secret that Chris Stevens was gay and that “it was stupid to send him to Libya as the ambassador when he was a known homosexual”.
Dino explained
in great detail that the brutal sodomizing of Stevens’ corpse was something that Muslims do to show the “utmost disrespect to the body” and that this is “a great insult in Islam” reserved for homosexuals. ”It is like making him a woman in death and he will be a woman now after life” the Serbian explained to me.There’s a good chance this guy was Muslim too, and gay, which makes my head spin more than a little since he seemed to have no anger at all in his voice that Muslims in Libya assassinated the American ambassador and then sodomized his corpse.
“He should not have gone there” was the general consensus from this man.
You won’t hear any of this in the media, no doubt, but in Chicago’s diplomatic circles at least there is no doubt that Chris Stevens was gay and that pretty much anyone in the diplomatic world knew that. That includes the Libyans who were hired as security at the consulate in Benghazi who betrayed Ambassador Stevens and assisted in his murder.
Meanwhile, the White House is ignoring the fact that a gay ambassador to a Muslim country was murdered and they are in fact still pretending that
all of this is about some obscure movie about Muhammad and has nothing at all to do with Barack Obama repeatedly and vociferously spiking the football over killing Osama bin Laden (which took place all throughout the Democrats’ convention last week).
People here in Chicago are very openly talking about Chris Stevens being gay…and yet he was sent to be the ambassador to Libya at a time when Muslims were toppling governments and introducing radical Islamists into power.
Obama's 'Foreign Policy' Fiasco, Middle East On Fire!
EDITORIAL: THE REGIME'S 'NAUSEATING BIG LIE' — ISLAMIST CRAZIES' EXPLOSION NOT ABOUT THAT DAMN STUPID VIDEO"There is no rational justification for irrational mob violence," says Secretary of State
Hillary Rodham Clinton who is emphatic that the anti-Islam video “Innocence of Muslims” is “disgusting.”This happens to be what most Americans feel about our flag being desecrated. For some reason, foreign governments don’t heap praise on the United States and its traditions every time their people commit acts of disrespect toward us. U.S. politicians could learn from their example. In belated remarks Thursday marking the end of Ramadan, Mrs. Clinton expressed official disapproval of the film which has been blamed for the latest wave of anti-U.S. violence in the.....
"But I'm beloved beyond belief."Mark Steyn: An Act of War, Not a Movie ProtestSo, on a highly symbolic date, mobs storm American diplomatic facilities and drag the corpse of a U.S. ambassador through the streets. Then the president flies to Vegas for a fundraiser. No, no, a novelist would say; that's too pat, too neat in its symbolic contrast. Make it Cleveland, or Des Moines. The president is surrounded by delirious fanbois and fangurls screaming "We love you," too drunk on his celebrity to understand that this is the first photo-op in the aftermath of a national humiliation. No, no, a filmmaker would say; too crass, too blunt. Make them sober, middle-aged Midwesterners.....
GOOGLE: A Map of Muslim Protests Around the WorldWeekly Standard: The YouTube Video "The Innocence of Muslims" Didn't Do ItBreitbart: Colonel Hunt: Hillary made decision not to post marines at BenghaziBusinessInsider: Tunisian Embassy Protesters Chanted: 'Obama, Obama, We Are All Osamas'CSMonitor: There may be no anti-Islamic movie at all
Foreign Policy: State Department sets up 24-hour monitoring team for embassy crisisPJMedia: Libyan Official Confirms Benghazi Assault a Pre-Planned Militant Attack Timed for 9-11Krauthammer: We're Seeing The "Collapse Of The Obama Policy On The Muslim World"Duluth News: North Dakota State University and University of Texas campuses evacuate after bomb threatsThe Independent: U.S. WARNED OF EMBASSY ATTACK BUT DID NOTHINGThe Independent: State Dept 'had credible information 48 hours before'The Independent: Revealed: Inside story of ambassador's assassinationThe Independent: Sensitive documents go missingThe Independent: Exposed: Names of Libyans who are working with AmericansThe Independent: Was 'revenge for drone strike'The Guardian: 'There were 400 attackers'Politico: Obama administration denies
British report that attack was premeditatedJerusalem Post: Egypt intelligence warned on Sept. 4 of possible attacksReal Unemployment Rate Hits 11.7% As Spread Between Reported and Propaganda Data Hits Record
But Horrendous Jobs Numbers Won’t Slow the ‘Rocket Man,' Tweets NBC's Luke RussertToday's reported unemployment rate: 8.1%. The reason: the labor "participation" dropped to a 31 year low 63.5% as reported earlier. Of course, this number is pure propaganda, and makes no sense for one simple reason: despite the economic collapse started in December 2007, the U.S. civilian non-institutional population since then has grown by 186,000 people every month on average hitting an all time high of 243,566,000 in August. These people need a job, and the traditional shorthand is that at least 100,000 jobs have the be generated every month for the unemployment rate to merely stay flat, let along improve.
So what does one get when one uses the long-term average of the past 30 or so years which happens to be 65.8%? One gets an unemployment number that is
45% higher than the reported 8.1%, or 11.7%. That is what the real unemployment rate is assuming the U.S. labor participation rate was realistic and not manipulated by the BLS cronies and the Bank of Spain assisted Arima-X-13 seasonal adjustment models. It also means that, as the chart below shows,
the spread between the real and propaganda data hit an all time record, which was to be expected two months ahead of America's "bankers muppet" presidential election.
Obama's Four Years of Failure On Jobs Must End — By Romney!Jobs: A top White House economics spokesman cautions against reading too much into a single month of employment data — and we concur: One month isn't enough. So how about 44 months instead?
'Today's employment report provides further evidence that the U.S. economy is continuing to recover from the worst downturn since the Great Depression," Alan Krueger, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said on Friday.
But no matter how the White House tries to spin it, August's jobs data, in perspective with the preceding 43 months, were terrible.
Yes, unemployment came in at 8.1% — down from 8.3% the month before. But an improvement? Hardly. Unemployment has been above 8% for 43 straight months — a record.
The only reason the jobless rate fell in August was 368,000 people left the labor force, pushing labor force participation down to a 31-year low of 63.5%. Some 23 million people either don't have jobs, are looking for full-time work or are underemployed. And the numbers are even worse than they look.
points out on its front page today, if the labor force participation rate had remained constant during Obama's years in office, unemployment today would be about 11.1%. Some "recovery."
But what about the 96,000 new payroll jobs? That shows growth, right? Afraid not.
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, speaking last month, said the U.S. must create "150,000 to 200,000" jobs a month just to keep the unemployment rate stable. So 96,000 is really an awful number for a "recovery."
The White House, during its convention, repeatedly claimed to have "created" 4.5 million jobs. Leaving aside the fact that businesses, not government, create jobs, it's still factually incorrect.
According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, payroll jobs in August totaled 133.3 million. The month Obama entered office, there were 133.561 million. So the number of jobs has shrunk.
What really rankles, though, is that Obama and leading Democrats such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi contend the economy would be really humming if the GOP wasn't standing in the way.
That's not what those representing real job-creators believe. "Clearly the economic policies that have been implemented in Washington are failing," said the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, commenting on August's data.
The National Association of Manufacturers was even more specific: "The way to alleviate our economic pain is by enacting pro-growth tax policies, addressing the tough questions on entitlement programs that drive our national debt and putting an end to the regulatory morass that weighs down businesses across the country."
None of which, of course, is proposed by Obama. By the way, the Congressional Budget Office says that "under current law" — that is, budgets passed by a Democrat-dominated Congress and signed by Obama — unemployment will surge to 9.1% next year as the U.S. economy goes over the "fiscal cliff" and into recession.
The president says he needs more time to turn America around. Looks like time just ran out.
The Obama Presidential Library Is
Heading For Hawaii!
The Obamas Already Preparing for Move to Hawaii in January 2013By Kevin DuJan -- Barack and Michelle Obama will be moving to Hawaii in January of 2013 and preparations are now being made to purchase an estate in close proximity to land owned by the University of Hawaii, where the Obama presidential library and “political center” will be located.
Here in Chicago, it’s pretty obvious that Michelle does not want to move back to this city and its winters (for any reason) and Michelle’s mother, who’s been living in the White House with her daughter and her family, will be happily making the move to Hawaii as well.
I have a friend whose family knows Michelle’s mother; they have been crystal clear that the elderly Mrs. Robinson regularly says that she’ll be in Hawaii next year permanently with her daughter and granddaughters. There is neither talk of returning to Chicago to live nor of living in the White House for another four years — instead, there’s a sense of “it was fun while it lasted” coming from Mrs. Robinson in her talks with her Chicago friends.
Democrats are already working to locate an acceptable property in Hawaii for the Obamas to live; this land and its complex of buildings must be ready to move-into in January and must meet all the requirements the Secret Service demands since the Obamas will be granted continued protection, by law, for nine years after Barack leaves office. The Reagans, Clintons, and second Bush family all had their post-presidential homes purchased quietly on the side by friends when their times in office were coming to an end. The Obamas are doing the same thing now.
They are not talking about building a complex on vacant land because there is not time for that. They will need a place to live come January, and they are not returning to their home in Chicago that was purchased with the help of convicted felon Tony Rezko. Chicago served its purpose in Obama’s life and moving back here provides him no additional benefits. As a former president, he’d always be the second most powerful man in a town where the Mayor of Chicago is essentially a feudal king. In Hawaii, the Obamas will hold court as a new royal family on the islands.
Back in 2009, the University of Chicago showed interest in obtaining the Barack Obama Presidential Library and Museum (and Political Action Center) but all of that cooled when Chicago lost its ill-fated bid for the Olympics; those plans included the construction of parking garages and other support buildings that would have been centered around a temporary stadium that was meant to be demolished and replaced with the Obama Library Building. Valerie Jarrett, senior advisor to the President, purchased large tracts of tenement land near the proposed sites of all this construction hoping to cash in with a huge windfall when first the Olympics and then the Obama Library were supposed to be there. But neither of these things is coming to Chicago now.
The University of Hawaii will host the Library, Musuem, and “Political Action Center”. Most likely, it will be called the Obama Center, like the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Just like the Carters, the Obamas want to live as close to the Library complex as possible so Barack can hold court there, give speeches, and walk through a replica of his Oval Office to relive past glories (which is what Jimmy Carter does on a regular basis, FYI). This is pretty common for former presidents, actually. Both of the Bush families moved close to where their respective presidential libraries were built and the Reagans before them had a post-presidency life in close proximity to Ronald Reagan’s library.
The Clintons are anomalous for not moving back to Arkansas and living in New York state instead. The Obamas will resume the tradition of the former president living in a new home purchased quietly by friends and allies in the last days of his presidency to be occupied immediately after he leaves office and begins the construction of his post-presidential office and archives of his administration.
I’m not familiar with the real estate process in Hawaii, but I bet some of you who are industrious could start to look at transactions and available estates and
note those that meet the following criteria for the Obamas’ new home:
♠ must have gorgeous ocean views and a private beach
♠ must be easily accessible via a short drive from an airfield, as Obama will want to travel a lot to give speeches in Jimmy Carter fashion after he leaves office
♠ must contain a main house with at least six bedrooms (one for Barack, one for Michelle, one for Mrs. Robinson, and one for each of the daughters); ideally the estate will have a separate in-law suite for Mrs. Robinson as she’d like some privacy I’ve been told
♠ must contain outbuildings for the secret service to occupy (as they will maintain a command center there for the family’s protection for nine years after he leaves office)
♠ must not have any close neighbors (or if it’s adjacent to another property, there must be high fences and some kind of barrier between the properties)
♠ must be easily accessible to a location where the University of Hawaii can maintain the Obama Library and Obama himself can work in his Obama CenterThat last one is the big clue to where you will find a spot for their new home…since Barack Obama will want to be able to commute easily to the “Obama Center”, wherever that is built. He’s a young-for-an-ex-president man, so he’s got a good 40 years ahead of him to make use of that Obama Center when it’s built…and I imagine he wouldn’t want to drive any further to it every day than Jimmy Carter does to the Carter Center in Atlanta.
Where’s a good location that the University of Hawaii would want to build his library, so that it becomes a tourist attraction for Hawaii and also afford the University the Prestige of having it on a campus? The University will be picking up a lot of the cost of the Library’s construction as private fundraising for this project has thus far been anemic. In Chicago, Penny Pritzker has already started making soft calls to inquire if people would be willing to be generous to the Obama presidential library project and she’s gotten mostly polite declines (and some hang-ups). Someone who works for Penny told me that.
Figure out where the University of Hawaii could build this, and you’ll figure out the radius of a 20-30 minute drive (at most) for where the Obamas will have their next home starting in January of 2013.
Also keep an eye on architect Frank Gehry’s activities. The Pritzker family funded the Pritzker Pavillion in Millennium Park in Chicago, which Gehry designed. He’s the architect that designs buildings to look like crumpled paper that has been wadded up into a ball and placed on a pedestal. The idea for the Obama Library building is for it to resemble the US Constitution as crumpled into a ball during Obama’s term in office. Frank Gehry will design it, Penny Pritzker will spearhead the fundraising for it, and the Obamas will be living very close to where it will be built in Hawaii.
The clues are there…now we just need to figure out where this will be.
It’s a place I doubt I’d ever want to visit, but it’s not sitting well with Chicagoans here on the ground that it’s not being built in Illinois because without the Chicago political machine Obama would not have gotten to where he is. But now that he’s there, and will be leaving the White House soon…there’s no more need for Chicago or Chicagoans.
Hawaii, here they come!
Michelle Obama Is All Smiles, Ecstatic with Her New $35 Million Hawaiian Estate
The above photo shows the courtyard of the Obamas' new beachfront estate on the island of Oahu in a part of Hawaii called “Kailua.”
The interior of the main home is a sprawling 8,419 square feet, with another 5,359 square feet of lanai area. With five bedrooms, five baths, two powder rooms, and a professional media/movie room, you can find your own piece of privacy within this private estate.
The estate was designed to replicate similar properties that were constructed in the early 1900s, with just the two structures and nearly 240 feet of grass and extensive landscaping to provide privacy.
Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, has been bragging about getting to live in Hawaii next, in a $35 million beachfront mansion after leaving the White House in January 2013. "It was fun while it lasted," Miss Marian is quoted by Chicagoans as saying, "but wait until you see the place they're buying for Michelle and Barack!"
Penny Pritzker and other extremely wealthy Chicagoans are currently in the process of acquiring the estate for the Obamas. Pritzker, who is the heiress to the Hyatt Hotels fortune, escaped several financial investigations related to her involvement in a banking scandal because she’s been Barack Obama’s “money woman” since his 2008 fundraising campaign. Just as he quashed investigations of Black Panthers involved in voter intimidation in the 2008 election, it seems Attorney General Eric Holder tabled any exploration of possible wrongdoing by Obama’s “money woman” in the banking mess.